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LPeg is a new pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). In this text, I assume you are familiar with PEGs. If you are not, you can get a quick start reading the Wikipedia Entry for PEGs or Section 2 of Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation (the section has only one page). The nice thing about PEGs is that it has a formal basis (instead of being an ad-hoc set of features), allows an efficient and simple implementation, and does most things we expect from a pattern-matching library (and more, as we can define entire grammars).
作者是Lua语言的Robert, 2100行ANSI c代码, 和boost:spirit差不多强大。我等有福气了,做个小型的文法分析器轻轻松松. 作者200行用lpeg实现了一个regex模块. 一起来吧, lua也有了yacc & lex.
LPeg is a new pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). In this text, I assume you are familiar with PEGs. If you are not, you can get a quick start reading the Wikipedia Entry for PEGs or Section 2 of Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation (the section has only one page). The nice thing about PEGs is that it has a formal basis (instead of being an ad-hoc set of features), allows an efficient and simple implementation, and does most things we expect from a pattern-matching library (and more, as we can define entire grammars).
作者是Lua语言的Robert, 2100行ANSI c代码, 和boost:spirit差不多强大。我等有福气了,做个小型的文法分析器轻轻松松. 作者200行用lpeg实现了一个regex模块. 一起来吧, lua也有了yacc & lex.
- lpeg-tug.rar (107.4 KB)
- 描述: lpeg-tug pdf
- 下载次数: 19
1 楼
mysql-proxy的作者jan用lpeg写了个mysql 的select语法, The whole thing was about 6 hours of work without knowing LPEG before, the final indenter is only a few lines of LUA。 开发效率够高!!!
local l = require("lpeg")
-- turn a string into a case-insensitive lpeg-pattern
function lpeg_ci_str(s)
local p
for i = 1, #s do
local c = s:sub(i, i)
local lp = l.S(c:upper() .. c:lower() )
if p then
p = p * lp
p = lp
return p
slash_comment = l.P("/*") * ( 1 - l.P("*/") )^0 * l.P("*/")
-- FIXME: we need support for -- comments too
comment = slash_comment
WS = l.S(" \t\n") + comment
SELECT = lpeg_ci_str("SELECT") * WS^1
STAR = l.P("*") * WS^0
FROM = lpeg_ci_str("FROM") * WS^1
alpha = l.R("az", "AZ") -- [a-zA-Z]
digit = l.R("09") -- [0-9]
number = (l.P("-") + "") * digit^1 -- [0-9]+
literal_char = alpha + l.S("_") -- /[_a-z]/i
literal_unquoted = literal_char * ( literal_char + digit )^0 -- /[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*/i
literal_quoted = l.P("`") * ( 1 - l.P("`") )^0 * l.P("`") -- /`.*`/
string_quoted = l.P("\"") * ( 1 - l.P("\"") )^0 * l.P("\"") -- /".*"/
literal = literal_unquoted + literal_quoted
fieldname = literal * ( WS^0 * l.P(".") * WS^0 * literal ) ^0
-- expressions
funcname = literal_unquoted
user_var = "@" * literal_unquoted * WS^0
NULL = lpeg_ci_str("NULL")
LogicalOp = (lpeg_ci_str("OR") + lpeg_ci_str("AND")) * WS^1
AssignOp = l.P(":=") * WS^0
FactorOp = l.S("*/") * WS^0
TermOp = l.S("+-") * WS^0
CompOp = (
l.P("=") +
l.P("!=") +
l.P("<>") +
l.P("<=") +
l.P(">=") +
l.P("<") +
l.P(">") +
lpeg_ci_str("IS") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("NOT") +
