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1 各类@before,@after注解的例子:
package test.beforeafter;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterGroups;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeGroups;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestClass {
* Before suite method which gets executed before
* starting of any of the test in the suite.
public void beforeSuite(){
System.out.println("Before Suite method");
* After suite method which gets executed after
* execution of all the tests in a suite.
public void afterSuite(){
System.out.println("After Suite method");
* Before Test method which gets executed before
* each test mentioned inside the 'test' tag inside a test suite.
public void beforeTest(){
System.out.println("Before Test method");
* After Test method which gets executed after
* each test mentioned inside the 'test' tag inside a test suite.
public void afterTest(){
System.out.println("After Test method");
* Before Class method which gets executed before
* any of the test-methods inside a class.
public void beforeClass(){
System.out.println("Before Class method");
* After Class method which gets executed after
* all of the test-methods inside a class gets executed.
public void afterClass(){
System.out.println("After Class method");
* Before group method gets executed before executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed before execution of the test-method belonging to group "testOne".
public void beforeGroupOne(){
System.out.println("Before Group Test One method");
* After group method gets executed after executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed after execution of the test-methods belonging to group "testOne".
public void afterGroupOne(){
System.out.println("After Group Test One method");
* Before group method gets executed before executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed before execution of the test-method belonging to group "testTwo".
public void beforeGroupTwo(){
System.out.println("Before Group Test two method");
* After group method gets executed after executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed after execution of the test-methods belonging to group "testTwo".
public void afterGroupTwo(){
System.out.println("After Group Test two method");
* Before method which gets executed before each test-method.
public void beforeMethod(){
System.out.println("Before Method");
* After method which gets executed after each test-method.
public void afterMethod(){
System.out.println("After Method");
* Test-method which belongs to group "testOne".
public void testOneMethod(){
System.out.println("Test one method");
* Test-method which belongs to group "testTwo".
public void testTwoMethod(){
System.out.println("Test two method");
Before Suite method
Before Test method
Before Class method
Before Group Test One method
Before Method
Test one method
After Method
After Group Test One method
After Class method
After Test method
Before Test method
Before Class method
Before Group Test two method
Before Method
Test two method
After Method
After Group Test two method
After Class method
After Test method
After Suite method
2 对于注解,也是可以继承的,比如:
public class BaseClass {
public void beforeBaseClass(){
System.out.println("Parent Before Class method");
public void afterBaseClass(){
System.out.println("Parent After Class method");
public void beforeBaseMethod(){
System.out.println("Parent Before method");
public void afterBaseMethod(){
System.out.println("Parent After method");
public class TestClass extends BaseClass{
public void beforeChildClass(){
System.out.println("Child Before Class method");
public void afterChildClass(){
System.out.println("Child After Class method");
public void beforeChildMethod(){
System.out.println("Child Before method");
public void afterChildMethod(){
System.out.println("Child After method");
public void testMethod(){
System.out.println("Test method under TestClass");
输出: E:\java资料2\TestNG Beginner's Guide\Codes-6009OS - Reviewed\Chapter 3\BeforeAfterExtend\testng.xml
Parent Before Class method
Child Before Class method
Parent Before method
Child Before method
Test method under TestClass
Child After method
Parent After method
Child After Class method
Parent After Class method
3 private等修饰的方法是不纳入测试的,即使所在类加了@Test
4 禁用某个测试
public void testMethodTwo(){
System.out.println("Test method two.");
5 测试异常
public void exceptionTestOne() throws Exception{
throw new IOException();
public void exceptionTestTwo() throws Exception{
throw new Exception();
public class ExceptionMessageTest {
* Verifies the exception message based on the exact error message thrown.
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp="Pass Message test")
public void exceptionMsgTestOne() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Pass Message test");
* Verifies the exception message using the regular exception.
* This test verifies that the exception message contains a test "Message" in it.
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp=".* Message .*")
public void exceptionMsgTestTwo() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Pass Message test");
* Verifies the exception message based on the exact error message thrown.
