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/* */
/* InstPubs.SQL - Creates the Pubs database */
/* */
** Copyright Microsoft, Inc. 1994 - 2000
** All Rights Reserved.
set nocount on
set dateformat mdy
USE master
declare @dttm varchar(55)
select @dttm=convert(varchar,getdate(),113)
raiserror('Beginning InstPubs.SQL at %s ....',1,1,@dttm) with nowait
if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='pubs')
raiserror('Dropping existing pubs database ....',0,1)
DROP database pubs
raiserror('Creating pubs database....',0,1)
Use default size with autogrow
USE pubs
if db_name() <> 'pubs'
raiserror('Error in InstPubs.SQL, ''USE pubs'' failed! Killing the SPID now.'
,22,127) with log
execute sp_dboption 'pubs' ,'trunc. log on chkpt.' ,'true'
execute sp_addtype id ,'varchar(11)' ,'NOT NULL'
execute sp_addtype tid ,'varchar(6)' ,'NOT NULL'
execute sp_addtype empid ,'char(9)' ,'NOT NULL'
raiserror('Now at the create table section ....',0,1)
au_id id
CHECK (au_id like '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
au_lname varchar(40) NOT NULL,
au_fname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
phone char(12) NOT NULL
address varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
zip char(5) NULL
CHECK (zip like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'),
contract bit NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE publishers
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
CHECK (pub_id in ('1389', '0736', '0877', '1622', '1756')
OR pub_id like '99[0-9][0-9]'),
pub_name varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
country varchar(30) NULL
title_id tid
title varchar(80) NOT NULL,
type char(12) NOT NULL
pub_id char(4) NULL
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),
price money NULL,
advance money NULL,
royalty int NULL,
ytd_sales int NULL,
notes varchar(200) NULL,
pubdate datetime NOT NULL
DEFAULT (getdate())
CREATE TABLE titleauthor
au_id id
REFERENCES authors(au_id),
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
au_ord tinyint NULL,
royaltyper int NULL,
stor_id char(4) NOT NULL
stor_name varchar(40) NULL,
stor_address varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
zip char(5) NULL
stor_id char(4) NOT NULL
REFERENCES stores(stor_id),
ord_num varchar(20) NOT NULL,
ord_date datetime NOT NULL,
qty smallint NOT NULL,
payterms varchar(12) NOT NULL,
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
CONSTRAINT UPKCL_sales PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (stor_id, ord_num, title_id)
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
lorange int NULL,
hirange int NULL,
royalty int NULL
CREATE TABLE discounts
discounttype varchar(40) NOT NULL,
stor_id char(4) NULL
REFERENCES stores(stor_id),
lowqty smallint NULL,
highqty smallint NULL,
discount dec(4,2) NOT NULL
job_id smallint IDENTITY(1,1)
job_desc varchar(50) NOT NULL
DEFAULT 'New Position - title not formalized yet',
min_lvl tinyint NOT NULL
CHECK (min_lvl >= 10),
max_lvl tinyint NOT NULL
CHECK (max_lvl <= 250)
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id)
logo image NULL,
pr_info text NULL
emp_id empid
'[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]' or
emp_id LIKE '[A-Z]-[A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]'),
fname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
minit char(1) NULL,
lname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
job_id smallint NOT NULL
REFERENCES jobs(job_id),
job_lvl tinyint
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
DEFAULT ('9952')
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),
hire_date datetime NOT NULL
DEFAULT (getdate())
raiserror('Now at the create trigger section ...',0,1)
CREATE TRIGGER employee_insupd
ON employee
FOR insert, UPDATE
--Get the range of level for this job type from the jobs table.
declare @min_lvl tinyint,
@max_lvl tinyint,
@emp_lvl tinyint,
@job_id smallint
select @min_lvl = min_lvl,
@max_lvl = max_lvl,
@emp_lvl = i.job_lvl,
@job_id = i.job_id
from employee e, jobs j, inserted i
where e.emp_id = i.emp_id AND i.job_id = j.job_id
IF (@job_id = 1) and (@emp_lvl <> 10)
raiserror ('Job id 1 expects the default level of 10.',16,1)
IF NOT (@emp_lvl BETWEEN @min_lvl AND @max_lvl)
raiserror ('The level for job_id:%d should be between %d and %d.',
16, 1, @job_id, @min_lvl, @max_lvl)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to authors ....',0,1)
insert authors
values('409-56-7008', 'Bennet', 'Abraham', '415 658-9932',
'6223 Bateman St.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', '94705', 1)
insert authors
values('213-46-8915', 'Green', 'Marjorie', '415 986-7020',
'309 63rd St. #411', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94618', 1)
insert authors
values('238-95-7766', 'Carson', 'Cheryl', '415 548-7723',
'589 Darwin Ln.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', '94705', 1)
insert authors
values('998-72-3567', 'Ringer', 'Albert', '801 826-0752',
'67 Seventh Av.', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '84152', 1)
insert authors
values('899-46-2035', 'Ringer', 'Anne', '801 826-0752',
'67 Seventh Av.', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '84152', 1)
insert authors
values('722-51-5454', 'DeFrance', 'Michel', '219 547-9982',
'3 Balding Pl.', 'Gary', 'IN', '46403', 1)
insert authors
values('807-91-6654', 'Panteley', 'Sylvia', '301 946-8853',
'1956 Arlington Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '20853', 1)
insert authors
values('893-72-1158', 'McBadden', 'Heather',
'707 448-4982', '301 Putnam', 'Vacaville', 'CA', '95688', 0)
insert authors
values('724-08-9931', 'Stringer', 'Dirk', '415 843-2991',
'5420 Telegraph Av.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 0)
insert authors
values('274-80-9391', 'Straight', 'Dean', '415 834-2919',
'5420 College Av.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 1)
insert authors
values('756-30-7391', 'Karsen', 'Livia', '415 534-9219',
'5720 McAuley St.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 1)
insert authors
values('724-80-9391', 'MacFeather', 'Stearns', '415 354-7128',
'44 Upland Hts.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94612', 1)
insert authors
values('427-17-2319', 'Dull', 'Ann', '415 836-7128',
'3410 Blonde St.', 'Palo Alto', 'CA', '94301', 1)
insert authors
values('672-71-3249', 'Yokomoto', 'Akiko', '415 935-4228',
'3 Silver Ct.', 'Walnut Creek', 'CA', '94595', 1)
insert authors
values('267-41-2394', 'O''Leary', 'Michael', '408 286-2428',
'22 Cleveland Av. #14', 'San Jose', 'CA', '95128', 1)
insert authors
values('472-27-2349', 'Gringlesby', 'Burt', '707 938-6445',
'PO Box 792', 'Covelo', 'CA', '95428', 3)
insert authors
values('527-72-3246', 'Greene', 'Morningstar', '615 297-2723',
'22 Graybar House Rd.', 'Nashville', 'TN', '37215', 0)
insert authors
values('172-32-1176', 'White', 'Johnson', '408 496-7223',
'10932 Bigge Rd.', 'Menlo Park', 'CA', '94025', 1)
insert authors
values('712-45-1867', 'del Castillo', 'Innes', '615 996-8275',
'2286 Cram Pl. #86', 'Ann Arbor', 'MI', '48105', 1)
insert authors
values('846-92-7186', 'Hunter', 'Sheryl', '415 836-7128',
'3410 Blonde St.', 'Palo Alto', 'CA', '94301', 1)
insert authors
values('486-29-1786', 'Locksley', 'Charlene', '415 585-4620',
'18 Broadway Av.', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94130', 1)
insert authors
values('648-92-1872', 'Blotchet-Halls', 'Reginald', '503 745-6402',
'55 Hillsdale Bl.', 'Corvallis', 'OR', '97330', 1)
insert authors
values('341-22-1782', 'Smith', 'Meander', '913 843-0462',
'10 Mississippi Dr.', 'Lawrence', 'KS', '66044', 0)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to publishers ....',0,1)
insert publishers values('0736', 'New Moon Books', 'Boston', 'MA', 'USA')
insert publishers values('0877', 'Binnet & Hardley', 'Washington', 'DC', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1389', 'Algodata Infosystems', 'Berkeley', 'CA', 'USA')
insert publishers values('9952', 'Scootney Books', 'New York', 'NY', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1622', 'Five Lakes Publishing', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1756', 'Ramona Publishers', 'Dallas', 'TX', 'USA')
insert publishers values('9901', 'GGG&G', 'M乶chen', NULL, 'Germany')
insert publishers values('9999', 'Lucerne Publishing', 'Paris', NULL, 'France')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to pub_info ....',0,1)
insert pub_info values('0736', 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
'This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.')
