
ORACLE restricting access(原创)


Restricting Access to an Instance at Startup
You can start an instance, and optionally mount and open a database, in restricted mode so that the instance is available only to administrative personnel (not general database users). Use this mode of instance startup when you must accomplish one of the following tasks:

  •     Perform an export or import of data
  •     Perform a data load (with SQL*Loader)
  •     Temporarily prevent typical users from using data
  •     Perform certain migration or upgrade operations

Typically, all users with the CREATE SESSION system privilege can connect to an open database. Opening a database in restricted mode allows database access only to users with both the CREATE SESSION and RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege. Only database administrators should have the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege. Further, when the instance is in restricted mode, a database administrator cannot access the instance remotely through an Oracle Net listener, but can only access the instance locally from the system that the instance is running on.
Later, use the ALTER SYSTEM statement to disable the RESTRICTED SESSION feature:
Note: in RAC environment, the srvctl command recored in the official document to start instance in restricted doesn't work properly.We can only use

start restriected;



indivually to put RAC instance to restricted session.

The RESTRICTED SESSION clause lets you restrict logon to Oracle Database. You can use this clause regardless of whether your instance has the database dismounted or mounted, open or closed.

  • Specify ENABLE to allow only users with RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege to log on to Oracle Database. Existing sessions are not terminated.
  • This clause applies only to the current instance. Therefore, in an Oracle RAC environment, authorized users without the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege can still access the database by way of other instances.

Specify DISABLE to reverse the effect of the ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION clause, allowing all users with CREATE SESSION system privilege to log on to Oracle Database. This is the default.

Note: v$instance.logins column present the restricted status.

Quiescing a Database
Occasionally you might want to put a database in a state that allows only DBA transactions, queries, fetches, or PL/SQL statements. Such a state is referred to as a quiesced state, in the sense that no ongoing non-DBA transactions, queries, fetches, or PL/SQL statements are running in the system.
In this discussion of quiesce database, a DBA is defined as user SYS or SYSTEM. Other users, including those with the DBA role, are not allowed to issue the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE DATABASE statement or proceed after the database is quiesced.
The quiesced state lets administrators perform actions that cannot safely be done otherwise. These actions include:

  • Actions that fail if concurrent user transactions access the same object--for example, changing the schema of a database table or adding a column to an existing table where a no-wait lock is required.
  • Actions whose undesirable intermediate effect can be seen by concurrent user transactions--for example, a multistep procedure for reorganizing a table when the table is first exported, then dropped, and finally imported. A concurrent user who attempts to access the table after it was dropped, but before import, would not have an accurate view of the situation.

Without the ability to quiesce the database, you would need to shut down the database and reopen it in restricted mode. This is a serious restriction, especially for systems requiring 24 x 7 availability. Quiescing a database is much a smaller restriction, because it eliminates the disruption to users and the downtime associated with shutting down and restarting the database.
When the database is in the quiesced state, it is through the facilities of the Database Resource Manager that non-DBA sessions are prevented from becoming active. Therefore, while this statement is in effect, any attempt to change the current resource plan will be queued until after the system is unquiesced.
Placing a Database into a Quiesced State
To place a database into a quiesced state, issue the following statement:
Non-DBA active sessions will continue until they become inactive. An active session is one that is currently inside of a transaction, a query, a fetch, or a PL/SQL statement; or a session that is currently holding any shared resources (for example, enqueues). No inactive sessions are allowed to become active. For example, If a user issues a SQL query in an attempt to force an inactive session to become active, the query will appear to be hung. When the database is later unquiesced, the session is resumed, and the blocked action is processed.
Once all non-DBA sessions become inactive, the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED statement completes, and the database is in a quiesced state. In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, this statement affects all instances, not just the one that issues the statement.
The ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED statement may wait a long time for active sessions to become inactive. You can determine the sessions that are blocking the quiesce operation by querying the V$BLOCKING_QUIESCE view. This view returns only a single column: SID (Session ID). You can join it with V$SESSION to get more information about the session, as shown in the following example:
select bl.sid, user, osuser, type, program
from v$blocking_quiesce bl, v$session se
where bl.sid = se.sid;
If you interrupt the request to quiesce the database, or if your session terminates abnormally before all active sessions are quiesced, then Oracle Database automatically reverses any partial effects of the statement.
For queries that are carried out by successive multiple Oracle Call Interface (OCI) fetches, the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED statement does not wait for all fetches to finish. It only waits for the current fetch to finish.

For both dedicated and shared server connections, all non-DBA logins after this statement is issued are queued by the Database Resource Manager, and are not allowed to proceed. To the user, it appears as if the login is hung. The login will resume when the database is unquiesced.
The database remains in the quiesced state even if the session that issued the statement exits. A DBA must log in to the database to issue the statement that specifically unquiesces the database.
Note:You cannot perform a cold backup when the database is in the quiesced state, because Oracle Database background processes may still perform updates for internal purposes even while the database is quiesced. In addition, the file headers of online datafiles continue to appear to be accessible. They do not look the same as if a clean shutdown had been performed. However, you can still take online backups while the database is in a quiesced state.
Restoring the System to Normal Operation
The following statement restores the database to normal operation:
All non-DBA activity is allowed to proceed. In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, this statement is not required to be issued from the same session, or even the same instance, as that which quiesced the database. If the session issuing the ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE statement terminates abnormally, then the Oracle Database server ensures that the unquiesce operation completes.
Viewing the Quiesce State of an Instance
You can query the ACTIVE_STATE column of the V$INSTANCE view to see the current state of an instance. The column values has one of these values:
    NORMAL: Normal unquiesced state.
    QUIESCING: Being quiesced, but some non-DBA sessions are still active.
    QUIESCED: Quiesced; no non-DBA sessions are active or allowed.












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    内容概要:本文档详细介绍了如何利用 MATLAB 实现鲸鱼优化算法 (WOA) 和长短期记忆网络 (LSTM) 相结合的技术——WOA-LSTM,在数据分类和预测领域的应用。文章首先概述了LSTM在网络训练中超参数依赖的问题以及WOA作为一种新颖的全局优化算法的优势。接着阐述了该项目的研究背景、目的及其重要意义,并深入讨论了项目面临的六大主要挑战,从模型优化到超参数空间管理。文档特别强调WOA-LSTM融合所带来的性能提升、降低计算复杂度的能力及其实现自动化的超参数优化流程。除此之外,文中展示了模型的应用广泛性,覆盖了从金融市场的股票预测到智能制造业的各种实际场景,并提供了具体的模型架构细节和代码实例,以帮助理解模型的工作原理和技术要点。 适合人群:具有一定编程技能的研究人员、工程师和科学家们,尤其是对深度学习技术和机器学习感兴趣的专业人士。 使用场景及目标:该文档的目标是向用户传授使用MATLAB实现WOA-LSTM进行复杂数据分类和预测的方法论,旨在指导读者理解和掌握如何利用WOA进行超参数寻优,从而改善LSTM网络性能。 其他说明:通过阅读这份文档,使用者不仅能够获得有关WOA-LSTM技术的具体实现方式的知识,而且还可以获取关于项目规划和实际部署过程中的宝贵经验。



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