SublimergeThe professional diff and merge tool for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Current release: 2.8.7
Why do you need it?
A few reasons why you should give it a try.
- Side-by-side diff viewsNever lose your context. When you scroll one pane, the others stay in sync.
- Compare and merge filesBuilt-in 2-way and 3-way diff algorithms will help you compare and merge files.
- Compare and merge directoriesBrowse, compare and apply changes between directories in side-by-side view.
- Built-in commands for Git, Mercurial and SubversionPredefined commands will improve your workflow with branches and revisions.
- Integrate with anythingRun Sublimerge from command line and integrate it with any other app.
- Compare to clipboard contentsJust copy a text from anywhere you want and compare current view to it.
- Create, manage and compare code snapshotsUse snapshots to compare or even revert your code to selected point in time.
- Compare selections within one or more filesQuickly compare and spot differences between selected fragments of files.
- Create your own custom commandsDefine your own Custom Comparisons to make yourself even more productive.
- Fully customizable settingsA great number of settings lets you tune Sublimerge exactly to your needs.
Want to know more? See all features.
Some of features. In action.
There is more! Read about all features or install and try it yourself.
Already have 16,179+ users. Be the next one :)
Number updated hourly from Package Control statistics.
Without a license, Sublimerge runs in evaluation mode. There are no time and functionality limitations, but for continuous usage it requires purchasing a license. Unregistered copy will display a cyclic reminder message.
Install with Package Control
Recommended. Package Control does not require your attention to keep Sublimerge up to date. All updates will be installed automatically as soon as they are released.
Make sure you use the final version of Package Control. Alpha versions may not install Sublimerge correctly and it will not work resulting in loading errors.
- Install the Package Control (if you haven't already)
- Open Command Palette ([ctrl]+[shift]+[p] on Windows and Linux, [cmd]+[shift]+[p] on Mac)
- Choose Package Control: Install Package
- Search for Sublimerge Pro and hit [Enter]
- Restart Sublime Text to complete the installation
If Sublimerge Pro package is disabled after installation, take the following steps to enable it:
- Open Command Palette
- Choose Package Control: Enable Package
- Search for Sublimerge Pro and hit [Enter]
- Restart Sublime Text
Manual installation
Not recommended. You will need to stay tuned with Sublimerge updates and install them manually. You can follow @sublimerge on Twitter to get notifications about new releases.
Also use this installation method if you don't use final version of Package Control. Please visit Support page for more details.
Sublime Text 2
- Download ZIP: Sublimerge
- Go to Preferences > Browse Packages...
- Create directory Sublimerge Pro
Directory must be empty and its name must be exactly as above!
- Extract the ZIP into that directory
- Restart Sublime Text
Sublime Text 3
- Download Package: Sublimerge Pro.sublime-package
- Go to Preferences > Browse Packages...
- Go one folder up
- Go to Installed Packages
- Copy the package to that directory
- Restart Sublime Text
2. **Source Code**:可能包含Python脚本或者其他语言的代码,这些代码被设计用来与Sublime Text的API交互,实现输入法的兼容性和性能优化。 3. **Instructions**:可能有单独的安装指南或者步骤说明,指导用户如何...
2. 使用命令行工具`dpkg`和`apt`: - 首先,打开终端(Terminal)。 - 接下来,使用`cd`命令切换到包含.deb文件的目录,例如:`cd ~/Downloads/` - 然后,使用`sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb`命令安装软件包,将...
标题 "允许Sublime-Text-2像构建C++和Python代码一样构建Matlab代码" 描述了这个压缩包文件的主要功能,即扩展Sublime Text 2的构建系统,使其能够支持Matlab代码的编译和运行,就像处理C++或Python等其他编程语言...
本教程将详细讲解如何在Sublime Text中利用插件weapp-snippet-for-sublime-text-2-3-master来提升微信小程序的开发效率。 首先,安装weapp-snippet-for-sublime-text-2-3-master插件。在Sublime Text中,你可以通过...