* This is to show that TestNg fails a test when the exception message does not match.S
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp="Pass Message test")
public void exceptionMsgTestThree() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Fail Message test");
输出:PASSED: exceptionMsgTestOne
PASSED: exceptionMsgTestTwo
FAILED: exceptionMsgTestThree
6 测试超时
public class TimeSuite {
public void timeTestOne() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method one");
public void timeTestTwo() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method two");
如果在testng.xml中可以定义整个suite中的方法不能超过 time-out指定的500微秒,如:
<suite name="Time test Suite" time-out="500" verbose="1" >
<test name="Timed Test" >
<class name="test.timetest.TimeSuite" />
public void timeTestOne() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method one");
7 输入参数
@Parameters({ "suite-param", "test-three-param" })
public void prameterTestThree(String param, String paramTwo) {
System.out.println("Test three suite param is: " + param);
System.out.println("Test three test level param is: " + paramTwo);
<test name="Parameter Test three">
<parameter name="suite-param" value="overiding suite parameter" />
<parameter name="test-three-param" value="test three parameter" />
<class name="test.parameter.ParameterTest">
<include name="prameterTestThree" />
8 可选参数
public class OptionalTest {
public void optionTest(@Optional("optional value")String value){
System.out.println("This is: "+value);
<test name="Optional Test one">
<class name="test.parameter.OptionalTest" />
<test name="Optional Test two">
<parameter name="optional-value" value="passed from xml" />
<class name="test.parameter.OptionalTest" />
由于在Optional Test one中,没在xml中找到parameter,所以使用@Optional中的参数了
This is: optional value
This is: passed from xml
9 dataprovider
public class SameClassDataProvider {
@DataProvider(name = "data-provider")
public Object[][] dataProviderMethod() {
return new Object[][] { { "data one" }, { "data two" } };
@Test(dataProvider = "data-provider")
public void testMethod(String data) {
System.out.println("Data is: " + data);
输出;Data is: data one
Data is: data two
@Test(dataProvider = "data-provider",dataProviderClass=DataProviderClass.class)
public void testMethod(String data) {
System.out.println("Data is: " + data);
package test.beforeafter;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterGroups;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeGroups;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestClass {
* Before suite method which gets executed before
* starting of any of the test in the suite.
public void beforeSuite(){
System.out.println("Before Suite method");
* After suite method which gets executed after
* execution of all the tests in a suite.
public void afterSuite(){
System.out.println("After Suite method");
* Before Test method which gets executed before
* each test mentioned inside the 'test' tag inside a test suite.
public void beforeTest(){
System.out.println("Before Test method");
* After Test method which gets executed after
* each test mentioned inside the 'test' tag inside a test suite.
public void afterTest(){
System.out.println("After Test method");
* Before Class method which gets executed before
* any of the test-methods inside a class.
public void beforeClass(){
System.out.println("Before Class method");
* After Class method which gets executed after
* all of the test-methods inside a class gets executed.
public void afterClass(){
System.out.println("After Class method");
* Before group method gets executed before executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed before execution of the test-method belonging to group "testOne".
public void beforeGroupOne(){
System.out.println("Before Group Test One method");
* After group method gets executed after executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed after execution of the test-methods belonging to group "testOne".
public void afterGroupOne(){
System.out.println("After Group Test One method");
* Before group method gets executed before executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed before execution of the test-method belonging to group "testTwo".
public void beforeGroupTwo(){
System.out.println("Before Group Test two method");
* After group method gets executed after executing the tests
* belonging to the group as mentioned in the 'groups' attribute.
* The following method gets executed after execution of the test-methods belonging to group "testTwo".
public void afterGroupTwo(){
System.out.println("After Group Test two method");
* Before method which gets executed before each test-method.
public void beforeMethod(){
System.out.println("Before Method");
* After method which gets executed after each test-method.
public void afterMethod(){
System.out.println("After Method");
* Test-method which belongs to group "testOne".
public void testOneMethod(){
System.out.println("Test one method");
* Test-method which belongs to group "testTwo".
public void testTwoMethod(){
System.out.println("Test two method");
Before Suite method
Before Test method
Before Class method
Before Group Test One method
Before Method
Test one method
After Method
After Group Test One method
After Class method
After Test method
Before Test method
Before Class method
Before Group Test two method
Before Method
Test two method
After Method
After Group Test two method
After Class method
After Test method
After Suite method
2 对于注解,也是可以继承的,比如:
public class BaseClass {
public void beforeBaseClass(){
System.out.println("Parent Before Class method");
public void afterBaseClass(){
System.out.println("Parent After Class method");
public void beforeBaseMethod(){
System.out.println("Parent Before method");
public void afterBaseMethod(){
System.out.println("Parent After method");
public class TestClass extends BaseClass{
public void beforeChildClass(){
System.out.println("Child Before Class method");
public void afterChildClass(){
System.out.println("Child After Class method");
public void beforeChildMethod(){
System.out.println("Child Before method");
public void afterChildMethod(){
System.out.println("Child After method");
public void testMethod(){
System.out.println("Test method under TestClass");
输出: E:\java资料2\TestNG Beginner's Guide\Codes-6009OS - Reviewed\Chapter 3\BeforeAfterExtend\testng.xml
Parent Before Class method
Child Before Class method
Parent Before method
Child Before method
Test method under TestClass
Child After method
Parent After method
Child After Class method
Parent After Class method
3 private等修饰的方法是不纳入测试的,即使所在类加了@Test
4 禁用某个测试
public void testMethodTwo(){
System.out.println("Test method two.");
5 测试异常
public void exceptionTestOne() throws Exception{
throw new IOException();
public void exceptionTestTwo() throws Exception{
throw new Exception();
public class ExceptionMessageTest {
* Verifies the exception message based on the exact error message thrown.
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp="Pass Message test")
public void exceptionMsgTestOne() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Pass Message test");
* Verifies the exception message using the regular exception.
* This test verifies that the exception message contains a test "Message" in it.
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp=".* Message .*")
public void exceptionMsgTestTwo() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Pass Message test");
* Verifies the exception message based on the exact error message thrown.
