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unity3D 变换 Transform


unity3D 变换 Transform


转载自 http://game.ceeger.com/Components/class-Transform.html


he Transform Component determines the actual Position, Rotation, and Scale of all objects in the scene. Every object has a Transform.


The Transform Component is viewable and editable in the Inspector

Properties 属性

  • Position 位置
    Position of the Transform in X, Y, and Z coordinates.
  • Rotation 旋转
    Rotation of the Transform around the X, Y, and Z axes, measured in degrees.
  • Scale 缩放
    Scale of the Transform along X, Y, and Z axes. Value "1" is the original size (size at which the object was imported).

All properties of a Transform are measured relative to the Transform's parent. If the Transform has no parent, the properties are measured relative to World Space.


Using Transforms 使用变换组件

Transforms are always manipulated in 3D space using X, Y, and Z axes. In Unity, these axes are represented by the colors red, green, and blue respectively. Remember: XYZ = RGB.


Color-coded relationship between 3 axes and Transform properties

Transform Components can be directly manipulated using the Scene View or the Inspector. The Inspector will list the properties stated above for easy editing. You can also modify Transforms in your Scene by interacting with them, using the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools. These tools are located in the upper left-hand corner of the Unity Editor.


The View, Translate, Rotate, and Scale tools

The tools will be usable on any object in your scene. Click on the object, and you will see the tool gizmo appear around it. Depending on the current tool, the gizmo will look slightly different. Clicking the object will also cause the Transform component to become visible in the Inspector. If the Inspector does not display the Transform component or its properties, then you do not have an object highlighted in the Scene View.

这些工具可以用于你场景中的任何物体,在物体 上单击,你将会看到当前选中的工具的线框显示在物体周围,这些线框看起来各不相同,点击物体也会使变换组件的属性显示在监视窗中,如果如果监视窗中没有显 示任何变换组件或属性,那么此时场景中没有高亮的物体(没有被选中的物体)。

All three Gizmos can be directly edited in Scene View.


To manipulate the Transform, click and drag on one of the 3 gizmo axes, you'll notice its color changes. As you drag the mouse, you will see the object translate, rotate, or scale along the axis. When you release the mouse button, you'll notice that the axis remains selected. You can click the middle mouse button and drag the mouse to manipulate the Transform along the selected axis. To access all 3 axes at once click and drag the center point of all 3 gizmos.

若 想操作变换属性,只需在三个线框坐标轴上点击并拖动,你会发现被点击的轴颜色改变了,当你用鼠标拖动时,你会看到物体会沿着这些轴移动,旋转或缩放。当你 释放鼠标按键时,你会发现坐标轴仍处于选中状态,你可以点击鼠标中键并拖动来操作物体沿着选中坐标轴的变换,如果想同时操作三个坐标轴,那么就点击并拖动 三个坐标轴线框的中点。

Any individual axis will become selected when you click on it

Parenting 父子化

Parenting is one of the most important concepts to understand when using Unity. When a GameObject is a Parent of another GameObject, the Child GameObject will move, rotate, and scale exactly as its Parent does. Just like your arms are attached to your body, when you turn your body, your arms move because they're attached. Any object can have multiple children, but only one parent.


You can create a Parent by dragging any GameObject in the Hierarchy View onto another. This will create a Parent-Child relationship between the two GameObjects.


A real-world example of a Parent-Child hierarchy. All the GameObjects with arrows to the left are Parents.

In the above example, we say that the arms are parented to the body, and the hands are parented to the arms. The scenes you make in Unity will contain collections of these Transform hierarchies. The topmost parent object is called the Root object. When you move, scale, or rotate a parent, all the changes in its Transform are applied to its children as well.


It is worth pointing out that the Transform values in the Inspector of any Child GameObject are displayed relative to the Parent's Transform values. These are also called the Local Coordinates. Through scripting, you can access the Global Coordinates as well as the Local Coordinates.


You can build compound objects by parenting multiple separate objects together, like the skeletal structure of a human ragdoll. You can also create small yet effective objects with single parents. For example, if you have a horror game that takes place at night, you can create an effective atmosphere with a flashlight. To create this object, you would parent a spotlight Transform to the flashlight Transform. Then, any alteration of the flashlight Transform will affect the spotlight, creating a convincing flashlight effect.

你 可以通过子化多个独立的对象来建立符合对象,例如人体骨骼结构玩偶,你也可以使用单层父物体来创建小而有效的对象,例如,你想做一个夜晚时分的恐怖游戏, 你可以使用闪光灯来创造一个很好的气氛,创建这个对象时,你可以用一个聚光灯作为闪光灯的子物体,然后任何对于闪光灯的改动都会影响到聚光灯,制作出一个 逼真的闪光灯。

Importance of Scale 缩放的重点内容

The scale of the Transform determines the difference between the size of your mesh in your modeling application, and the size of your mesh in Unity. The mesh's size in Unity (and therefore the Transform's scale) is very important, especially during physics simulation. There are 3 factors that can determine the Scale of your object:


  • The size of your mesh in your 3D modeling application.
  • The Mesh Scale Factor setting in the object's Import Settings.
  • The Scale values of your Transform Component.

Ideally, you should not adjust the Scale of your object in the Transform Component. The best option is to create your models at real-life scale, so you won't have to change your Transform's scale. The second-best option is to adjust the scale at which your mesh is imported in the Import Settings for your individual mesh. Certain optimizations occur based on the import size, and instantiating an object that has an adjusted scale value can decrease performance. For more information, read through the Rigidbody component's section on optimizing scale.

理 论上,你可以无需调整物体变换组件中的缩放参数,最好的选择是在创建模型时使用显示比例缩放,这样你就可以不用调整变换缩放,第二种选择是在导入设置中调 整每个网格的缩放比例。某些优化是基于导入尺寸的,假如一个对象进行缩放调整时会降低一些性能。想要了解更多信息,阅读刚体组件的最佳化缩放一节。

Hints 提示

  • When parenting Transforms, put the parent's location at 0,0,0 before applying the child. This will save you many headaches later.
  • Particle Systems are not affected by the Transforms Scale. In order to scale a Particle System, you need to modify the properties in the System's Particle Emitter, Animator and Renderer.
  • If you are using Rigidbodies for physics simulation, there is some important information about the Scale property to be read on the Rigidbody page.
  • You can change the colors of the Transform axes (and other UI elements) from the Unity Menu->Preferences->Colors & keys.
    你可以修改变换组件坐标轴(和其他用户界面元素)的颜色通过菜单调用Unity Menu->Preferences->Colors & keys
  • If you can avoid scaling, do so. Try to have the scales of your object finalized in your 3D modeling application, or in the Import Settings of your mesh.









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