Golang(1)Installation and Web Application with Golang
1. Installation
Download the file from here https://go.googlecode.com/files/go1.2.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz
Edit the path configuration
>sudo vi ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/opt/go
export PATH=/opt/go/bin:$PATH
>. ~/.profile
Verify the installation
>go version
go version go1.2 darwin/amd64
>vi hello.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("hello, first installation\n")
>go run hello.go
hello, first installation
And few days later, I update the version to 1.2.1.
How to check my System
>uname -m
2. Reading Book - Environment
The project is in easygo.
First of all, I create a main class that will be the executable entry for my application.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Hello, sillycat. \n")
The I use the command to build the source codes
>go build com/sillycat/easygoapp
This step will generate the binary file in the root directory named easygoapp.
>go install com/sillycat/easygoapp
This will install the binary file into directory
Run the command
Hello, sillycat.
And we can also create a function class here
package math
func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
z := 0.0
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
z -= (z*z - x) / (2 * x)
return z
Install the function
>go install com/sillycat/easygoapp/math
It will generate the .a file
And the main file will be changed as follow:
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Hello, sillycat. \n")
fmt.Printf("Math result = %v\n", math.Sqrt(10))
3. Go Command
go build
Compile and Test, but for example, the normal package math, if you run the command go build, no file will generate.
Only >go install will generate the .a file.
If it is a main package, it will generate a executable file. Or we can say
>go build -o file path/filename
Default will compile all the .go files under the current directory.
go clean
go fmt
go get
go test
run all the files named like this *_test.go
go list
list all the package under current directory.
go run
>go run src/com/sillycat/easygoapp/main.go
4. Prepare the IDE
4.1 LiteIDE
I have the go environment, and I download the binary file for MAC
Install gocode
>go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode
Find LiteEnv in the References and set the file darwin64.env
Try to start debug, but I get this Error Message
22:56:53 GdbDebugger: /usr/local/bin/gdb was not found on system PATH (hint: is GDB installed?)
22:56:53 LiteDebug: Failed to start debugger
Install GDB
Check my env
>gdb --version
-bash: gdb: command not found
Find the software tool there
>wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/gdb-7.7.tar.gz
>tar zxvf gdb-7.7.tar.gz
>./configure --prefix=/Users/carl/tool/gdb-7.7
>sudo make install
>bin/gdb --version
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.7
Soft link the gdb
>sudo ln -s /Users/carl/tool/gdb-7.7 /opt/gdb-7.7
>sudo ln -s /opt/gdb-7.7 /opt/gdb
Find .profile and add
export PATH=/opt/gdb/bin:$PATH
Still do not know how to debug in LiteIDE
4.2 Sublime
sublime + gosublime + gocode + margo
I already have sublime 3. There should be some difference, but most of them should be the same.
Install Package Control
View > Show Console, or use command ‘ctrl’ + `.
Here is the command for sublime text 3.
import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '7183a2d3e96f11eeadd761d777e62404' + 'e330c659d4bb41d3bdf022e94cab3cd0'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://sublime.wbond.net/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
After that, I restart my sublime, and I saw the menu ‘References’ ——> ‘Package Control’, Great, then we can install the plugins we need for sublime 3.
‘Command’ + ’Shift’ + P, or ’Tools’ —> ‘Command Palette’
Type ‘Install Package’ and confirm.
Install ’GoSublime’
Install ’SidebarEnhancements’
Install gocode
>go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode
So it looks great right now.
4.3 Vim
4.4 Emacs
4.5 Eclipse
4.6 IntelliJ IDEA
Find Plugins and install ‘Golang’
Error Message:
Problem with env variables
GOPATH environment variable is empty or could not be detected properly.
This means that some tools like go run or go fmt might not run properly.
See instructions on how to fix this. (show balloon)
>sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf
#limit maxfiles 16384 32768 setenv GOROOT /opt/go setenv GOPATH /Users/carl/work/easy/easygo:/Users/carl/work/go
Hope it works.
Install GDB
Chapter 2—Installation and Runtime Environment............................................................11 2.1 Platforms and architectures.............................................................
编程语言:golang Installation go get github.com/wuxiaoxiaoshen/jianshu-go 主要的接口包括: User: 个人主页信息 Article : 某篇文章的信息 Home-page: 简书主页的信息 Home-page-recommend: 简书推荐作者的信息...
Chapter 2—Installation and Runtime Environment............................................................11 2.1 Platforms and architectures.............................................................
AB PLC例程代码项目案例 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。 3、用途:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 4、如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,亦可在此项目代码基础上进行修改添加,实现其他不同功能。 欢迎下载!欢迎交流学习!不清楚的可以私信问我!
FIBR English learning
AB PLC例程代码项目案例 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。 3、用途:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 4、如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,亦可在此项目代码基础上进行修改添加,实现其他不同功能。 欢迎下载!欢迎交流学习!不清楚的可以私信问我!
AB PLC例程代码项目案例 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。 3、用途:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 4、如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,亦可在此项目代码基础上进行修改添加,实现其他不同功能。 欢迎下载!欢迎交流学习!不清楚的可以私信问我!
PyQt6实战派 配套代码
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毕业设计_基于springboot+vue开发的汽车租赁管理系统【源码+sql+可运行】【50308】.zip 全部代码均可运行,亲测可用,尽我所能,为你服务; 1.代码压缩包内容 代码:springboo后端代码+vue前端页面代码; 脚本:数据库SQL脚本 效果图:运行结果请看资源详情效果图 2.环境准备: - JDK1.8+ - maven3.6+ - nodejs14+ - mysql5.6+ - redis 3.技术栈 - 后台:springboot+mybatisPlus+Shiro - 前台:vue+iview+Vuex+Axios - 开发工具: idea、navicate 4.功能列表 - 系统设置:用户管理、角色管理、资源管理、系统日志 - 业务管理:汽车管理、客户管理、租赁订单 3.运行步骤: 步骤一:修改数据库连接信息(ip、port修改) 步骤二:找到启动类xxxApplication启动 4.若不会,可私信博主!!!
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