insert pub_info values('0877', 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
'This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.')
insert pub_info values('1389', 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
'This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.')
insert pub_info values('1622', 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
'This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.')
insert pub_info values('1756', 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
'This is sample text data for Ramona Publishers, publisher 1756 in the pubs database. Ramona Publishers is located in Dallas, Texas.')
insert pub_info values('9901', 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
'This is sample text data for GGG&G, publisher 9901 in the pubs database. GGG&G is located in M黱chen, Germany.')
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'This is sample text data for Scootney Books, publisher 9952 in the pubs database. Scootney Books is located in New York City, New York.')
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'This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to titles ....',0,1)
insert titles values ('PC8888', 'Secrets of Silicon Valley', 'popular_comp', '1389',
$20.00, $8000.00, 10, 4095,
'Muckraking reporting on the world''s largest computer hardware and software manufacturers.',
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'1389', $19.99, $5000.00, 10, 4095,
'An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated.',
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'0736', $7.99, $4000.00, 10, 3336,
'Protecting yourself and your loved ones from undue emotional stress in the modern world. Use of computer and nutritional aids emphasized.',
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'psychology', '0736', $19.99, $2000.00, 10, 4072,
'What happens when the data runs dry? Searching evaluations of information-shortage effects.',
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'business', '1389', $11.95, $5000.00, 10, 3876,
'Helpful hints on how to use your electronic resources to the best advantage.',
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'Favorite recipes for quick, easy, and elegant meals.',
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10, 4095,
'Detailed instructions on how to make authentic Japanese sushi in your spare time.',
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'0877', $11.95, $4000.00, 14, 15096,
'More anecdotes from the Queen''s favorite cook describing life among English royalty. Recipes, techniques, tender vignettes.',
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'A survey of software for the naive user, focusing on the ''friendliness'' of each.',
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'The latest medical and psychological techniques for living with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations.',
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$2275.00, 12, 2045,
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10, 111,
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$15000.00, 24, 22246,
'Traditional French gourmet recipes adapted for modern microwave cooking.',
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'trad_cook', '0877', $20.95, $7000.00, 10, 375,
'Profusely illustrated in color, this makes a wonderful gift book for a cuisine-oriented friend.',
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'The Psychology of Computer Cooking', '0877')
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'A must for the specialist, this book examines the difference between those who hate and fear computers and those who don''t.',
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'popular_comp', '1389', 'A must-read for computer conferencing.')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to titleauthor ....',0,1)
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insert roysched values('PS3333', 15001, 50000, 16)
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insert roysched values('BU1111', 8001, 10000, 14)
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insert roysched values('BU1111', 24001, 28000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 28001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 2001, 4000, 12)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 4001, 8000, 14)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 8001, 12000, 16)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 12001, 20000, 18)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 20001, 50000, 20)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 5001, 15000, 12)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 15001, 50000, 14)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 2001, 8000, 12)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 8001, 16000, 14)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 16001, 24000, 16)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 24001, 32000, 18)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 32001, 40000, 20)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 40001, 50000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 5001, 10000, 12)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 10001, 15000, 14)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 15001, 20000, 16)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 20001, 25000, 18)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 25001, 30000, 20)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 30001, 35000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 35001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 0, 10000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 10001, 20000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 20001, 30000, 14)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 30001, 40000, 16)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 40001, 50000, 18)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to discounts ....',0,1)
insert discounts values('Initial Customer', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10.5)
insert discounts values('Volume Discount', NULL, 100, 1000, 6.7)
insert discounts values('Customer Discount', '8042', NULL, NULL, 5.0)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to jobs ....',0,1)
insert jobs values ('New Hire - Job not specified', 10, 10)
insert jobs values ('Chief Executive Officer', 200, 250)
insert jobs values ('Business Operations Manager', 175, 225)
insert jobs values ('Chief Financial Officier', 175, 250)
insert jobs values ('Publisher', 150, 250)
insert jobs values ('Managing Editor', 140, 225)
insert jobs values ('Marketing Manager', 120, 200)
insert jobs values ('Public Relations Manager', 100, 175)
