1. As is the case for most optimizations, the best advice for lazy initialization is “don’t do it unless you need to”.
2. If a field is accessed only on a fraction of the instances of a class and it is costly to initialize the field, then lazy initialization may be worthwhile. The only way to know for sure is to measure the performance of the class with and without lazy initialization.
3. If you use lazy initialization to break an initialization circularity, use a synchronized accessor.
4. If you need to use lazy initialization for performance on a static field, use the lazy initialization holder class idiom. This idiom (also known as the initialize-on-demand holder class idiom) exploits the guarantee that a class will not be initialized until it is used:
// Lazy initialization holder class idiom for static fields private static class FieldHolder { static final FieldType field = computeFieldValue(); } static FieldType getField() { return FieldHolder.field; }
When the getField method is invoked for the first time, it reads FieldHolder.field for the first time, causing the FieldHolder class to get initialized. A modern VM will synchronize field access only to initialize the class. Once the class is initialized, the VM will patch the code so that subsequent access to the field does not involve any testing or synchronization.
5. If you need to use lazy initialization for performance on an instance field, use the double-check idiom. This idiom avoids the cost of locking when accessing the field after it has been initialized. The idea behind the idiom is to check the value of the field twice (hence the name double-check): once without locking, and then, if the field appears to be uninitialized, a second time with locking. Only if the second check indicates that the field is uninitialized does the call initialize the field. Because there is no locking if the field is already initialized, it is critical that the field be declared volatile:
// Double-check idiom for lazy initialization of instance fields private volatile FieldType field; FieldType getField() { FieldType result = field; if (result == null) { // First check (no locking) synchronized(this) { result = field; if (result == null) // Second check (with locking) field = result = computeFieldValue(); } } return result; }
What the local variable does is to ensure that field is read only once in the common case where it’s already initialized. While not strictly necessary, this may improve performance and is more elegant by the standards applied to low-level concurrent programming.
6. Occasionally, you may need to lazily initialize an instance field that can tolerate repeated initialization. If you find yourself in this situation, you can use a variant of the double-check idiom that dispenses with the second check. It is, not surprisingly, known as the singlecheck idiom. Note that field is still declared volatile. If you don’t care whether every thread recalculates the value of a field, and the type of the field is a primitive other than long or double, then you may choose to remove the volatile modifier from the field declaration in the single-check idiom. This variant is known as the racy single-check idiom. It speeds up field access on some architectures, at the expense of additional initializations (up to one per thread that accesses the field). This is definitely an exotic technique, not for everyday use. It is, however, used by String instances to cache their hash codes.
懒:Kule Lazy4 CSS框架
**Item 13: Use Proper Initialization for Static Class Members** - **Importance:** Proper initialization ensures thread safety and avoids potential race conditions. - **Best Practice:** Initialize ...
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