This code requires a project reference to
Microsoft XML 4.0 available from Microsoft's
Download CenterThis is a very simple example to demostrate the validation of a fragment of XML.
We want a validate than a element called sampleRoot has an attribute called myAttribute that can have a value of either 'animal', 'vegatable' or 'mineral'.
Sample XSDThis XSD defines our schema. We have to give it a namespace, for this example we're using urn:sample
<!-- two namespaces used, xsd schema and the one we're defining (targetNamespace) -->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<!-- define root element -->
<xs:element name="sampleRoot" type="n:sampleRootType"/>
<!-- define a datatype: sampleRootType -->
<xs:complexType name="sampleRootType">
<xs:attribute name="myAttribute" type="n:AnimalVegMineral" use="optional"/>
<!-- define a Animal/Veg/Mineral data type -->
<xs:simpleType name="AnimalVegMineral">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="animal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="vegatable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mineral"/>
Samples of XML that Reference Our Schema DefinitionXML documents that should conform to this schema must declare their namespace. The following fragments conform to the bove schema definition:
<x:sampleRoot xmlns:x="urn:sample" myAttribute="animal"/>
The following fragments do not.
<x:sampleRoot xmlns:x="urn:sample" myAttribute="piano"/>
Visual Basic Code to Validate an XML File against an XSD FileThis function accepts the paths of two datafiles. An XML Schema Definition and an XML file.
Private Function Validate(ByVal strXMLPath As String, _
ByVal strXSDPath As String) As Boolean
Dim objSchemas As MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache40
Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Dim objXSD As MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Dim strNamespace As String
Dim objErr As MSXML2.IXMLDOMParseError
' load XSD as DOM to populate in Schema Cache
Set objXSD = New MSXML2.DOMDocument40
objXSD.async = False
If Not objXSD.Load(strXSDPath) Then
Err.Raise 1, "Validate", "Load XSD failed: " & objXSD.parseError.reason
' get namespace name from XSD targetNamespace attribute
strNamespace = objXSD.documentElement.getAttribute("targetNamespace")
End If
' populate schema cache
Set objSchemas = New MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache40
objSchemas.Add strNamespace, objXSD
' load XML file (without validation - that comes later)
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument40
objXML.async = False
objXML.validateOnParse = False
objXML.resolveExternals = False
' load XML, without any validation
If Not objXML.Load(strXMLPath) Then
Err.Raise 1, "Validate", "Load XML failed: " & objXML.parseError.reason
End If
' bind Schema Cache to DOM
Set objXML.schemas = objSchemas
' does this XML measure up?
Set objErr = objXML.Validate()
' any good?
Validate = (objErr.errorCode = 0)
If objErr.errorCode <> 0 Then
Err.Raise 1, "Validate", objErr.reason
End If
End Function
The above function could easily be adapted to load XML and XSD from string variables as opposed to data files.
For situations where multiple XML validations are required, repeatedly populating and destroying the schema cache is clearly ineffecient and could be optimised.
Examples Calling this Function Validate App.Path & "\sc-valid-tjh.xml", App.Path & "\sc-tjh-min.xsd"
Validate App.Path & "\sc-valid.xml", App.Path & "\sc-tjh-min.xsd"
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在IT行业中,XML(eXtensible Markup Language)是一种用于存储和传输数据的标记语言,而XSD(XML Schema Definition)则是用来定义XML文档结构和数据类型的规范。当我们需要确保XML文档符合特定的结构和约束时,就...
### 如何验证XML文档符合Schematron规则 #### Schematron模式概述 Schematron是一种简单而强大的结构化模式语言,用于对XML文档中的模式进行断言。它几乎完全依赖于XPath查询模式来定义规则和检查。Schematron验证...
3. 验证XML:使用XML文档对象的validate方法,传入XSD文档对象作为参数。 4. 处理验证结果:检查验证结果,如果返回值为真,说明XML文档有效;否则,遍历错误集合获取错误信息。 通过这样的验证器,开发者可以确保...
在Visual Studio 2005(VS2005)中,使用C++来实现XML文档与XSD模式的验证是一个常见的需求。VS2005提供了一套强大的XML工具和库,如MSXML和ATL(Active Template Library),这些工具可以帮助开发者方便地处理XML和...
在IT行业中,XML(eXtensible Markup Language)是一种用于数据交换的标准格式,而XSD(XML Schema Definition)则是用于定义XML文档结构和数据类型的规范。DOM4J是Java环境中一个强大、灵活的XML处理库,它提供了...
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validate.js的流星包 库@version 0.9.0的流星程序包装器! 当前软件包版本:0.6.0 安装 AtmosphereJS meteor add awsp:validatejs 手动安装 克隆此存储库,将其添加到目录packages (如果尚未创建,请在您的应用...
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bcrypt库C/C++使用 ```cpp #include "bcrypt/... std::cout << BCrypt::validatePassword(password,hash) << std::endl; std::cout << BCrypt::validatePassword("123456",hash) << std::endl; return 0; } ```