1. By minimizing the scope of local variables, you increase the readability and maintainability of your code and reduce the likelihood of error.
2. The most powerful technique for minimizing the scope of a local variable is to declare it where it is first used.
3. The scope of a local variable extends from the point where it is declared to the end of the enclosing block.
4. Nearly every local variable declaration should contain an initializer.
5. If a variable is initialized by a method that throws a checked exception, it must be initialized inside a try block. If the value must be used outside of the try block, then it must be declared before the try block, where it cannot yet be “sensibly initialized”.
6. Prefer for loops to while loops, assuming the contents of the loop variable aren’t needed after the loop terminates. There’s no incentive to use different variable names in the two for loops. The loops are completely independent, so there’s no harm in reusing the element (or iterator) variable name.
7. You should use the following idiom if the loop test involves a method invocation that is guaranteed to return the same result on each iteration:
for (int i = 0, n = expensiveComputation(); i < n; i++) { doSomething(i); }
8. A final technique to minimize the scope of local variables is to keep methods small and focused.
blocks for constructing descriptors which can be combined together and jointly optimized so as to minimize the error of a nearestneighbor classifier. We consider both linear and nonlinear transforms ...
It is often desirable to minimize the effect of the voltage dip on both the induction motor and more importantly on the process where the motor is used. In order for the user to achieve optimum ...
**Item 6: Understand the Relationships Among the Many Different Concepts of Equality** - **Concepts:** Value equality, reference equality, and custom equality. - **Explanation:** - **Value Equality:...
bumpless transfer (AWBT) compensation to minimize the adverse eflects of any control input nonlinearities on closed loop performance". The resulting AWBT compensation is applicable to multivariable ...
Accustoming Yourself to JavaScript Chapter 2: Variable Scope Item 08: Minimize Use of the Global Object Item 09: Always Declare Local Variables Item 10: Avoid with Item 11: Get Comfortable with ...
This book addresses the topic of software design: how to ... You can apply the ideas in this book to minimize the complexity of large software systems, so that you can write software more quickly
improve the accuracy of the pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common errors between the user and the reference station, they also cause extra errors on account of...
minimize f(x), subject to g_i(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, ..., m h_j(x) = 0, j = 1, ..., p 其中,x ∈ ℝⁿ为优化变量,f(x)为目标函数,g_i(x)和h_j(x)分别为不等式约束和等式约束。 2.局部最优解: 局部最优解是指在...
Scoping Namespaces Nested Classes Nonmember, Static Member, and Global Functions Local Variables Static and Global Variables Classes Doing Work in Constructors Default Constructors Explicit ...
Description: Make the right architectural decisions up front and improve the quality and reliability of your results. Led by two enterprise programming experts, you ll learn how to apply the patterns ...
The circulation phase focuses on the movement of Kanbans through the system. Important aspects include: - **When to Produce**: Production is triggered by the withdrawal of items from downstream ...
- **Session Timeout:** Implementation of appropriate session timeouts to minimize exposure. 5. **Encryption and Data Protection:** - **Cryptographic Algorithms:** Knowledge of cryptographic ...
See how optional parameters can minimize the number of method overloads (see Item 10) You’re already a successful C# programmer–this book will help you become an outstanding one. About the Author ...
% xval = Column vector with the current values of the variables x_j. % xmin = Column vector with the lower bounds for the variables x_j. % xmax = Column vector with the upper bounds for the variables ...
- **Reduce Object Creation**: Minimize the creation of temporary objects that will quickly become eligible for garbage collection. - **Control Heap Size**: Manage heap size carefully to avoid ...
If a model is linear in the parameters, estimation is based on methods from linear algebra that minimize the norm of a residual vector. If a model is nonlinear in the parameters, estimation is based ...
Chapter 16 of the "Financial Management" course discusses the concept of financial leverage and capital structure policy, which are crucial elements in determining the financial health and overall ...
- **Document Scope and Audience**: The document is designed to provide guidance for developers and testers involved in the compliance testing of mobile games for the SNAP Mobile platform. It covers ...