lpeg_ci_str("IS") * WS) * WS^0
ParanOpen = l.P("(") * WS^0
ParanClose = l.P(")") * WS^0
Comma = l.P(",") * WS^0
Assign = l.V("Assign") * WS^0
Exp = l.V("Exp") * WS^0
Logical = l.V("Logical") * WS^0
Comp = l.V("Comp") * WS^0
Factor = l.V("Factor") * WS^0
Term = l.V("Term") * WS^0
expr = l.P({
Assign = (( user_var * AssignOp ) + "") * Exp,
Exp = Logical * ( LogicalOp * Logical)^0,
Logical = Comp * ( CompOp * Comp)^0,
Comp = Factor * ( FactorOp * Factor)^0,
Factor = Term * ( TermOp * Term )^0,
Term =
lpeg_ci_str("CAST") * ParanOpen * Assign * lpeg_ci_str("AS") * WS^1 * literal_unquoted * ParanClose +
funcname * ParanOpen * (( Assign * ( Comma * Assign )^0) + "") * ParanClose +
ParanOpen * Assign * ParanClose +
number +
string_quoted +
user_var +
fieldname +
alias = lpeg_ci_str("AS") * WS^1 * literal * WS^0
opt_alias = ((alias) + "")
alias_expr = expr * opt_alias
select_opt = (l.P("SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS") + l.P("SQL_NO_CACHE")) * WS^1
table = literal * WS^0
alias_table = table * opt_alias
WHERE = lpeg_ci_str("WHERE") * WS^0
USING = lpeg_ci_str("USING") * WS^0
LEFT = lpeg_ci_str("LEFT") * WS^0
RIGHT = lpeg_ci_str("RIGHT") * WS^0
INNER = lpeg_ci_str("INNER") * WS^0
OUTER = lpeg_ci_str("OUTER") * WS^0
JOIN = lpeg_ci_str("JOIN") * WS^0
join_type =
((INNER + "") * JOIN) +
(LEFT * (OUTER + "") * JOIN) +
(RIGHT * (OUTER + "") * JOIN)
ON = lpeg_ci_str("ON") * WS^0
DESC = lpeg_ci_str("DESC") * WS^0
ASC = lpeg_ci_str("ASC") * WS^0
ORDERBY = lpeg_ci_str("ORDER") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("BY") * WS^0
orderby_expr = expr * (ASC + DESC + "")
GROUPBY = lpeg_ci_str("GROUP") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("BY") * WS^0
HAVING = lpeg_ci_str("HAVING") * WS^0
select_pat = l.P({
simple_select = l.C(SELECT) *
l.Ct((l.C(select_opt))^0) *
l.Ct(l.C(alias_expr) * (l.C(Comma * alias_expr))^0) *
(-1 +
(l.C(FROM) * -- FROM tbl [AS alias] [, tbl [AS alias]]
l.Ct(l.V("subq_table") *
(((l.C(Comma) * l.V("subq_table")) +
l.C((join_type)) * l.Ct(l.V("subq_table")) *
((l.C(USING) * l.Ct(l.C(ParanOpen * fieldname * ParanClose))) +
(l.C(ON) * l.Ct(l.C(expr))) + "")))^0)) *
(-1 + -- [WHERE ...]
((l.C(WHERE) * l.Ct(l.C(expr))) + "") *
((l.C(ORDERBY) * l.Ct(l.C(orderby_expr) * ( l.C(Comma * orderby_expr))^0)) + "") *
((l.C(GROUPBY) * l.Ct(l.C(expr) * ( l.C(Comma * expr))^0) * ( l.C(HAVING) * l.Ct(l.C(expr)) + "")) + "")
) + "") +
subq_table = l.C(alias_table) +
l.C(ParanOpen) * l.Ct(l.V("simple_select")) * l.C(ParanClose * alias )
local l = require("lpeg")
-- turn a string into a case-insensitive lpeg-pattern
function lpeg_ci_str(s)
local p
for i = 1, #s do
local c = s:sub(i, i)
local lp = l.S(c:upper() .. c:lower() )
if p then
p = p * lp
p = lp
return p
slash_comment = l.P("/*") * ( 1 - l.P("*/") )^0 * l.P("*/")
-- FIXME: we need support for -- comments too
comment = slash_comment
WS = l.S(" \t\n") + comment
SELECT = lpeg_ci_str("SELECT") * WS^1
STAR = l.P("*") * WS^0
FROM = lpeg_ci_str("FROM") * WS^1
alpha = l.R("az", "AZ") -- [a-zA-Z]
