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CHM如何改编字体大小 -
求答案 weiboyuanios@163.com
iOS软件工程师面试题(高级) -
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非常之详细 美女求认识
sqlite数据类型 datetime处理
// 初始化一个ABAddressBookRef对象,使用完之后需要进行释放,
// 这里使用CFRelease进行释放
// 相当于通讯录的一个引用
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 新建一个联系人
// ABRecordRef是一个属性的集合,相当于通讯录中联系人的对象
// 联系人对象的属性分为两种:
// 只拥有唯一值的属性和多值的属性。
// 唯一值的属性包括:姓氏、名字、生日等。
// 多值的属性包括:电话号码、邮箱等。
ABRecordRef person = ABPersonCreate();
NSString *firstName = @"四";
NSString *lastName = @"李";
NSDate *birthday = [NSDate date];
// 电话号码数组
NSArray *phones = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"123",@"456", nil];
// 电话号码对应的名称
NSArray *labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"iphone",@"home", nil];
// 保存到联系人对象中,每个属性都对应一个宏,例如:kABPersonFirstNameProperty
// 设置firstName属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, (CFStringRef)firstName, NULL);
// 设置lastName属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonLastNameProperty, (CFStringRef) lastName, NULL);
// 设置birthday属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDateRef)birthday, NULL);
// ABMultiValueRef类似是Objective-C中的NSMutableDictionary
ABMultiValueRef mv = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(kABMultiStringPropertyType);
// 添加电话号码与其对应的名称内容
for (int i = 0; i < [phones count]; i ++) {
ABMultiValueIdentifier mi = ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(mv, (CFStringRef)[phones objectAtIndex:i], (CFStringRef)[labels objectAtIndex:i], &mi);
// 设置phone属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty, mv, NULL);
// 释放该数组
if (mv) {
// 将新建的联系人添加到通讯录中
ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, person, NULL);
// 保存通讯录数据
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的引用
if (addressBook) {
// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人
NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
// 遍历所有的联系人并删除(这里只删除姓名为张三的)
for (id obj in array) {
ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj;
NSString *firstName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSString *lastName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty);
if ([firstName isEqualToString:@"三"] && [lastName isEqualToString:@"张"]) {
ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(addressBook, people, NULL);
// 保存修改的通讯录对象
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的内存
if (addressBook) {
// 根据姓氏、名字以及手机号码修改联系人的昵称和生日
+ (void) updateAddressBookPersonWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
lastName:(NSString *)lastName
mobile:(NSString *)mobile
nickname:(NSString *)nickname
birthday:(NSDate *)birthday {
// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人
NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
// 遍历所有的联系人并修改指定的联系人
for (id obj in array) {
ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj;
NSString *fn = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSString *ln = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty);
ABMultiValueRef mv = ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonPhoneProperty);
NSArray *phones = (NSArray *)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(mv);
// firstName同时为空或者firstName相等
BOOL ff = ([fn length] == 0 && [firstName length] == 0) || ([fn isEqualToString:firstName]);
// lastName同时为空或者lastName相等
BOOL lf = ([ln length] == 0 && [lastName length] == 0) || ([ln isEqualToString:lastName]);
// 由于获得到的电话号码不符合标准,所以要先将其格式化再比较是否存在
BOOL is = NO;
for (NSString *p in phones) {
// 红色代码处,我添加了一个类别(给NSString扩展了一个方法),该类别的这个方法主要是用于将电话号码中的"("、")"、" "、"-"过滤掉
if ([[p iPhoneStandardFormat] isEqualToString:mobile]) {
is = YES;
// firstName、lastName、mobile 同时存在进行修改
if (ff && lf && is) {
if ([nickname length] > 0) {
ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonNicknameProperty, (CFStringRef)nickname, NULL);
if (birthday != nil) {
ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDataRef)birthday, NULL);
// 保存修改的通讯录对象
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的内存
if (addressBook) {
这几个是AddressBook 中的内容
ABAddressBookRef 这货就是某个通讯录了
ABRecordID这个是记录的id, int类型
Include RHAddressBook in your iOS project.
#import <RHAddressBook/AddressBook.h>
Getting an instance of the addressbook.
