


spark用metrics-core这个jar包来做spark 各个部件metrics的管理

Metrics.properties.template文件是用来配置metrics的,metrics的配置分为两部分,一是source,二是sink有些类似于flume的source和sink的概念。Source用来收集workmasterderiverexecutor等的信息。SourceApplicationSourceBlockManagerSourceDAGSchedulerSourceExecutorSourceJvmSourceMasterSourceWorkerSource这几类。 我们可以将spark的状态信息发送到graphite,当spark异常时,用seyren发告警。以下是Metrics.properties.template的配置说明


#  syntax: [instance].sink|source.[name].[options]=[value]

#  This file configures Spark's internal metrics system. The metrics system is
#  divided into instances which correspond to internal components.
#  Each instance can be configured to report its metrics to one or more sinks.
#  Accepted values for [instance] are "master", "worker", "executor", "driver",
#  and "applications". A wild card "*" can be used as an instance name, in
#  which case all instances will inherit the supplied property.
#  Within an instance, a "source" specifies a particular set of grouped metrics.
#  there are two kinds of sources:
#    1. Spark internal sources, like MasterSource, WorkerSource, etc, which will
#    collect a Spark component's internal state. Each instance is paired with a
#    Spark source that is added automatically.
#    2. Common sources, like JvmSource, which will collect low level state.
#    These can be added through configuration options and are then loaded
#    using reflection.
#  A "sink" specifies where metrics are delivered to. Each instance can be
#  assigned one or more sinks.
#  The sink|source field specifies whether the property relates to a sink or
#  source.
#  The [name] field specifies the name of source or sink.
#  The [options] field is the specific property of this source or sink. The
#  source or sink is responsible for parsing this property.
#  Notes:
#    1. To add a new sink, set the "class" option to a fully qualified class
#    name (see examples below).
#    2. Some sinks involve a polling period. The minimum allowed polling period
#    is 1 second.
#    3. Wild card properties can be overridden by more specific properties.
#    For example, master.sink.console.period takes precedence over
#    *.sink.console.period.
#    4. A metrics specific configuration
#    "spark.metrics.conf=${SPARK_HOME}/conf/metrics.properties" should be
#    added to Java properties using -Dspark.metrics.conf=xxx if you want to
#    customize metrics system. You can also put the file in ${SPARK_HOME}/conf
#    and it will be loaded automatically.
#    5. MetricsServlet is added by default as a sink in master, worker and client
#    driver, you can send http request "/metrics/json" to get a snapshot of all the
#    registered metrics in json format. For master, requests "/metrics/master/json" and
#    "/metrics/applications/json" can be sent seperately to get metrics snapshot of
#    instance master and applications. MetricsServlet may not be configured by self.

## List of available sinks and their properties.

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.ConsoleSink
#   Name:   Default:   Description:
#   period  10         Poll period
#   unit    seconds    Units of poll period

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.CSVSink
#   Name:     Default:   Description:
#   period    10         Poll period
#   unit      seconds    Units of poll period
#   directory /tmp       Where to store CSV files

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GangliaSink
#   Name:     Default:   Description:
#   host      NONE       Hostname or multicast group of Ganglia server
#   port      NONE       Port of Ganglia server(s)
#   period    10         Poll period
#   unit      seconds    Units of poll period
#   ttl       1          TTL of messages sent by Ganglia
#   mode      multicast  Ganglia network mode ('unicast' or 'mulitcast')

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.JmxSink

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.MetricsServlet
#   Name:     Default:   Description:
#   path      VARIES*    Path prefix from the web server root
#   sample    false      Whether to show entire set of samples for histograms ('false' or 'true')
# * Default path is /metrics/json for all instances except the master. The master has two paths:
#     /metrics/aplications/json # App information
#     /metrics/master/json      # Master information

# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GraphiteSink
#   Name:     Default:      Description:
#   host      NONE          Hostname of Graphite server
#   port      NONE          Port of Graphite server
#   period    10            Poll period
#   unit      seconds       Units of poll period
#   prefix    EMPTY STRING  Prefix to prepend to metric name

## Examples
# Enable JmxSink for all instances by class name

# Enable ConsoleSink for all instances by class name

# Polling period for ConsoleSink


# Master instance overlap polling period


# Enable CsvSink for all instances

# Polling period for CsvSink


# Polling directory for CsvSink

# Worker instance overlap polling period


# Enable jvm source for instance master, worker, driver and executor







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