* This is to show that TestNg fails a test when the exception message does not match.S
* @throws Exception
@Test(expectedExceptions={IOException.class},expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp="Pass Message test")
public void exceptionMsgTestThree() throws Exception{
throw new IOException("Fail Message test");
输出:PASSED: exceptionMsgTestOne
PASSED: exceptionMsgTestTwo
FAILED: exceptionMsgTestThree
6 测试超时
public class TimeSuite {
public void timeTestOne() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method one");
public void timeTestTwo() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method two");
如果在testng.xml中可以定义整个suite中的方法不能超过 time-out指定的500微秒,如:
<suite name="Time test Suite" time-out="500" verbose="1" >
<test name="Timed Test" >
<class name="test.timetest.TimeSuite" />
public void timeTestOne() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Time test method one");
7 输入参数
@Parameters({ "suite-param", "test-three-param" })
public void prameterTestThree(String param, String paramTwo) {
System.out.println("Test three suite param is: " + param);
System.out.println("Test three test level param is: " + paramTwo);
<test name="Parameter Test three">
<parameter name="suite-param" value="overiding suite parameter" />
<parameter name="test-three-param" value="test three parameter" />
<class name="test.parameter.ParameterTest">
<include name="prameterTestThree" />
8 可选参数
public class OptionalTest {
public void optionTest(@Optional("optional value")String value){
System.out.println("This is: "+value);
<test name="Optional Test one">
<class name="test.parameter.OptionalTest" />
<test name="Optional Test two">
<parameter name="optional-value" value="passed from xml" />
<class name="test.parameter.OptionalTest" />
由于在Optional Test one中,没在xml中找到parameter,所以使用@Optional中的参数了
This is: optional value
This is: passed from xml
9 dataprovider
public class SameClassDataProvider {
@DataProvider(name = "data-provider")
public Object[][] dataProviderMethod() {
return new Object[][] { { "data one" }, { "data two" } };
@Test(dataProvider = "data-provider")
public void testMethod(String data) {
System.out.println("Data is: " + data);
输出;Data is: data one
Data is: data two
@Test(dataProvider = "data-provider",dataProviderClass=DataProviderClass.class)
public void testMethod(String data) {
System.out.println("Data is: " + data);
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2. **面向对象和Java支持**:TestNG充分利用了Java的面向对象特性,允许更加复杂的测试结构。 3. **类测试支持**:不必为每个测试方法创建单独的测试类,TestNG支持默认情况下重用类实例。 4. **独立的编译时间与...
2. 面向对象:TestNG 支持使用 Java 和面向对象的方式来组织和执行测试。 3. 综合类测试:不需要为每个测试方法创建单独的测试类实例。 4. 运行时配置:测试代码与运行时配置分离,允许动态数据驱动测试。 5. 灵活的...
### TestNG 学习笔记概览 #### 一、JUnit 的局限性与 TestNG 的优势 ##### JUnit 缺陷概述 - **最初的用途限制**:JUnit 最初被设计为一个仅适用于单元测试的框架,但随着时间的发展,其功能已扩展至支持多种类型...
### Selenium+Eclipse+JUnit+TestNG自动化测试学习笔记 #### 一、环境搭建与配置 **1. 安装 JDK** - **版本**: JDK 1.7 - **下载地址**: ...
TestNG自动测试框架是当今流行的自动化测试框架之一 它可以帮助自动化测试工程师把精力集中在编写和实施测试用例和测试脚本上,提升软件测试执行和回归测试效率 分成4大模块 第一模块java 基础知识:JDK安装以及环境...
2. **Spring框架**:作为Java企业级应用的主流框架,Spring在该项目中起到了核心作用。它包含了依赖注入(DI)、面向切面编程(AOP)、Spring MVC以及Spring Boot等模块,用于构建高效、可维护的后端服务。 3. **Spring...
测试是任何软件项目的重要组成部分,可能会使用JUnit或TestNG进行单元测试,确保每个独立的代码模块都能正常工作。而Spring Boot自带的MockMVC可以用来进行模拟HTTP请求的集成测试。 在部署方面,项目可能使用...
- **spring-test**:提供了对 JUnit 或 TestNG 进行集成测试的支持。 - **junit**:一个常用的单元测试框架。 ### 二、数据库访问 #### Spring JDBC 模块 - **spring-jdbc**:提供了对 JDBC 的封装,使得数据访问...
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- **Test**:支持测试Spring应用,包括JUnit和TestNG集成。 2. **Spring框架的搭建** 搭建Spring环境首先需要引入必要的依赖库,例如:aopalliance、commons-logging、spring-aop、spring-beans、spring-context...
2. 测试框架:如Selenium用于网页自动化测试,Appium用于移动应用测试,它们提供了丰富的API来模拟用户交互,验证功能正确性。 3. 数据驱动测试:通过外部数据文件(如CSV或Excel)提供测试输入,使测试用例更灵活...
2. **创建新项目**: IDEA支持多种类型的项目创建,包括Java项目、Maven项目、Spring Boot项目等。在"File" -> "New" -> "Project"中选择相应的模板,按照向导填写相关信息即可。 3. **编写Java代码**: IDEA强大...