2.13. Adding Password Management to Your Templates
CloudStack provides an optional password reset feature that allows users to set a temporary admin or root password as well as reset the existing admin or root password from the CloudStack UI.
To enable the Reset Password feature, you will need to download an additional script to patch your template. When you later upload the template into CloudStack, you can specify whether reset admin/root password feature should be enabled for this template.
The password management feature works always resets the account password on instance boot. The script does an HTTP call to the virtual router to retrieve the account password that should be set. As long as the virtual router is accessible the guest will have access to the account password that should be used. When the user requests a password reset the management server generates and sends a new password to the virtual router for the account. Thus an instance reboot is necessary to effect any password changes.
If the script is unable to contact the virtual router during instance boot it will not set the password but boot will continue normally.
12.13.1. Linux OS Installation
Use the following steps to begin the Linux OS installation:
Download the script file cloud-set-guest-password:
Copy this file to /etc/init.d.On some Linux distributions, copy the file to /etc/rc.d/init.d.
Run the following command to make the script executable:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/cloud-set-guest-password
Depending on the Linux distribution, continue with the appropriate step.On Fedora, CentOS/RHEL, and Debian, run:
chkconfig --add cloud-set-guest-password
12.13.2. Windows OS Installation
Download the installer, CloudInstanceManager.msi, from Download page and run the installer in the newly created Windows VM.
- 设置root用户的密码,密码强度应足够高,以保障系统的安全性。 4. **磁盘分区** - 选择“创建自定义布局”来进行磁盘分区。 - 创建swap分区:如果系统内存小于2GB,则swap分区大小设为内存的两倍;若内存大于...
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