digit = l.R("09") -- [0-9]
number = (l.P("-") + "") * digit^1 -- [0-9]+
literal_char = alpha + l.S("_") -- /[_a-z]/i
literal_unquoted = literal_char * ( literal_char + digit )^0 -- /[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*/i
literal_quoted = l.P("`") * ( 1 - l.P("`") )^0 * l.P("`") -- /`.*`/
string_quoted = l.P("\"") * ( 1 - l.P("\"") )^0 * l.P("\"") -- /".*"/
literal = literal_unquoted + literal_quoted
fieldname = literal * ( WS^0 * l.P(".") * WS^0 * literal ) ^0
-- expressions
funcname = literal_unquoted
user_var = "@" * literal_unquoted * WS^0
NULL = lpeg_ci_str("NULL")
LogicalOp = (lpeg_ci_str("OR") + lpeg_ci_str("AND")) * WS^1
AssignOp = l.P(":=") * WS^0
FactorOp = l.S("*/") * WS^0
TermOp = l.S("+-") * WS^0
CompOp = (
l.P("=") +
l.P("!=") +
l.P("<>") +
l.P("<=") +
l.P(">=") +
l.P("<") +
l.P(">") +
lpeg_ci_str("IS") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("NOT") +
lpeg_ci_str("IS") * WS) * WS^0
ParanOpen = l.P("(") * WS^0
ParanClose = l.P(")") * WS^0
Comma = l.P(",") * WS^0
Assign = l.V("Assign") * WS^0
Exp = l.V("Exp") * WS^0
Logical = l.V("Logical") * WS^0
Comp = l.V("Comp") * WS^0
Factor = l.V("Factor") * WS^0
Term = l.V("Term") * WS^0
expr = l.P({
Assign = (( user_var * AssignOp ) + "") * Exp,
Exp = Logical * ( LogicalOp * Logical)^0,
Logical = Comp * ( CompOp * Comp)^0,
Comp = Factor * ( FactorOp * Factor)^0,
Factor = Term * ( TermOp * Term )^0,
Term =
lpeg_ci_str("CAST") * ParanOpen * Assign * lpeg_ci_str("AS") * WS^1 * literal_unquoted * ParanClose +
funcname * ParanOpen * (( Assign * ( Comma * Assign )^0) + "") * ParanClose +
ParanOpen * Assign * ParanClose +
number +
string_quoted +
user_var +
fieldname +
alias = lpeg_ci_str("AS") * WS^1 * literal * WS^0
opt_alias = ((alias) + "")
alias_expr = expr * opt_alias
select_opt = (l.P("SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS") + l.P("SQL_NO_CACHE")) * WS^1
table = literal * WS^0
alias_table = table * opt_alias
WHERE = lpeg_ci_str("WHERE") * WS^0
USING = lpeg_ci_str("USING") * WS^0
LEFT = lpeg_ci_str("LEFT") * WS^0
RIGHT = lpeg_ci_str("RIGHT") * WS^0
INNER = lpeg_ci_str("INNER") * WS^0
OUTER = lpeg_ci_str("OUTER") * WS^0
JOIN = lpeg_ci_str("JOIN") * WS^0
join_type =
((INNER + "") * JOIN) +
(LEFT * (OUTER + "") * JOIN) +
(RIGHT * (OUTER + "") * JOIN)
ON = lpeg_ci_str("ON") * WS^0
DESC = lpeg_ci_str("DESC") * WS^0
ASC = lpeg_ci_str("ASC") * WS^0
ORDERBY = lpeg_ci_str("ORDER") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("BY") * WS^0
orderby_expr = expr * (ASC + DESC + "")
GROUPBY = lpeg_ci_str("GROUP") * WS^1 * lpeg_ci_str("BY") * WS^0
HAVING = lpeg_ci_str("HAVING") * WS^0
select_pat = l.P({
simple_select = l.C(SELECT) *
l.Ct((l.C(select_opt))^0) *
l.Ct(l.C(alias_expr) * (l.C(Comma * alias_expr))^0) *
(-1 +
(l.C(FROM) * -- FROM tbl [AS alias] [, tbl [AS alias]]
l.Ct(l.V("subq_table") *
(((l.C(Comma) * l.V("subq_table")) +
l.C((join_type)) * l.Ct(l.V("subq_table")) *
((l.C(USING) * l.Ct(l.C(ParanOpen * fieldname * ParanClose))) +
(l.C(ON) * l.Ct(l.C(expr))) + "")))^0)) *
(-1 + -- [WHERE ...]