insert jobs values ('Acquisitions Manager', 75, 175)
insert jobs values ('Productions Manager', 75, 165)
insert jobs values ('Operations Manager', 75, 150)
insert jobs values ('Editor', 25, 100)
insert jobs values ('Sales Representative', 25, 100)
insert jobs values ('Designer', 25, 100)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to employee ....',0,1)
insert employee values ('PTC11962M', 'Philip', 'T', 'Cramer', 2, 215, '9952', '11/11/89')
insert employee values ('AMD15433F', 'Ann', 'M', 'Devon', 3, 200, '9952', '07/16/91')
insert employee values ('F-C16315M', 'Francisco', '', 'Chang', 4, 227, '9952', '11/03/90')
insert employee values ('LAL21447M', 'Laurence', 'A', 'Lebihan', 5, 175, '0736', '06/03/90')
insert employee values ('PXH22250M', 'Paul', 'X', 'Henriot', 5, 159, '0877', '08/19/93')
insert employee values ('SKO22412M', 'Sven', 'K', 'Ottlieb', 5, 150, '1389', '04/05/91')
insert employee values ('RBM23061F', 'Rita', 'B', 'Muller', 5, 198, '1622', '10/09/93')
insert employee values ('MJP25939M', 'Maria', 'J', 'Pontes', 5, 246, '1756', '03/01/89')
insert employee values ('JYL26161F', 'Janine', 'Y', 'Labrune', 5, 172, '9901', '05/26/91')
insert employee values ('CFH28514M', 'Carlos', 'F', 'Hernadez', 5, 211, '9999', '04/21/89')
insert employee values ('VPA30890F', 'Victoria', 'P', 'Ashworth', 6, 140, '0877', '09/13/90')
insert employee values ('L-B31947F', 'Lesley', '', 'Brown', 7, 120, '0877', '02/13/91')
insert employee values ('ARD36773F', 'Anabela', 'R', 'Domingues', 8, 100, '0877', '01/27/93')
insert employee values ('M-R38834F', 'Martine', '', 'Rance', 9, 75, '0877', '02/05/92')
insert employee values ('PHF38899M', 'Peter', 'H', 'Franken', 10, 75, '0877', '05/17/92')
insert employee values ('DBT39435M', 'Daniel', 'B', 'Tonini', 11, 75, '0877', '01/01/90')
insert employee values ('H-B39728F', 'Helen', '', 'Bennett', 12, 35, '0877', '09/21/89')
insert employee values ('PMA42628M', 'Paolo', 'M', 'Accorti', 13, 35, '0877', '08/27/92')
insert employee values ('ENL44273F', 'Elizabeth', 'N', 'Lincoln', 14, 35, '0877', '07/24/90')
insert employee values ('MGK44605M', 'Matti', 'G', 'Karttunen', 6, 220, '0736', '05/01/94')
insert employee values ('PDI47470M', 'Palle', 'D', 'Ibsen', 7, 195, '0736', '05/09/93')
insert employee values ('MMS49649F', 'Mary', 'M', 'Saveley', 8, 175, '0736', '06/29/93')
insert employee values ('GHT50241M', 'Gary', 'H', 'Thomas', 9, 170, '0736', '08/09/88')
insert employee values ('MFS52347M', 'Martin', 'F', 'Sommer', 10, 165, '0736', '04/13/90')
insert employee values ('R-M53550M', 'Roland', '', 'Mendel', 11, 150, '0736', '09/05/91')
insert employee values ('HAS54740M', 'Howard', 'A', 'Snyder', 12, 100, '0736', '11/19/88')
insert employee values ('TPO55093M', 'Timothy', 'P', 'O''Rourke', 13, 100, '0736', '06/19/88')
insert employee values ('KFJ64308F', 'Karin', 'F', 'Josephs', 14, 100, '0736', '10/17/92')
insert employee values ('DWR65030M', 'Diego', 'W', 'Roel', 6, 192, '1389', '12/16/91')
insert employee values ('M-L67958F', 'Maria', '', 'Larsson', 7, 135, '1389', '03/27/92')
insert employee values ('PSP68661F', 'Paula', 'S', 'Parente', 8, 125, '1389', '01/19/94')
insert employee values ('MAS70474F', 'Margaret', 'A', 'Smith', 9, 78, '1389', '09/29/88')
insert employee values ('A-C71970F', 'Aria', '', 'Cruz', 10, 87, '1389', '10/26/91')
insert employee values ('MAP77183M', 'Miguel', 'A', 'Paolino', 11, 112, '1389', '12/07/92')
insert employee values ('Y-L77953M', 'Yoshi', '', 'Latimer', 12, 32, '1389', '06/11/89')
insert employee values ('CGS88322F', 'Carine', 'G', 'Schmitt', 13, 64, '1389', '07/07/92')
insert employee values ('PSA89086M', 'Pedro', 'S', 'Afonso', 14, 89, '1389', '12/24/90')
insert employee values ('A-R89858F', 'Annette', '', 'Roulet', 6, 152, '9999', '02/21/90')
insert employee values ('HAN90777M', 'Helvetius', 'A', 'Nagy', 7, 120, '9999', '03/19/93')
insert employee values ('M-P91209M', 'Manuel', '', 'Pereira', 8, 101, '9999', '01/09/89')
insert employee values ('KJJ92907F', 'Karla', 'J', 'Jablonski', 9, 170, '9999', '03/11/94')
insert employee values ('POK93028M', 'Pirkko', 'O', 'Koskitalo', 10, 80, '9999', '11/29/93')
insert employee values ('PCM98509F', 'Patricia', 'C', 'McKenna', 11, 150, '9999', '08/01/89')
raiserror('Now at the create index section ....',0,1) with nowait
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX employee_ind ON employee(lname, fname, minit)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX aunmind ON authors (au_lname, au_fname)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON sales (title_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleind ON titles (title)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX auidind ON titleauthor (au_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON titleauthor (title_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON roysched (title_id)
raiserror('Now at the create view section ....',0,1)
CREATE VIEW titleview
select title, au_ord, au_lname, price, ytd_sales, pub_id
from authors, titles, titleauthor
where authors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id
AND titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id
raiserror('Now at the create procedure section ....',0,1)
CREATE PROCEDURE byroyalty @percentage int
select au_id from titleauthor
where titleauthor.royaltyper = @percentage
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
avg(price) as avg_price
from titles
where price is NOT NULL
group by pub_id with rollup
order by pub_id
case when grouping(type) = 1 then 'ALL' else type end as type,
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
avg(ytd_sales) as avg_ytd_sales
from titles
where pub_id is NOT NULL
group by pub_id, type with rollup
CREATE PROCEDURE reptq3 @lolimit money, @hilimit money,
@type char(12)
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
case when grouping(type) = 1 then 'ALL' else type end as type,
count(title_id) as cnt
from titles
where price >@lolimit AND price <@hilimit AND type = @type OR type LIKE '%cook%'
group by pub_id, type with rollup
USE master
declare @dttm varchar(55)
select @dttm=convert(varchar,getdate(),113)
raiserror('Ending InstPubs.SQL at %s ....',1,1,@dttm) with nowait
-- -
/* InstPubs.SQL - Creates the Pubs database */
/* */
** Copyright Microsoft, Inc. 1994 - 2000
** All Rights Reserved.
set nocount on
set dateformat mdy
USE master
declare @dttm varchar(55)
select @dttm=convert(varchar,getdate(),113)
raiserror('Beginning InstPubs.SQL at %s ....',1,1,@dttm) with nowait
if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='pubs')
raiserror('Dropping existing pubs database ....',0,1)
DROP database pubs
raiserror('Creating pubs database....',0,1)
Use default size with autogrow
USE pubs
if db_name() <> 'pubs'
raiserror('Error in InstPubs.SQL, ''USE pubs'' failed! Killing the SPID now.'
