1. Choose method names carefully. Names should always obey the standard naming conventions. Your primary goal should be to choose names that are understandable and consistent with other names in the same package. Your secondary goal should be to choose names consistent with the broader consensus, where it exists.
2. Don’t go overboard in providing convenience methods. For each action supported by your class or interface, provide a fully functional method. Consider providing a “shorthand” only if it will be used often. When in doubt, leave it out.
3. Avoid long parameter lists. Aim for four parameters or fewer.
4. The first technique for shortening long parameter lists is to break the method up into multiple methods, each of which requires only a subset of the parameters. (i.e. operations on sublist of a List can be divided into List.subList and other method of List.)
5. A second technique for shortening long parameter lists is to create helper classes to hold groups of parameters. Typically these helper classes are static member classes. This technique is recommended if a frequently occurring sequence of parameters is seen to represent some distinct entity.
6. A third technique is to adapt the Builder pattern from object construction to method invocation especially if some of them are optional. It can be beneficial to define an object that represents all of the parameters, and to allow the client to make multiple “setter” calls on this object, each of which sets a single parameter or a small, related group. Once the desired parameters have been set, the client invokes the object’s “execute” method, which does any final validity checks on the parameters and performs the actual computation.
7. For parameter types, favor interfaces over classes.
8. Prefer two-element enum types to boolean parameters. It makes your code easier to read, to write, and to add more options later.
Item 51: Design method signatures carefully Item 52: Use overloading judiciously Item 53: Use varargs judiciously Item 54: Return empty collections or arrays, not nulls Item 55: Return optionals ...
- **Purpose:** Optional parameters allow for flexible method signatures without cluttering the API with multiple overloads. - **Sample:** ```csharp public void Process(int id, string name = ...
根据提供的文件信息,本文将重点解析数字签名及公钥加密系统的基本原理与应用,并结合C#语言及.NET WinForms技术实现患者就诊信息管理系统的核心功能。 ### 数字签名与公钥加密系统 #### 1....数字签名是一种用于验证...
### 关于 JSNI 调用 Java 方法时的 Type Signatures 说明 #### 一、Type Signatures 的概念与重要性 在 Java Native Interface (JNI) 和 Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 中,Type Signatures 是一种特殊的表示法,用于...
这个名为"itextsharp signatures 数字签名应用的官方应用代码.rar"的压缩包包含了一组C#示例代码,用于演示如何使用iTextSharp库对PDF文件进行数字签名和验证操作。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明: 1. **iTextSharp...
本书主要讲述XML在数字签名和加密领域的运用。作者是: Donald E. Eastlake, Kitty Niles。文章深入讨论了XPath, XPointer, and SOAP以及XML encryption等主题。
3. API的构造和稳定性:强调API构建时的稳定合约(Stable Contract),包括如何在不同操作系统(如Mandrake和Redhat Linux)之间保持API的一致性,以及方法和字段签名(Method and Field Signatures)的环境变量和...
The main idea is very simple - flair expects .pat file to produce .sig file with signatures. So I just add some logic to my .dcu files loader to generate .pat files in right format Supported Delphi ...
The main idea is very simple - flair expects .pat file to produce .sig file with signatures. So I just add some logic to my .dcu files loader to generate .pat files in right format Supported Delphi ...
语言:English 从URL下载签名,将它们自动插入电子邮件。 ...能够将您的签名存储远程为您提供动态生成签名的能力,无论您是否要在最新的博客文章中删除,显示随机图像,或显示您的社交遵循计数。需要将员工的签名保持...
SQL Server沒有辦法加密欄位裡的資料, 換言之, 只要有人取得存取資料庫或其檔案的權限, 就能夠很容易...Digital signatures: DSA (USA standard) , RSA Hashes SHA-1, MD5 and DES. x.509 certificates are supported
### 数字签名在PDF文档中的应用 #### 引言 随着信息技术的发展,PDF(便携式文档格式)作为跨平台、可靠且稳定的文档格式,在众多领域内被广泛采用。Adobe Systems于1993年首次发布PDF标准后,这一格式迅速成为...
"Signatures: Snort和Suricata签名的混合体"指的是将这两款工具的规则集融合,以提升对拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击的检测能力。 Snort签名是Snort系统中的核心部分,由一系列规则组成,这些规则定义了各种网络行为的模式...
从URL下载签名并自动将其插入到电子邮件中。 ... 通过远程存储签名,您可以动态生成签名,无论您希望获取最新的博客文章,显示随机图像还是显示您的社交后续计数。 需要保持您的员工签名是最新的?...
设置: 这些脚本和它们使用的库是用Perl编写的,并且有一些软件包要求,包括: IO::All JSON Method::Signatures::Simple Mouse为了方便起见,我提供了一个Dockerfile,可通过以下操作安装这些要求和我的代码并运行...
RustCrypto:签名 ... 所有算法都驻留在单独的板条箱中,并使用板条箱中的特征来实现。 板条箱经过专门设计,因此它们不需要标准库(即no_std ),并且可以轻松地用于裸机或轻量级WebAssembly编程。...
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