RHAddressBook *ab = [[[RHAddressBook alloc] init] autorelease];
Support for iOS6+ authorization
//query current status, pre iOS6 always returns Authorized
if ([RHAddressBook authorizationStatus] == RHAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined){
//request authorization
[ab requestAuthorizationWithCompletion:^(bool granted, NSError *error) {
[abViewController setAddressBook:ab];
Registering for addressbook changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(addressBookChanged:) name:RHAddressBookExternalChangeNotification object:nil];
Getting sources.
NSArray *sources = [ab sources];
RHSource *defaultSource = [ab defaultSource];
Getting a list of groups.
NSArray *groups = [ab groups];
long numberOfGroups = [ab numberOfGroups];
NSArray *groupsInSource = [ab groupsInSource:defaultSource];
RHGroup *lastGroup = [groups lastObject];
Getting a list of people.
NSArray *allPeople = [ab people];
long numberOfPeople = [ab numberOfPeople];
NSArray *allPeopleSorted = [ab peopleOrderedByUsersPreference];
NSArray *allFreds = [ab peopleWithName:@"Fred"];
NSArray *allFredsInLastGroup = [lastGroup peopleWithName:@"Fred"];
RHPerson *person = [allPeople lastObject];
Getting basic properties on on a person.
NSString *department = [person department];
UIImage *thumbnail = [person thumbnail];
BOOL isCompany = [person isOrganization];
Setting basic properties on a person.
person.name = @"Freddie";
[person setImage:[UIImage imageNames:@"hahaha.jpg"]];
person.kind = kABPersonKindOrganization;
[person save];
Getting MultiValue properties on a person.
RHMultiDictionaryValue *addressesMultiValue = [person addresses];
NSString *firstAddressLabel = [RHPerson localizedLabel:[addressesMultiValue labelAtIndex]]; //eg Home
NSDictionary *firstAddress = [addressesMultiValue valueAtIndex:0];
Setting MultiValue properties on a person.
RHMultiStringValue *phoneMultiValue = [person phoneNumbers];
RHMutableMultiStringValue *mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[phoneMultiValue mutableCopy] autorelease];
if (! mutablePhoneMultiValue) mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[[RHMutableMultiStringValue alloc] initWithType:kABMultiStringPropertyType] autorelease];
//RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel casts kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel to the correct toll free bridged type, see RHPersonLabels.h
mutablePhoneMultiValue addValue:@"+14086655555" withLabel:RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel];
person.phonenumbers = mutablePhoneMultiValue;
[person save];
Creating a new person.
RHPerson *newPerson = [[ab newPersonInDefaultSource] autorelease]; //added to ab
RHPerson *newPerson2 = [[[RHPerson newPersonInSource:[ab defaultSource]] autorelease]; //not added to ab
[ab addPerson:newPerson2];
NSError* error = nil;
if (![ab save:&error]) NSLog(@"error saving: %@", error);
Getting an RHPerson object for an ABRecordRef for editing. (note: RHPerson might not be associated with the same addressbook as the original ABRecordRef)
ABRecordRef personRef = ...;
RHPerson *person = [ab personForRecordRef:personRef];
person.firstName = @"Paul";
person.lastName = @"Frank";
[person save];
Presenting / editing an RHPerson instance in a ABPersonViewController.
ABPersonViewController *personViewController = [[[ABPersonViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
//setup (tell the view controller to use our underlying address book instance, so our person object is directly updated on our behalf)
[person.addressBook performAddressBookAction:^(ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef) {
personViewController.addressBook =addressBookRef;
} waitUntilDone:YES];
personViewController.displayedPerson = person.recordRef;
personViewController.allowsEditing = YES;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES];
Background geocoding
if ([RHAddressBook isGeocodingSupported){
[RHAddressBook setPreemptiveGeocodingEnabled:YES]; //class method
float progress = [_addressBook preemptiveGeocodingProgress]; // 0.0f - 1.0f
Geocoding results for a person.
CLLocation *location = [person locationForAddressID:0];
CLPlacemark *placemark = [person placemarkForAddressID:0];
Finding people within distance of a location.
NSArray *inRangePeople = [ab peopleWithinDistance:5000 ofLocation:location];
NSLog(@"people:%@", inRangePeople);
Saving. (all of the below are equivalent)
BOOL changes = [ab hasUnsavedChanges];
BOOL result = [ab save];
BOOL result =[source save];
BOOL result =[group save];
BOOL result =[person save];
Reverting changes on objects. (reverts the entire addressbook instance, not just the object revert is called on.)