((l.C(WHERE) * l.Ct(l.C(expr))) + "") *
((l.C(ORDERBY) * l.Ct(l.C(orderby_expr) * ( l.C(Comma * orderby_expr))^0)) + "") *
((l.C(GROUPBY) * l.Ct(l.C(expr) * ( l.C(Comma * expr))^0) * ( l.C(HAVING) * l.Ct(l.C(expr)) + "")) + "")
) + "") +
subq_table = l.C(alias_table) +
l.C(ParanOpen) * l.Ct(l.V("simple_select")) * l.C(ParanClose * alias )
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lpeg的文档翻译 http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html LPeg Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua, version 0.12
DSL 基于 LPEG(Lua Parsing Expression Grammars),因此标记和规则以 LPEG 语法进行描述。 DSL 通过添加对编写自定义语言有用的功能来扩展 LPEG,例如诊断工具、错误处理和一些可用于编写模式的新原语。DSL特性...
Lua 5.1.x 或 LuaJIT 2.0.x+ LPEG 库 用法 解析 HTML 文档 local htmlParser = require ' lexers/html ' local content = htmlParser. parse ( [[ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>...
桌子形状 Lua库,用于验证表的形状(架构,结构等),并在必要时进行转换。 类型检查语法的灵感来自的。 可以使用类似于的运算符重载语法来表示复杂的类型和值转换。安装$ luarocks install tableshape快速使用local...
LPeg(Parsing Expression Grammar)是Lua中的一种强大的解析工具,它基于派生自Packrat解析的原理,允许程序员用一种直观的模式匹配方式定义语法规则。LPeg的优势在于其高效和灵活性,但默认的语法对于处理注释和...
lua-parser 这是一个Lua 5.3解析器书面 ,在一种格式类似于由所指定的一个生成AST 。 解析器使用LPegLabel提供更具体的错误消息。要求 lua >= 5.1 lpeglabel >= 1.6.0原料药包lua-parser有两个模块: lua-parser....
LPEG(Lua Pattern Grammar)和Struct就是这样的两个工具,它们在文本解析和模式匹配方面具有强大的功能。lpeg-0.12.2-struct-0.2组合包将这两个强大的库结合在一起,为开发者提供了更强大的文本处理解决方案。 ...
官方离线安装包,测试可用。请使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
LPEG(Lua Pattern Grammar)是一个强大的解析表达式库,由巴西圣保罗大学的Cesar Hidalgo和Koichi Sasada开发,是Lua编程语言的一个扩展。LPEG提供了一种基于语法规则的模式匹配机制,允许开发者编写复杂的文本解析...
6. **扩展库与模块**:Lua标准库虽然简洁,但可以通过C语言编写的扩展库增加功能,例如LuaSocket用于网络通信,Lpeg提供强大的正则表达式功能等。这些库通常以动态链接库(.dll)形式存在,需要将其放在与lua.exe...
lua-language-server利用LPEG(Lua Patterns for Grammar)库来解析和理解Lua语法。LPEG是一种强大的模式匹配库,可以用来定义复杂的语法规则,对于构建语言服务器这种需要深入理解语言结构的项目非常有用。 ### 4....
10. **社区和扩展**:Lua拥有活跃的社区,提供了众多第三方库和扩展,增强了Lua的功能,例如LPEG(Lua的正则表达式库)和Corona SDK(用于移动应用开发)。 通过阅读这份"Lua中文参考",你可以系统地学习Lua的所有...
例如,如果你想安装一个名为 "lpeg" 的库,只需在命令行输入 `luarocks install lpeg`。这将自动下载、编译(如果需要)并安装库,使其对你的 Lua 环境可用。 Lua 的广泛应用包括游戏开发、网络编程、嵌入式系统、...
LPEG是基于PEG(Parsing Expression Grammar)理论的,它允许开发者创建更复杂的解析器,而不仅仅是简单的模式匹配。本文将围绕“lpeg_patterns”这个项目,深入探讨LPEG模式集合的使用与实现。 “lpeg_patterns”...
《深入理解LPEG:Lua实现的Sprint解析库》 在编程世界中,解析库扮演着至关重要的角色,它们能够帮助我们处理各种复杂的文本输入,转换数据格式,以及执行高级的文本分析。当我们谈论“lpeg-0.9.tar.gz_SPRINT”时...