,22,127) with log
execute sp_dboption 'pubs' ,'trunc. log on chkpt.' ,'true'
execute sp_addtype id ,'varchar(11)' ,'NOT NULL'
execute sp_addtype tid ,'varchar(6)' ,'NOT NULL'
execute sp_addtype empid ,'char(9)' ,'NOT NULL'
raiserror('Now at the create table section ....',0,1)
au_id id
CHECK (au_id like '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
au_lname varchar(40) NOT NULL,
au_fname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
phone char(12) NOT NULL
address varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
zip char(5) NULL
CHECK (zip like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'),
contract bit NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE publishers
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
CHECK (pub_id in ('1389', '0736', '0877', '1622', '1756')
OR pub_id like '99[0-9][0-9]'),
pub_name varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
country varchar(30) NULL
title_id tid
title varchar(80) NOT NULL,
type char(12) NOT NULL
pub_id char(4) NULL
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),
price money NULL,
advance money NULL,
royalty int NULL,
ytd_sales int NULL,
notes varchar(200) NULL,
pubdate datetime NOT NULL
DEFAULT (getdate())
CREATE TABLE titleauthor
au_id id
REFERENCES authors(au_id),
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
au_ord tinyint NULL,
royaltyper int NULL,
stor_id char(4) NOT NULL
stor_name varchar(40) NULL,
stor_address varchar(40) NULL,
city varchar(20) NULL,
state char(2) NULL,
zip char(5) NULL
stor_id char(4) NOT NULL
REFERENCES stores(stor_id),
ord_num varchar(20) NOT NULL,
ord_date datetime NOT NULL,
qty smallint NOT NULL,
payterms varchar(12) NOT NULL,
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
CONSTRAINT UPKCL_sales PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (stor_id, ord_num, title_id)
title_id tid
REFERENCES titles(title_id),
lorange int NULL,
hirange int NULL,
royalty int NULL
CREATE TABLE discounts
discounttype varchar(40) NOT NULL,
stor_id char(4) NULL
REFERENCES stores(stor_id),
lowqty smallint NULL,
highqty smallint NULL,
discount dec(4,2) NOT NULL
job_id smallint IDENTITY(1,1)
job_desc varchar(50) NOT NULL
DEFAULT 'New Position - title not formalized yet',
min_lvl tinyint NOT NULL
CHECK (min_lvl >= 10),
max_lvl tinyint NOT NULL
CHECK (max_lvl <= 250)
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id)
logo image NULL,
pr_info text NULL
emp_id empid
'[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]' or
emp_id LIKE '[A-Z]-[A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]'),
fname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
minit char(1) NULL,
lname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
job_id smallint NOT NULL
REFERENCES jobs(job_id),
job_lvl tinyint
pub_id char(4) NOT NULL
DEFAULT ('9952')
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),
hire_date datetime NOT NULL
DEFAULT (getdate())
raiserror('Now at the create trigger section ...',0,1)
CREATE TRIGGER employee_insupd
ON employee
FOR insert, UPDATE
--Get the range of level for this job type from the jobs table.
declare @min_lvl tinyint,
@max_lvl tinyint,
@emp_lvl tinyint,
@job_id smallint
select @min_lvl = min_lvl,
@max_lvl = max_lvl,
@emp_lvl = i.job_lvl,
@job_id = i.job_id
from employee e, jobs j, inserted i
where e.emp_id = i.emp_id AND i.job_id = j.job_id
IF (@job_id = 1) and (@emp_lvl <> 10)
raiserror ('Job id 1 expects the default level of 10.',16,1)
IF NOT (@emp_lvl BETWEEN @min_lvl AND @max_lvl)
raiserror ('The level for job_id:%d should be between %d and %d.',
16, 1, @job_id, @min_lvl, @max_lvl)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to authors ....',0,1)
insert authors
values('409-56-7008', 'Bennet', 'Abraham', '415 658-9932',
'6223 Bateman St.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', '94705', 1)
insert authors
values('213-46-8915', 'Green', 'Marjorie', '415 986-7020',
'309 63rd St. #411', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94618', 1)
insert authors
values('238-95-7766', 'Carson', 'Cheryl', '415 548-7723',
'589 Darwin Ln.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', '94705', 1)
insert authors
values('998-72-3567', 'Ringer', 'Albert', '801 826-0752',
'67 Seventh Av.', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '84152', 1)
insert authors
values('899-46-2035', 'Ringer', 'Anne', '801 826-0752',
'67 Seventh Av.', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '84152', 1)
insert authors
values('722-51-5454', 'DeFrance', 'Michel', '219 547-9982',
'3 Balding Pl.', 'Gary', 'IN', '46403', 1)
insert authors
values('807-91-6654', 'Panteley', 'Sylvia', '301 946-8853',
'1956 Arlington Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '20853', 1)
insert authors
values('893-72-1158', 'McBadden', 'Heather',
'707 448-4982', '301 Putnam', 'Vacaville', 'CA', '95688', 0)
insert authors
values('724-08-9931', 'Stringer', 'Dirk', '415 843-2991',
'5420 Telegraph Av.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 0)
insert authors
values('274-80-9391', 'Straight', 'Dean', '415 834-2919',
'5420 College Av.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 1)
insert authors
values('756-30-7391', 'Karsen', 'Livia', '415 534-9219',
'5720 McAuley St.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94609', 1)
insert authors
values('724-80-9391', 'MacFeather', 'Stearns', '415 354-7128',
'44 Upland Hts.', 'Oakland', 'CA', '94612', 1)
insert authors
values('427-17-2319', 'Dull', 'Ann', '415 836-7128',
'3410 Blonde St.', 'Palo Alto', 'CA', '94301', 1)
insert authors
values('672-71-3249', 'Yokomoto', 'Akiko', '415 935-4228',
'3 Silver Ct.', 'Walnut Creek', 'CA', '94595', 1)
insert authors
values('267-41-2394', 'O''Leary', 'Michael', '408 286-2428',
'22 Cleveland Av. #14', 'San Jose', 'CA', '95128', 1)
insert authors
values('472-27-2349', 'Gringlesby', 'Burt', '707 938-6445',
'PO Box 792', 'Covelo', 'CA', '95428', 3)
insert authors
values('527-72-3246', 'Greene', 'Morningstar', '615 297-2723',
'22 Graybar House Rd.', 'Nashville', 'TN', '37215', 0)
insert authors
values('172-32-1176', 'White', 'Johnson', '408 496-7223',
'10932 Bigge Rd.', 'Menlo Park', 'CA', '94025', 1)
insert authors
values('712-45-1867', 'del Castillo', 'Innes', '615 996-8275',
'2286 Cram Pl. #86', 'Ann Arbor', 'MI', '48105', 1)
insert authors
values('846-92-7186', 'Hunter', 'Sheryl', '415 836-7128',
'3410 Blonde St.', 'Palo Alto', 'CA', '94301', 1)
insert authors
values('486-29-1786', 'Locksley', 'Charlene', '415 585-4620',
'18 Broadway Av.', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94130', 1)
insert authors
values('648-92-1872', 'Blotchet-Halls', 'Reginald', '503 745-6402',
'55 Hillsdale Bl.', 'Corvallis', 'OR', '97330', 1)
insert authors
values('341-22-1782', 'Smith', 'Meander', '913 843-0462',
'10 Mississippi Dr.', 'Lawrence', 'KS', '66044', 0)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to publishers ....',0,1)
insert publishers values('0736', 'New Moon Books', 'Boston', 'MA', 'USA')
insert publishers values('0877', 'Binnet & Hardley', 'Washington', 'DC', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1389', 'Algodata Infosystems', 'Berkeley', 'CA', 'USA')
insert publishers values('9952', 'Scootney Books', 'New York', 'NY', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1622', 'Five Lakes Publishing', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA')
insert publishers values('1756', 'Ramona Publishers', 'Dallas', 'TX', 'USA')
insert publishers values('9901', 'GGG&G', 'M乶chen', NULL, 'Germany')
insert publishers values('9999', 'Lucerne Publishing', 'Paris', NULL, 'France')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to pub_info ....',0,1)
insert pub_info values('0736', 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
'This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.')
insert pub_info values('0877', 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
'This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.')
insert pub_info values('1389', 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
'This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.')
insert pub_info values('1622', 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
'This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.')
insert pub_info values('1756', 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
'This is sample text data for Ramona Publishers, publisher 1756 in the pubs database. Ramona Publishers is located in Dallas, Texas.')