[ab revert];
[source revert];
[group revert];
[person revert];
Remember, save often in order to avoid painful save conflicts.
// 初始化一个ABAddressBookRef对象,使用完之后需要进行释放,
// 这里使用CFRelease进行释放
// 相当于通讯录的一个引用
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 新建一个联系人
// ABRecordRef是一个属性的集合,相当于通讯录中联系人的对象
// 联系人对象的属性分为两种:
// 只拥有唯一值的属性和多值的属性。
// 唯一值的属性包括:姓氏、名字、生日等。
// 多值的属性包括:电话号码、邮箱等。
ABRecordRef person = ABPersonCreate();
NSString *firstName = @"四";
NSString *lastName = @"李";
NSDate *birthday = [NSDate date];
// 电话号码数组
NSArray *phones = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"123",@"456", nil];
// 电话号码对应的名称
NSArray *labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"iphone",@"home", nil];
// 保存到联系人对象中,每个属性都对应一个宏,例如:kABPersonFirstNameProperty
// 设置firstName属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, (CFStringRef)firstName, NULL);
// 设置lastName属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonLastNameProperty, (CFStringRef) lastName, NULL);
// 设置birthday属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDateRef)birthday, NULL);
// ABMultiValueRef类似是Objective-C中的NSMutableDictionary
ABMultiValueRef mv = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(kABMultiStringPropertyType);
// 添加电话号码与其对应的名称内容
for (int i = 0; i < [phones count]; i ++) {
ABMultiValueIdentifier mi = ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(mv, (CFStringRef)[phones objectAtIndex:i], (CFStringRef)[labels objectAtIndex:i], &mi);
// 设置phone属性
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty, mv, NULL);
// 释放该数组
if (mv) {
// 将新建的联系人添加到通讯录中
ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, person, NULL);
// 保存通讯录数据
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的引用
if (addressBook) {
// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人
NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
// 遍历所有的联系人并删除(这里只删除姓名为张三的)
for (id obj in array) {
ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj;
NSString *firstName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSString *lastName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty);
if ([firstName isEqualToString:@"三"] && [lastName isEqualToString:@"张"]) {
ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(addressBook, people, NULL);
// 保存修改的通讯录对象
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的内存
if (addressBook) {
// 根据姓氏、名字以及手机号码修改联系人的昵称和生日
+ (void) updateAddressBookPersonWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName
lastName:(NSString *)lastName
mobile:(NSString *)mobile
nickname:(NSString *)nickname
birthday:(NSDate *)birthday {
// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人
NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
// 遍历所有的联系人并修改指定的联系人
for (id obj in array) {
ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj;
NSString *fn = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSString *ln = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty);
ABMultiValueRef mv = ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonPhoneProperty);
NSArray *phones = (NSArray *)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(mv);
// firstName同时为空或者firstName相等
BOOL ff = ([fn length] == 0 && [firstName length] == 0) || ([fn isEqualToString:firstName]);
// lastName同时为空或者lastName相等
BOOL lf = ([ln length] == 0 && [lastName length] == 0) || ([ln isEqualToString:lastName]);
// 由于获得到的电话号码不符合标准,所以要先将其格式化再比较是否存在
BOOL is = NO;
for (NSString *p in phones) {
// 红色代码处,我添加了一个类别(给NSString扩展了一个方法),该类别的这个方法主要是用于将电话号码中的"("、")"、" "、"-"过滤掉
if ([[p iPhoneStandardFormat] isEqualToString:mobile]) {
is = YES;
// firstName、lastName、mobile 同时存在进行修改
if (ff && lf && is) {
if ([nickname length] > 0) {
ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonNicknameProperty, (CFStringRef)nickname, NULL);
if (birthday != nil) {
ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDataRef)birthday, NULL);
// 保存修改的通讯录对象
ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL);
// 释放通讯录对象的内存
if (addressBook) {
这几个是AddressBook 中的内容
ABAddressBookRef 这货就是某个通讯录了
ABRecordID这个是记录的id, int类型
Include RHAddressBook in your iOS project.
#import <RHAddressBook/AddressBook.h>
Getting an instance of the addressbook.
