- Install hive
1. download hive-0.12.0.bin.tar.gz
2.#tar -xzvf hive-0.12.0.bin.tar.gz
3.add the bin dir to PATH in ~/.bashrc
4.#source ~/.bashrc
The dir structure of hive-0.12.0.bin likes the following:
lib/ : contains JARs., which implement a particular subset of Hive's functionality.
bin/: contains executable scripts that launch various Hive service, including the hive command-line interface(CLI)
hcatalog/: metastore service related procedures.
conf/: configuration files
examples/: some example script
Thrift service provides remote access from other processes.
Hive uses a built-in Derby SQL server, which provides limited, single-process metadata storage.
start hive
#hive //start hive CLI
#hive --help
The list of hive service is :
you can start a service using command like
#hive --service service-name
#hive //default run CLI service
look for help for CLI
#hive --help --service cli
- Variables and Properties
In CLI, set and display variables and properties using set
#hive --define foo=bar
hive> set foo;
hive>set -v;
hive>set env:HOME;
hive>set foo=xbar;
- Basic commands
#hive --hiveconf hive.cli.print.current.db=true
#hive -e "select * from mytable limit 3";
#hive -S -e "select * from mytable limit 3" > /tmp/myquery;
execute hql script
#hive -f /path/to/withqueries.hql
hive> source /path/to/withqueries.hql
shell execution
hive> ! shell-commands;
hive> ! pwd;
note: Don't invoke interactive commands that require user input. shell 'pipes' don't work and neither do file 'globs'.
Hadoop dfs commands from inside hive
hive> dfs -ls /;
hive> dfs -help;
Comments in Hive Scripts
--the is a comment line
Query Column Headers
hive>set hive.cli.print.header=true;
Start Hive Server
#hive --service hiveserver & //run hiveserver in daemon mode
or start hiveserver2
#netstat -nl |grep 10000 //check whether the server is running
hive 开发UDF 使用maven工程 引发jar包缺失 hive 开发UDF 使用maven工程 引发jar包缺失
Apache Hive事务操作设计及未来发展 Apache Hive是一款基于Hadoop的数据仓库工具,支持对大规模数据的存储、查询和分析。随着大数据时代的到来,Apache Hive的事务操作设计变得越来越重要。本文将对Apache Hive的...
Hive JDBC 1.1.0-cdh5.12.1 连接库是Apache Hive项目中的一个重要组件,主要用于允许客户端程序通过Java数据库连接(JDBC)接口与Hive服务器进行交互。这个连接库是专为CDH(Cloudera Distribution Including Apache...
This book is your go-to resource for using Hive: authors Scott Shaw, Ankur Gupta, David Kjerrumgaard, and Andreas Francois Vermeulen take you through learning HiveQL, the SQL-like language specific ...
hive:/default/foobar hive -e "SELECT * FROM foobar" > $[OUTPUT]协议 !hive:/default/foobar <- !hive:/default/sample_07 [hive] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${env:TABLEOUT} LIKE ${env:TABLEIN}; INSERT ...
hadoop-hue-hive-cookbook TODO:在此处输入食谱说明。 支持的平台 TODO:列出您支持的平台。 属性 钥匙 类型 描述 ... " recipe[hadoop-hue-hive::default] " ] } 许可证和作者 作者:: YOUR_NAME ()
This book is your go-to resource for using Hive: authors Scott Shaw, Ankur Gupta, David Kjerrumgaard, and Andreas Francois Vermeulen take you through learning HiveQL, the SQL-like language specific ...
"jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/default". Currently, the only dbname supported is "default". 2.从hive导出数据到本地时注意指定的目录/home/bigdata/syg。如果指定的目录存在,hive会先删除该目录下的所有文件。...
在使用Hive的Beeline客户端进行连接时,可能会遇到错误提示"Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://hcmaster:10000/default"。这个错误通常意味着Beeline无法通过JDBC URL成功建立到Hive ...
自述文件概括Django 开放式计算工具版本:0.1 Hive 是一个试图帮助其他需要计算能力的项目的项目。 它是一个网络平台 ( ),它试图让任何人都可以使用高性能集群。 本项目使用docker运行计算程序。 这允许使安装过程...
hive-jdbc-1.1.0-cdh5.4.5-standalone.jar Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver at com.trs.gateway.commons.hive.HiveFeature.getConnection...
### Hive介绍 Hive是一种构建在Hadoop之上的数据仓库工具,主要用来进行数据提取、转换、加载(ETL),并能以结构化的形式存储数据,以便进行更方便的查询和分析。它提供了类似SQL的查询语言(HQL),允许用户以SQL...
Missing Hive Execution Jar: /hive/hive1.2.1/lib/hive-exec-*.jar
错误: 代理抛出异常错误: java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1099; nested exception is: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind 这里说的是1099端口被其它进程占用...
"HIVE安装及详解" HIVE是一种基于Hadoop的数据仓库工具,主要用于处理和分析大规模数据。下面是关于HIVE的安装及详解。 HIVE基本概念 HIVE是什么?HIVE是一种数据仓库工具,主要用于处理和分析大规模数据。它将...