insert pub_info values('9901', 0x4749463839615D002200B30F00000000800000008000808000000080800080008080808080C0C0C0FF000000FF00FFFF000000FFFF00FF00FFFFFFFFFF21F9040100000F002C000000005D0022004004FFF0C949ABBD38EBCDFB03DF078C249895A386AA68BB9E6E0ACE623ABD1BC9E9985DFFB89E8E366BED782C5332563ABA4245A6744AAD5AAF4D2276CBED5EA1D026C528B230CD38B2C92721D78CC4772526748F9F611EB28DE7AFE25E818283604A1E8788898A7385838E8F55856F6C2C1D86392F6B9730708D6C5477673758A3865E92627E94754E173697A6A975809368949BB2AE7B9A6865AA734F80A2A17DA576AA5BB667C290CDCE4379CFD2CE9ED3D6A7CCD7DAA4D9C79341C8B9DF5FC052A8DEBA9BB696767B9C7FD5B8BBF23EABB9706BCAE5F05AB7E6C4C7488DDAF7251BC062530EFE93638C5B3580ECD4951312C217C425E73E89D38709D79D810D393BD20A528CE0AA704AA2D4D3082E583C89BD2C2D720753E1C8922697D44CF6AE53BF6D4041750B4AD467C54548932A1D7374A9D3A789004400003B,
'This is sample text data for GGG&G, publisher 9901 in the pubs database. GGG&G is located in M黱chen, Germany.')
insert pub_info values('9952', 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
'This is sample text data for Scootney Books, publisher 9952 in the pubs database. Scootney Books is located in New York City, New York.')
insert pub_info values('9999', 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
'This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.
This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database. Lucerne publishing is located in Paris, France.')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to titles ....',0,1)
insert titles values ('PC8888', 'Secrets of Silicon Valley', 'popular_comp', '1389',
$20.00, $8000.00, 10, 4095,
'Muckraking reporting on the world''s largest computer hardware and software manufacturers.',
insert titles values ('BU1032', 'The Busy Executive''s Database Guide', 'business',
'1389', $19.99, $5000.00, 10, 4095,
'An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated.',
insert titles values ('PS7777', 'Emotional Security: A New Algorithm', 'psychology',
'0736', $7.99, $4000.00, 10, 3336,
'Protecting yourself and your loved ones from undue emotional stress in the modern world. Use of computer and nutritional aids emphasized.',
insert titles values ('PS3333', 'Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies',
'psychology', '0736', $19.99, $2000.00, 10, 4072,
'What happens when the data runs dry? Searching evaluations of information-shortage effects.',
insert titles values ('BU1111', 'Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets',
'business', '1389', $11.95, $5000.00, 10, 3876,
'Helpful hints on how to use your electronic resources to the best advantage.',
insert titles values ('MC2222', 'Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats', 'mod_cook', '0877',
$19.99, $0.00, 12, 2032,
'Favorite recipes for quick, easy, and elegant meals.',
insert titles values ('TC7777', 'Sushi, Anyone?', 'trad_cook', '0877', $14.99, $8000.00,
10, 4095,
'Detailed instructions on how to make authentic Japanese sushi in your spare time.',
insert titles values ('TC4203', 'Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens', 'trad_cook',
'0877', $11.95, $4000.00, 14, 15096,
'More anecdotes from the Queen''s favorite cook describing life among English royalty. Recipes, techniques, tender vignettes.',
insert titles values ('PC1035', 'But Is It User Friendly?', 'popular_comp', '1389',
$22.95, $7000.00, 16, 8780,
'A survey of software for the naive user, focusing on the ''friendliness'' of each.',
insert titles values('BU2075', 'You Can Combat Computer Stress!', 'business', '0736',
$2.99, $10125.00, 24, 18722,
'The latest medical and psychological techniques for living with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations.',
insert titles values('PS2091', 'Is Anger the Enemy?', 'psychology', '0736', $10.95,
$2275.00, 12, 2045,
'Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body. Metabolic charts included.',
insert titles values('PS2106', 'Life Without Fear', 'psychology', '0736', $7.00, $6000.00,
10, 111,
'New exercise, meditation, and nutritional techniques that can reduce the shock of daily interactions. Popular audience. Sample menus included, exercise video available separately.',
insert titles values('MC3021', 'The Gourmet Microwave', 'mod_cook', '0877', $2.99,
$15000.00, 24, 22246,
'Traditional French gourmet recipes adapted for modern microwave cooking.',
insert titles values('TC3218', 'Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean',
'trad_cook', '0877', $20.95, $7000.00, 10, 375,
'Profusely illustrated in color, this makes a wonderful gift book for a cuisine-oriented friend.',
insert titles (title_id, title, pub_id) values('MC3026',
'The Psychology of Computer Cooking', '0877')
insert titles values ('BU7832', 'Straight Talk About Computers', 'business', '1389',
$19.99, $5000.00, 10, 4095,
'Annotated analysis of what computers can do for you: a no-hype guide for the critical user.',
insert titles values('PS1372', 'Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations',
'psychology', '0877', $21.59, $7000.00, 10, 375,
'A must for the specialist, this book examines the difference between those who hate and fear computers and those who don''t.',
insert titles (title_id, title, type, pub_id, notes) values('PC9999', 'Net Etiquette',
'popular_comp', '1389', 'A must-read for computer conferencing.')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to titleauthor ....',0,1)
insert titleauthor values('409-56-7008', 'BU1032', 1, 60)
insert titleauthor values('486-29-1786', 'PS7777', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('486-29-1786', 'PC9999', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('712-45-1867', 'MC2222', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('172-32-1176', 'PS3333', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('213-46-8915', 'BU1032', 2, 40)
insert titleauthor values('238-95-7766', 'PC1035', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('213-46-8915', 'BU2075', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('998-72-3567', 'PS2091', 1, 50)
insert titleauthor values('899-46-2035', 'PS2091', 2, 50)
insert titleauthor values('998-72-3567', 'PS2106', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('722-51-5454', 'MC3021', 1, 75)
insert titleauthor values('899-46-2035', 'MC3021', 2, 25)
insert titleauthor values('807-91-6654', 'TC3218', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('274-80-9391', 'BU7832', 1, 100)
insert titleauthor values('427-17-2319', 'PC8888', 1, 50)
insert titleauthor values('846-92-7186', 'PC8888', 2, 50)
