getCreationTime() //returns the time the session was first created
getLastAccessedTime() //returns the last time the container got a request with this session ID
setMaxInactiveInterval() //specifies the maximum time,in seconds,that you want to allow between client requests for this session.
getMaxInactiveInterval() //returns the maximum time,in seconds,that you want to allow between client requests for this session.
invalidate() //ends the session.This includes unbinding all session attributes currently stored in this session.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name. ...
<form action="YourServlet" method="post"> ``` **3.2 URL 重写** ```jsp <a href="YourServlet?param1=value1">Click Me ``` #### 四、Servlet 共享变量 Servlet 之间可以共享数据,主要通过 `...
@RequestMapping(path = "/getVerifyCodeImage", method = RequestMethod.GET) public void getVerifyCodeImage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { HttpSession session = request....
1. **支持属性方法调用**:如`objName.methodName()`。 2. **支持内置函数调用**:例如`@java.lang.String@format('foo%s','bar')`。 3. **支持表达式的计算**:如`price=100,discount=0.8,calculatePrice()`。 4. *...
%><p>This is a JSP page demonstrating the usage of the Response object.</p><form action="" method="post"><input type="text" name="txtInput"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form><% if(request....
logger.warn("No attribute found in session with key: " + annoVal); } return value; } } ``` 在这个resolver中,我们检查了参数和方法是否带有`SessionScope`注解,并获取对应的值。然后从`...
String method = request.getMethod(); // 获取请求方法 String header = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); // 获取User-Agent头部信息 String ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); // 获取客户端IP地址 ``` #### ...
就像文章中的`HttpRequest`和`HttpSession`类,它们提供了更加面向对象的接口来发送请求。 ```python class HttpRequest: @classmethod def request(cls, method, url, data=None, headers=None): # 根据method...
可以通过`<%= %>`表达式将数据存储在pageScope中,也可以通过`("key", "value"); %>`方式设置。 - **示例**: ```jsp ("message", "Hello World!"); %> ${pageScope.message} ``` 2. **requestScope**:请求...
public void firstRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,HttpSession session) throws ServletException, IOException { UserInfo info=new UserInfo(); info.setUser_id(1); info....
Session Bean 还可以再细分为 Stateful Session Bean 与 Stateless Session Bean ,这两种的 Session Bean都可以将系统逻辑放在 method之中执行,不同的是 Stateful Session Bean 可以记录呼叫者的状态,因此通常来...
Session Bean 还可以再细分为 Stateful Session Bean 与 Stateless Session Bean ,这两种的 Session Bean都可以将系统逻辑放在 method之中执行,不同的是 Stateful Session Bean 可以记录呼叫者的状态,因此通常...
### Java框架高频问题详解 ...- 方法不能重载,因为调用时使用的是全限定方法名作为key。 **问题十一:Mybatis是如何进行分页的?分页插件的原理是什么?** - 使用RowBounds对象进行分页。 - 分页插件通过对SQL...