RHAddressBook *ab = [[[RHAddressBook alloc] init] autorelease];
Support for iOS6+ authorization
//query current status, pre iOS6 always returns Authorized
if ([RHAddressBook authorizationStatus] == RHAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined){
//request authorization
[ab requestAuthorizationWithCompletion:^(bool granted, NSError *error) {
[abViewController setAddressBook:ab];
Registering for addressbook changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(addressBookChanged:) name:RHAddressBookExternalChangeNotification object:nil];
Getting sources.
NSArray *sources = [ab sources];
RHSource *defaultSource = [ab defaultSource];
Getting a list of groups.
NSArray *groups = [ab groups];
long numberOfGroups = [ab numberOfGroups];
NSArray *groupsInSource = [ab groupsInSource:defaultSource];
RHGroup *lastGroup = [groups lastObject];
Getting a list of people.
NSArray *allPeople = [ab people];
long numberOfPeople = [ab numberOfPeople];
NSArray *allPeopleSorted = [ab peopleOrderedByUsersPreference];
NSArray *allFreds = [ab peopleWithName:@"Fred"];
NSArray *allFredsInLastGroup = [lastGroup peopleWithName:@"Fred"];
RHPerson *person = [allPeople lastObject];
Getting basic properties on on a person.
NSString *department = [person department];
UIImage *thumbnail = [person thumbnail];
BOOL isCompany = [person isOrganization];
Setting basic properties on a person.
person.name = @"Freddie";
[person setImage:[UIImage imageNames:@"hahaha.jpg"]];
person.kind = kABPersonKindOrganization;
[person save];
Getting MultiValue properties on a person.
RHMultiDictionaryValue *addressesMultiValue = [person addresses];
NSString *firstAddressLabel = [RHPerson localizedLabel:[addressesMultiValue labelAtIndex]]; //eg Home
NSDictionary *firstAddress = [addressesMultiValue valueAtIndex:0];
Setting MultiValue properties on a person.
RHMultiStringValue *phoneMultiValue = [person phoneNumbers];
RHMutableMultiStringValue *mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[phoneMultiValue mutableCopy] autorelease];
if (! mutablePhoneMultiValue) mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[[RHMutableMultiStringValue alloc] initWithType:kABMultiStringPropertyType] autorelease];
//RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel casts kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel to the correct toll free bridged type, see RHPersonLabels.h
mutablePhoneMultiValue addValue:@"+14086655555" withLabel:RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel];
person.phonenumbers = mutablePhoneMultiValue;
[person save];
Creating a new person.
RHPerson *newPerson = [[ab newPersonInDefaultSource] autorelease]; //added to ab
RHPerson *newPerson2 = [[[RHPerson newPersonInSource:[ab defaultSource]] autorelease]; //not added to ab
[ab addPerson:newPerson2];
NSError* error = nil;
if (![ab save:&error]) NSLog(@"error saving: %@", error);
Getting an RHPerson object for an ABRecordRef for editing. (note: RHPerson might not be associated with the same addressbook as the original ABRecordRef)
ABRecordRef personRef = ...;
RHPerson *person = [ab personForRecordRef:personRef];
person.firstName = @"Paul";
person.lastName = @"Frank";
[person save];
Presenting / editing an RHPerson instance in a ABPersonViewController.
ABPersonViewController *personViewController = [[[ABPersonViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
//setup (tell the view controller to use our underlying address book instance, so our person object is directly updated on our behalf)
[person.addressBook performAddressBookAction:^(ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef) {
personViewController.addressBook =addressBookRef;
} waitUntilDone:YES];
personViewController.displayedPerson = person.recordRef;
personViewController.allowsEditing = YES;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES];
Background geocoding
if ([RHAddressBook isGeocodingSupported){
[RHAddressBook setPreemptiveGeocodingEnabled:YES]; //class method
float progress = [_addressBook preemptiveGeocodingProgress]; // 0.0f - 1.0f
Geocoding results for a person.
CLLocation *location = [person locationForAddressID:0];
CLPlacemark *placemark = [person placemarkForAddressID:0];
Finding people within distance of a location.
NSArray *inRangePeople = [ab peopleWithinDistance:5000 ofLocation:location];
NSLog(@"people:%@", inRangePeople);
Saving. (all of the below are equivalent)
BOOL changes = [ab hasUnsavedChanges];
BOOL result = [ab save];
BOOL result =[source save];
BOOL result =[group save];
BOOL result =[person save];
Reverting changes on objects. (reverts the entire addressbook instance, not just the object revert is called on.)