insert titleauthor values('756-30-7391', 'PS1372', 1, 75)
insert titleauthor values('724-80-9391', 'PS1372', 2, 25)
insert titleauthor values('724-80-9391', 'BU1111', 1, 60)
insert titleauthor values('267-41-2394', 'BU1111', 2, 40)
insert titleauthor values('672-71-3249', 'TC7777', 1, 40)
insert titleauthor values('267-41-2394', 'TC7777', 2, 30)
insert titleauthor values('472-27-2349', 'TC7777', 3, 30)
insert titleauthor values('648-92-1872', 'TC4203', 1, 100)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to stores ....',0,1)
insert stores values('7066','Barnum''s','567 Pasadena Ave.','Tustin','CA','92789')
insert stores values('7067','News & Brews','577 First St.','Los Gatos','CA','96745')
insert stores values('7131','Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books',
'24-A Avogadro Way','Remulade','WA','98014')
insert stores values('8042','Bookbeat','679 Carson St.','Portland','OR','89076')
insert stores values('6380','Eric the Read Books','788 Catamaugus Ave.',
insert stores values('7896','Fricative Bookshop','89 Madison St.','Fremont','CA','90019')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to sales ....',0,1)
insert sales values('7066', 'QA7442.3', '09/13/94', 75, 'ON invoice','PS2091')
insert sales values('7067', 'D4482', '09/14/94', 10, 'Net 60','PS2091')
insert sales values('7131', 'N914008', '09/14/94', 20, 'Net 30','PS2091')
insert sales values('7131', 'N914014', '09/14/94', 25, 'Net 30','MC3021')
insert sales values('8042', '423LL922', '09/14/94', 15, 'ON invoice','MC3021')
insert sales values('8042', '423LL930', '09/14/94', 10, 'ON invoice','BU1032')
insert sales values('6380', '722a', '09/13/94', 3, 'Net 60','PS2091')
insert sales values('6380', '6871', '09/14/94', 5, 'Net 60','BU1032')
insert sales values('8042','P723', '03/11/93', 25, 'Net 30', 'BU1111')
insert sales values('7896','X999', '02/21/93', 35, 'ON invoice', 'BU2075')
insert sales values('7896','QQ2299', '10/28/93', 15, 'Net 60', 'BU7832')
insert sales values('7896','TQ456', '12/12/93', 10, 'Net 60', 'MC2222')
insert sales values('8042','QA879.1', '5/22/93', 30, 'Net 30', 'PC1035')
insert sales values('7066','A2976', '5/24/93', 50, 'Net 30', 'PC8888')
insert sales values('7131','P3087a', '5/29/93', 20, 'Net 60', 'PS1372')
insert sales values('7131','P3087a', '5/29/93', 25, 'Net 60', 'PS2106')
insert sales values('7131','P3087a', '5/29/93', 15, 'Net 60', 'PS3333')
insert sales values('7131','P3087a', '5/29/93', 25, 'Net 60', 'PS7777')
insert sales values('7067','P2121', '6/15/92', 40, 'Net 30', 'TC3218')
insert sales values('7067','P2121', '6/15/92', 20, 'Net 30', 'TC4203')
insert sales values('7067','P2121', '6/15/92', 20, 'Net 30', 'TC7777')
raiserror('Now at the inserts to roysched ....',0,1)
insert roysched values('BU1032', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('BU1032', 5001, 50000, 12)
insert roysched values('PC1035', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('PC1035', 2001, 3000, 12)
insert roysched values('PC1035', 3001, 4000, 14)
insert roysched values('PC1035', 4001, 10000, 16)
insert roysched values('PC1035', 10001, 50000, 18)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 0, 1000, 10)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 1001, 3000, 12)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 3001, 5000, 14)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 5001, 7000, 16)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 7001, 10000, 18)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 10001, 12000, 20)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 12001, 14000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU2075', 14001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('PS2091', 0, 1000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS2091', 1001, 5000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS2091', 5001, 10000, 14)
insert roysched values('PS2091', 10001, 50000, 16)
insert roysched values('PS2106', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS2106', 2001, 5000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS2106', 5001, 10000, 14)
insert roysched values('PS2106', 10001, 50000, 16)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 0, 1000, 10)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 1001, 2000, 12)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 2001, 4000, 14)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 4001, 6000, 16)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 6001, 8000, 18)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 8001, 10000, 20)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 10001, 12000, 22)
insert roysched values('MC3021', 12001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 2001, 4000, 12)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 4001, 6000, 14)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 6001, 8000, 16)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 8001, 10000, 18)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 10001, 12000, 20)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 12001, 14000, 22)
insert roysched values('TC3218', 14001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('PC8888', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('PC8888', 5001, 10000, 12)
insert roysched values('PC8888', 10001, 15000, 14)
insert roysched values('PC8888', 15001, 50000, 16)
insert roysched values('PS7777', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS7777', 5001, 50000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS3333', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS3333', 5001, 10000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS3333', 10001, 15000, 14)
insert roysched values('PS3333', 15001, 50000, 16)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 0, 4000, 10)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 4001, 8000, 12)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 8001, 10000, 14)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 12001, 16000, 16)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 16001, 20000, 18)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 20001, 24000, 20)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 24001, 28000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU1111', 28001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 2001, 4000, 12)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 4001, 8000, 14)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 8001, 12000, 16)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 12001, 20000, 18)
