
Personal summary in April 2014



There may be one week time since the latest article 'how to manage our time' have been written. It looks good. It seems lift is become very organized and it keeps moving towards my goal.

Below is a personal summary for life and studies in April 2014.

Good job

1. I think it will be a good idea to do exercise in company, for one thing, it can help me take full advantage of my spare time. For another, it can help me relax and build up my body. I hope i can insist it.

2. I can finish new concept English listening and vocabulary memory in time. It should be a good habit and it can help me enter the foreign company earlier.

3. At the same time i think it will be a fantastic habit to do monthly summary in English.


1. It is not smart to postpone some of my plan to tomorrow. if you have make plans, you must finish it on time unless there are some other emergency things.

2. I have spend too much time in html & css. I think I must finish it as soon as possible.

Next month plan

1. I will use holidays and festivals to learn Spring and SpringMVC. And I plan for it about two month time.

2. Solve one leetcode problems during the working time and use blog to record it.

3. Finish miaov primary and medium javascript course.

4. Finish the Mythical man month.




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