[ab revert];
[source revert];
[group revert];
[person revert];
Remember, save often in order to avoid painful save conflicts.
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2014-05-13 18:08 1186The overlay view displayed on t ...
在本项目中,"iPhone通讯录字母查找联系人源码" 是一个利用jQuery、CSS技术实现的模拟iPhone通讯录的功能。这个功能允许用户通过按住字母来快速查找并定位到以该字母为首字母的联系人,提高了用户在大量联系人列表中...
5. **Fetch Request**: 从Core Data数据库中获取数据的关键操作,用于查询特定的联系人信息。 6. **MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)架构**: 这是一种常见的iOS应用设计模式,源码可能采用了这种架构,将数据模型、...
本教程将深入探讨如何使用jQuery来创建一个仿iPhone通讯录的字母查找联系人效果,这一功能常见于移动设备的联系人应用中,能够帮助用户快速定位到特定联系人。 首先,我们需要理解基本原理。在iPhone的通讯录中,...
这涉及到DOM操作,我们需要找到所有匹配首字母的联系人,然后在页面上动态显示。jQuery提供了便利的DOM操作接口,如`$.each()`用于遍历数据,`$(selector).html()`用于更新HTML内容。 3. UI设计:为了模拟真实的...
利用CoreData的CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作,可以实现对联系人的添加、删除、修改。同时,CoreData还支持关系数据模型,意味着一个联系人可以有多个电话号码或电子邮件地址。 `TableView`是iOS中展示列表...
- 将iPhone连接至电脑,打开iTunes,选择“信息”选项,选取“Outlook”,同步联系人至iPhone。 以上三种方法各有优势,用户可根据自身情况和拥有的资源选择最适合的方式,顺利完成通讯录的迁移工作,享受无缝切换...
4. **创建联系人**:要向通讯录添加新的联系人,可以通过创建一个`CNMutableContact`对象,设置其属性(如名字、电话号码、电子邮件等),然后使用`CNContactStore`的`save(_:to:completionHandler:)`方法保存到系统...
- **UI设计**:保持与iPhone通讯录相似的界面设计,包括字体、颜色、布局等,以提供一致的用户体验。 - **适配性**:确保应用能在不同分辨率和屏幕尺寸的设备上正常工作。 - **权限管理**:访问联系人数据需要获取...
这个应用的主要功能包括读取手机通讯录数据、展示联系人头像、提供快速滚动条以及支持联系人的增删改操作。以下是对这些功能的详细解释: 1. **读取手机通讯录信息**: 在iOS中,我们可以使用`Contacts`框架来访问...
通过有效地集成通讯录功能,应用可以提供更个性化的用户体验,比如自动填充联系人信息、快速分享功能、或者基于联系人网络的推荐系统。 ### iPhone通讯录API:AddressBook框架 AddressBook框架是苹果为开发者提供...
首先需要查询通讯录以获取指定联系人,然后进行删除操作。 ```swift let contactID = "your_contact_identifier" let predicate = CNContact.predicateForContacts(withIdentifier: [contactID]) let fetchRequest ...
QQView 可能包含了联系人列表的展示逻辑,比如使用 UITableView 来展示联系人的姓名、头像等信息,同时可能还实现了滑动选中、长按操作等交互功能。 知识点: 1. **联系人管理**:iOS 提供了 `AddressBook` 框架...
1. **数据管理**:通讯录中的联系人数据通常存储在苹果的Contacts框架中,开发者需要了解如何使用CNContactStore来访问和操作联系人数据。这涉及到读取、写入、删除和更新联系人信息。 2. **UI设计**:iPhone通讯录...
- 直接在iPhone的“联系人”应用中导出CSV格式的通讯录备份,或使用360手机助手等第三方软件导出。 2. **通过邮件发送**: - 将CSV文件作为附件发送到自己的邮箱。 3. **在iPhone上设置邮箱**: - 在iPhone上...
7. 成功导入后,你的新iPhone就会显示SIM卡上的所有联系人,它们会被整合到你的iPhone通讯录中,与已有的联系人一起管理。 这个功能对于那些不使用iCloud或其他同步服务来备份联系人,或者从非Apple设备转移的用户...