insert roysched values('MC2222', 20001, 50000, 20)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 5001, 15000, 12)
insert roysched values('TC7777', 15001, 50000, 14)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 0, 2000, 10)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 2001, 8000, 12)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 8001, 16000, 14)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 16001, 24000, 16)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 24001, 32000, 18)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 32001, 40000, 20)
insert roysched values('TC4203', 40001, 50000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 0, 5000, 10)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 5001, 10000, 12)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 10001, 15000, 14)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 15001, 20000, 16)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 20001, 25000, 18)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 25001, 30000, 20)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 30001, 35000, 22)
insert roysched values('BU7832', 35001, 50000, 24)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 0, 10000, 10)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 10001, 20000, 12)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 20001, 30000, 14)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 30001, 40000, 16)
insert roysched values('PS1372', 40001, 50000, 18)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to discounts ....',0,1)
insert discounts values('Initial Customer', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10.5)
insert discounts values('Volume Discount', NULL, 100, 1000, 6.7)
insert discounts values('Customer Discount', '8042', NULL, NULL, 5.0)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to jobs ....',0,1)
insert jobs values ('New Hire - Job not specified', 10, 10)
insert jobs values ('Chief Executive Officer', 200, 250)
insert jobs values ('Business Operations Manager', 175, 225)
insert jobs values ('Chief Financial Officier', 175, 250)
insert jobs values ('Publisher', 150, 250)
insert jobs values ('Managing Editor', 140, 225)
insert jobs values ('Marketing Manager', 120, 200)
insert jobs values ('Public Relations Manager', 100, 175)
insert jobs values ('Acquisitions Manager', 75, 175)
insert jobs values ('Productions Manager', 75, 165)
insert jobs values ('Operations Manager', 75, 150)
insert jobs values ('Editor', 25, 100)
insert jobs values ('Sales Representative', 25, 100)
insert jobs values ('Designer', 25, 100)
raiserror('Now at the inserts to employee ....',0,1)
insert employee values ('PTC11962M', 'Philip', 'T', 'Cramer', 2, 215, '9952', '11/11/89')
insert employee values ('AMD15433F', 'Ann', 'M', 'Devon', 3, 200, '9952', '07/16/91')
insert employee values ('F-C16315M', 'Francisco', '', 'Chang', 4, 227, '9952', '11/03/90')
insert employee values ('LAL21447M', 'Laurence', 'A', 'Lebihan', 5, 175, '0736', '06/03/90')
insert employee values ('PXH22250M', 'Paul', 'X', 'Henriot', 5, 159, '0877', '08/19/93')
insert employee values ('SKO22412M', 'Sven', 'K', 'Ottlieb', 5, 150, '1389', '04/05/91')
insert employee values ('RBM23061F', 'Rita', 'B', 'Muller', 5, 198, '1622', '10/09/93')
insert employee values ('MJP25939M', 'Maria', 'J', 'Pontes', 5, 246, '1756', '03/01/89')
insert employee values ('JYL26161F', 'Janine', 'Y', 'Labrune', 5, 172, '9901', '05/26/91')
insert employee values ('CFH28514M', 'Carlos', 'F', 'Hernadez', 5, 211, '9999', '04/21/89')
insert employee values ('VPA30890F', 'Victoria', 'P', 'Ashworth', 6, 140, '0877', '09/13/90')
insert employee values ('L-B31947F', 'Lesley', '', 'Brown', 7, 120, '0877', '02/13/91')
insert employee values ('ARD36773F', 'Anabela', 'R', 'Domingues', 8, 100, '0877', '01/27/93')
insert employee values ('M-R38834F', 'Martine', '', 'Rance', 9, 75, '0877', '02/05/92')
insert employee values ('PHF38899M', 'Peter', 'H', 'Franken', 10, 75, '0877', '05/17/92')
insert employee values ('DBT39435M', 'Daniel', 'B', 'Tonini', 11, 75, '0877', '01/01/90')
insert employee values ('H-B39728F', 'Helen', '', 'Bennett', 12, 35, '0877', '09/21/89')
insert employee values ('PMA42628M', 'Paolo', 'M', 'Accorti', 13, 35, '0877', '08/27/92')
insert employee values ('ENL44273F', 'Elizabeth', 'N', 'Lincoln', 14, 35, '0877', '07/24/90')
insert employee values ('MGK44605M', 'Matti', 'G', 'Karttunen', 6, 220, '0736', '05/01/94')
insert employee values ('PDI47470M', 'Palle', 'D', 'Ibsen', 7, 195, '0736', '05/09/93')
insert employee values ('MMS49649F', 'Mary', 'M', 'Saveley', 8, 175, '0736', '06/29/93')
insert employee values ('GHT50241M', 'Gary', 'H', 'Thomas', 9, 170, '0736', '08/09/88')
insert employee values ('MFS52347M', 'Martin', 'F', 'Sommer', 10, 165, '0736', '04/13/90')
insert employee values ('R-M53550M', 'Roland', '', 'Mendel', 11, 150, '0736', '09/05/91')
insert employee values ('HAS54740M', 'Howard', 'A', 'Snyder', 12, 100, '0736', '11/19/88')
insert employee values ('TPO55093M', 'Timothy', 'P', 'O''Rourke', 13, 100, '0736', '06/19/88')
insert employee values ('KFJ64308F', 'Karin', 'F', 'Josephs', 14, 100, '0736', '10/17/92')
insert employee values ('DWR65030M', 'Diego', 'W', 'Roel', 6, 192, '1389', '12/16/91')
insert employee values ('M-L67958F', 'Maria', '', 'Larsson', 7, 135, '1389', '03/27/92')
insert employee values ('PSP68661F', 'Paula', 'S', 'Parente', 8, 125, '1389', '01/19/94')
insert employee values ('MAS70474F', 'Margaret', 'A', 'Smith', 9, 78, '1389', '09/29/88')
insert employee values ('A-C71970F', 'Aria', '', 'Cruz', 10, 87, '1389', '10/26/91')
insert employee values ('MAP77183M', 'Miguel', 'A', 'Paolino', 11, 112, '1389', '12/07/92')
insert employee values ('Y-L77953M', 'Yoshi', '', 'Latimer', 12, 32, '1389', '06/11/89')
insert employee values ('CGS88322F', 'Carine', 'G', 'Schmitt', 13, 64, '1389', '07/07/92')
insert employee values ('PSA89086M', 'Pedro', 'S', 'Afonso', 14, 89, '1389', '12/24/90')
insert employee values ('A-R89858F', 'Annette', '', 'Roulet', 6, 152, '9999', '02/21/90')
insert employee values ('HAN90777M', 'Helvetius', 'A', 'Nagy', 7, 120, '9999', '03/19/93')
insert employee values ('M-P91209M', 'Manuel', '', 'Pereira', 8, 101, '9999', '01/09/89')
insert employee values ('KJJ92907F', 'Karla', 'J', 'Jablonski', 9, 170, '9999', '03/11/94')
insert employee values ('POK93028M', 'Pirkko', 'O', 'Koskitalo', 10, 80, '9999', '11/29/93')
insert employee values ('PCM98509F', 'Patricia', 'C', 'McKenna', 11, 150, '9999', '08/01/89')