2. **多窗口与多面板编辑**:Sublime Text 3支持同时打开多个文件和项目,可以在多个窗口或面板间轻松切换,方便比较和编辑不同的代码片段。 3. **强大的查找与替换**:Sublime Text 3提供了强大的查找和替换功能,...
压缩包中的"Sublime-Text-2"文件即为安装程序。 - 双击运行安装程序,按照向导指示进行操作。通常,这包括选择安装路径、接受许可协议等步骤。 - 安装完成后,启动Sublime Text 2,你可以通过桌面快捷方式或者开始...
总的来说,"sublime-text-2-image2base64-master"提供了在Sublime Text环境中便捷地处理图片转Base64的需求,对于前端开发者或Sublime Text用户来说,这是一个实用的工具,能够提升工作效率。如果你经常需要处理这样...
2. 找到Sublime Text的"Packages"目录。这通常位于用户的个人资料目录下,具体位置取决于操作系统(如Windows的"%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages")。 3. 将解压后的"sublime-package-master"文件夹复制或移动到...
总之,Emmet Sublime插件是前端开发者不可或缺的生产力工具,它将Sublime Text的优秀特性与Emmet的强大功能相结合,使得代码编写更加高效、整洁。通过熟练掌握和使用这个插件,开发者可以提高工作效率,专注于创造更...
"emmet-sublime-text3" 指的是专门为Sublime Text 3设计的一个Emmet插件,它将Emmet的功能集成到Sublime Text中,让开发者可以在Sublime Text 3环境下享受到Emmet带来的便利。 Emmet 的核心功能包括但不限于以下几...
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Sublime-Text-Portable-Tool, Sublime 便携版工具包(PC下生成文件关联以及关联右键菜单)
总的来说,"ionic-sublime-plugin"是专为提升Ionic开发效率而设计的一款强大工具,通过其丰富的特性,可以帮助开发者更高效地构建和维护Ionic项目,是Sublime Text用户在开发过程中不可或缺的伙伴。如果你是Ionic的...
在压缩包中的“sublime-text2”可能包含了Sublime Text 2的安装程序。安装时,请根据操作系统选择对应的版本,64位系统选择64-bit,32位系统选择32-bit。安装过程中遵循向导提示,一般默认设置即可。安装完成后,...
2. **运行安装程序**:在解压后的文件夹中找到“Sublime Text Setup”或类似名称的可执行文件(.exe),双击运行它。这将启动Sublime Text的安装向导。 3. **安装向导**:安装向导会引导你完成安装过程。默认设置...
Sublime Text的“命令面板”是一个非常强大的工具,可以快速访问各种功能,如搜索文件、运行命令、切换语法等,只需输入几个字符就能找到所需的功能。它的“Goto Anything”功能则允许用户迅速跳转到项目中的任何...
Sublime Text - 性感的代码编辑器、程序员之必备神器! Sublime Text 是个代码编辑器,也是HTML和散文先进的文本编辑器。Sublime Text 具有漂亮的用户界面和强大的功能,例如代码缩略图,Python的插件,代码段等。还...
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 ``` 执行这个命令后,系统会自动连接到WebUpd8团队的PPA,并将其添加到你的系统软件源列表中。这一步可能会提示你输入密码,因为操作需要管理员权限。 接...
如果你使用的是Sublime Text 2,这个目录可能被称为"Sublime Text 2"。 安装完成后,你需要重启Sublime Text。这时,TortoiseSVN的菜单项应该会出现在Sublime Text的工具栏或者右键菜单中。通过这些菜单,你可以...
在“Sublime-Text-2+安装程序+注册机+汉化包.rar”这个压缩文件中,包含了安装Sublime Text 2所需的所有组件,包括安装程序、注册机以及汉化包,方便用户一站式完成安装、激活和语言本地化。 1. **Sublime Text 2 ...