raiserror('Now at the create index section ....',0,1) with nowait
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX employee_ind ON employee(lname, fname, minit)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX aunmind ON authors (au_lname, au_fname)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON sales (title_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleind ON titles (title)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX auidind ON titleauthor (au_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON titleauthor (title_id)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX titleidind ON roysched (title_id)
raiserror('Now at the create view section ....',0,1)
CREATE VIEW titleview
select title, au_ord, au_lname, price, ytd_sales, pub_id
from authors, titles, titleauthor
where authors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id
AND titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id
raiserror('Now at the create procedure section ....',0,1)
CREATE PROCEDURE byroyalty @percentage int
select au_id from titleauthor
where titleauthor.royaltyper = @percentage
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
avg(price) as avg_price
from titles
where price is NOT NULL
group by pub_id with rollup
order by pub_id
case when grouping(type) = 1 then 'ALL' else type end as type,
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
avg(ytd_sales) as avg_ytd_sales
from titles
where pub_id is NOT NULL
group by pub_id, type with rollup
CREATE PROCEDURE reptq3 @lolimit money, @hilimit money,
@type char(12)
case when grouping(pub_id) = 1 then 'ALL' else pub_id end as pub_id,
case when grouping(type) = 1 then 'ALL' else type end as type,
count(title_id) as cnt
from titles
where price >@lolimit AND price <@hilimit AND type = @type OR type LIKE '%cook%'
group by pub_id, type with rollup
USE master
declare @dttm varchar(55)
select @dttm=convert(varchar,getdate(),113)
raiserror('Ending InstPubs.SQL at %s ....',1,1,@dttm) with nowait
-- -
同步电机无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型及代码解析,PMSM永磁同步电机滑模观测器仿真模型研究,基于28035的典型HFI方案实现,详细解析参数实现过程与机理,工程实践与理论基础相结合的SOP代码应用,基于无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型的PMSM永磁同步电机同步控制技术:解析与代码实现,同步电机无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型+代码 PMSM永磁同步电机无传感器滑模观测器仿真模型(基于28035),典型的HFI方案; 代码为实际应用SOP代码,非一般玩票代码可比(非ti例程);解析说明详细描述了参数实现过程和实现机理,工程实践和理论基础结合。 ,核心关键词:同步电机;无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型;PMSM永磁同步电机;滑模观测器;仿真模型;28035;HFI方案;SOP代码;参数实现过程;实现机理;工程实践;理论基础。,基于HFI高频谐波注入的PMSM无传感器控制模型与SOP代码实现
一个采用thinkphp3.2开发的商城系统,无论从前台模板的设计,还是后台php的开,都具有非常好的学习价值。首先作为一套前台模板框架的学习总结成果。.zip项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行;功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
无人驾驶车辆动力学模型验证与预测控制资料详解:视频教程及carsim2019与matlab2018应用,无人驾驶车辆动力学模型验证与预测控制资料详解:视频教程及carsim2019与matlab2018应用,无人驾驶的车辆动力学模型验证。 配套详细视频讲解。 配套无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制资料,有视频讲解carsim2019,matlab2018 ,无人驾驶车辆动力学模型验证;配套视频讲解;无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制;carsim2019视频讲解;matlab2018资料,无人驾驶车辆动力学模型验证与MPC控制技术详解视频
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
**基于多维度仿真的质子交换膜燃料电池模型构建与性能研究**,基于电化学经验模型与车辆参数,质子交换膜燃料电池稳态与动态建模仿真分析及特性研究,质子交膜燃料电池(#PEMFC) 稳态 AND 动态建模及仿真分析 Note:硕士lunwen复Xian;title:质子交膜燃料电池建模仿真与特性研究 内容: 1. 根据车辆结构参数和性能参数 确定燃料电池组相关参数, eg. 额定功率,最大功率等. (根据需求可省略,或改进); 2. 基于电化学经验模型,建立PEMFC 燃料电池的稳态数学模型; 3. 在稳态数学模型的基础上,考虑燃料电池双层电荷层现象以及电池电堆动态热传输的影响,建立PEMFC 电化学动态模型; 4. 建立稳态 AND 动态Simulink仿真模型; 5. 通过Signal Builder 模拟随时间阶跃下降的外加负载信号,Simulink仿真燃料电池的输出电压,输出功率,消耗功率,电池效率的变化曲线, 并详细分析了电池的稳态 动态响应特性以及影响因素; 6. 极其详尽的模型说明书(包含数学建模,simulink建模,模型结果分析,etc.) AND 图
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
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西门子200smart与昆仑通态锅炉换热站智能控制程序实例:涵盖模拟量读取、自动切换控制、时间段加热与温度设定、电能监控及Modbus通讯变频器控制。,西门子200smart与昆仑通态锅炉换热站程序实例:模拟量读取、自动切换与时间加热控制,Modbus通讯变频器电能管理解决方案,西门子200smart和昆仑通态锅炉热站程序项目实例,程序内有利用模拟量读取,运算时间自动切,水泵一用一备故障自动切,自动时间段加热,时间段设定温度,电能读取及算法 modbus通讯控制变频器。 ,核心关键词: 西门子200smart; 昆仑通态锅炉; 换热站程序项目; 模拟量读取; 运算时间自动切换; 水泵一用一备故障自动切换; 自动时间段加热; 设定温度; 电能读取; 算法; Modbus通讯; 控制变频器。,西门子Smart200程序控制锅炉换热站:智能换热与节能优化管理实例
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
相移格雷码解相位程序开发与条纹结构光编解码技术应用于单双目结构光三维重建系统,相移格雷码解相位程序开发:条纹结构光编解码技术助力单目双目结构光三维重建系统,相移格雷码解相位程序开发 条纹结构光编解码,可用于单目或双目结构光三维重建系统 ,相移格雷码解相位程序开发; 结构光编解码; 单目结构光; 双目结构光; 三维重建系统,相移格雷码解相位程序开发:单目双目结构光三维重建系统编解码技术
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
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光伏并网逆变器设计方案与高效实现:结合matlab电路仿真、DSP代码及环流抑制策略,光伏并网逆变器设计方案:结合matlab电路文件与DSP程序代码,实现高效并联环流抑制策略,光伏并网逆变器设计方案,附有相关的matlab电路文件,以及DSP的程序代码,方案、仿真文件、代码三者结合使用效果好,事半功倍。 备注:赠送逆变器并联环流matlab文件,基于矢量控制的环流抑制策略和下垂控制的环流抑制 ,光伏并网逆变器设计方案; MATLAB电路文件; DSP程序代码; 方案、仿真文件、代码结合使用; 并联环流抑制策略; 下垂控制的环流抑制,光伏并网逆变器优化设计:方案、仿真与DSP程序代码三合一,并赠送并联环流抑制策略Matlab文件
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行;功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
校园在线拍卖系统(源码+数据库+论文+ppt)java开发springboot框架javaweb,可做计算机毕业设计或课程设计 【功能需求】 按照校园在线拍卖系统的角色,我划分为了用户模块(拍卖者和用户)和管理员模块这两大部分。 拍卖者模块: (1)注册登录:用户注册为会员并登录校园在线拍卖系统;用户对个人信息的增删改查,比如个人资料,密码修改。 (2)竞拍商品管理:拍卖者可以对竞拍商品进行增删改查。 (3)竞拍订单管理:拍卖者可以看到用户提交的竞拍价格信息以及产品,可以对竞拍订单进行审核。 (4)评价订单管理:可以在此页面查看到用户提交的订单评价信息等。 (5)在线留言:可以回复用户的在线留言信息。 用户模块: (1)用户注册登录:用户注册为会员并登录校园在线拍卖系统;用户对个人信息的增删改查,比如个人资料,密码修改。 (2)拍卖资讯:用户可以在此模块中浏览系统发布的最新拍卖资讯。 (3)竞拍商品:用户可以查看到竞拍商品详情。 (4)在线竞拍:用户可以在竞拍商品下方点击立即竞拍,提交竞拍信息。 (5)在线留言:用户可以提交在线留言信息。 (6)竞拍订单:可以在线进行竞拍商品订单的支付。 (7)评价订单:支付后可以对订单进行评价。 管理员管理模块: (1)用户管理:管理员可以对前台上注册过的用户信息进行管控,对拍卖者信息进行审核,也可以对管理员信息进行管控。 (2)用户管理:管理员对系统用户的管理。 (3)商品分类管理:对商品进行分类管理。 (4)竞拍商品管理:对拍卖者发布的拍卖商品进行管理。 (5)竞拍订单管理:对用户提交的竞拍订单信息进行管理。 (6)评价订单管理:对用户的评价信息进行管理。 (7)在线留言管理:对用户的留言信息进行管理。 (8)系统管理:对通知公告、竞拍资讯、轮播图管理。 【环境需要】 1.运行环境:最好是java jdk 1.8,我们在这个平台上运行的。其他版本理论上也可以。 2.IDE环境:IDEA,Eclipse,Myeclipse都可以。 3.tomcat环境:Tomcat 7.x,8.x,9.x版本均可 4.数据库:MySql 5.7/8.0等版本均可; 【购买须知】 本源码项目经过严格的调试,项目已确保无误,可直接用于课程实训或毕业设计提交。里面都有配套的运行环境软件,讲解视频,部署视频教程,一应俱全,可以自己按照教程导入运行。附有论文参考,使学习者能够快速掌握系统设计和实现的核心技术。
项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行;功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用
二极管箝位型三电平逆变器与NPC三电平逆变器的SVPWM及中点电位平衡调制研究——基于MATLAB Simulink仿真模型,二极管箝位型与NPC三电平逆变器研究:SVPWM及中点电位平衡调制的技术挑战与MATLAB仿真模型参考,二极管箝位型三电平逆变器,NPC三电平逆变器。 主要难点:三电平空间矢量调制(SVPWM),中点电位平衡调制等。 MATLAB Simulink仿真模型,可提供参考文献。 ,二极管箝位; NPC三电平; 三电平空间矢量调制(SVPWM); 中点电位平衡调制; MATLAB Simulink仿真模型,三电平逆变器技术研究:SVPWM调制与中点电位平衡仿真分析
路径规划平滑处理:A星算法的拐点圆弧化及其在Matlab中的源码实现,路径规划平滑处理:A星算法的拐点圆弧化及其在Matlab中的源码实现,路径规划-路径平滑算法,A星算法拐点的圆弧化处理,可实现对规划路径的平滑处理。 Matlab源码。 ,路径规划;路径平滑算法;A星算法;拐点圆弧化处理;Matlab源码。,路径平滑算法:A星算法拐点的圆弧化处理与Matlab实现