Bumblebee Project
Bumblebee aims to provide support for NVIDIA Optimus laptops for GNU/Linux distributions. Using Bumblebee, you can use your NVIDIA card for rendering graphics which will be displayed using the Intel card. Bumblebee is officially supported by Ubuntu in 13.10 Saucy or newer. However, all releases are supported by the Bumblebee Project community from Ubuntu version 12.04 up to 13.10.
Basic Setup
You need to open your terminal and enter the commands below.
If on 12.04.3, replace linux-headers-generic with linux-headers-generic-lts-raring.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable
- Enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories (for bumblebee and nvidia packages respectively).
sudo apt-get update
- Install Bumblebee using the default proprietary nvidia driver for 12.04 - 13.04 :
sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia virtualgl linux-headers-generic
- And for 13.10 :
sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus linux-headers-generic
- Reboot
Advanced Setups
For advanced users, if you do not want to use the proprietary nvidia driver or 32-bit libraries (for example, if you are only interested in power savings), you can do your custom installation.
Minimal setup : sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bumblebee
Depending on your needs, add to this line:
bumblebee-nvidia: proprietary nvidia driver support (if installed, become default over nouveau)
virtualgl: VirtualGL as backend
virtualgl-libs-ia32: 32bit support for VirtualGL on 64bit system, necessary to run 32bit app through optirun
primus: primus/primusrun as backend (virtualgl Stays default, you need to run optirun -b primus <app>)
primus-libs-ia32: 32bit support for primus/primurun on 64bit system, necessary to run 32bit app through optirun
To run your application with the discrete NVIDIA card run in the terminal:
$ optirun [options] <application> [application-parameters]
$ optirun firefox
For a list of options for optirun run:
$ optirun --help
Normally you do not use optirun for your window manager, installations or other non graphic heavy demanding programs. The optirun command is mainly used for graphic demanding programs or for games.
Power Management
A primary goal of this project is to not only enable use of the discrete GPU for rendering, but also to enable smart power management of the dGPU when it's not in use. We're using either bbswitch (a module) or vga_switcheroo (kernel module, experimental) to do this in Bumblebee.
Since Bumblebee 3.0, this feature is enabled by default, using bbswitch. This allow automatic power management, without any configuration needs.
If Power Management doesn't work on your laptop, please go to this Power Management (PM) page and help to improve Bumblebee.
"Cannot access secondary GPU" error
In LTS 12.04.3, 13.04 and later, if your card seems to be inaccessible, i.e.[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG] (EE) No devices detected. you need to edit the /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia (or /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nouveau if using the noveau driver) and specify the correct BusID by following the instructions therein.
Updating drivers
The Bumblebee project recommends you install drivers only through APT and not drivers provided by nvidia.com directly. This said, whenever you update your drivers through the supported repositories, you need to setup the correct config values in /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf. See also this FAQ on github
Example update to nvidia-319 driver
E.g. to update to the latest update of 319.x driver, you need to install it through apt.
sudo apt-get install nvidia-319-updates nvidia-settings-319-updates
Then you need to edit /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf and set:
By running optirun nvidia-settings (or optirun -b none nvidia-settings -c :8) you can assert you are using the installed kernel module and driver.
Please join #bumblebee channel on Freenode if you wish to help testing and creating the installer.
Reporting bugs/problems
First of all: If you have any problem, please read this article: http://wiki.Bumblebee-Project.org/Troubleshooting
If your issue is not solved, you can join the #bumblebee IRC channel to ask for help (recommended). See also http://wiki.Bumblebee-Project.org/Reporting-Issues
If you're asked to create a bugreport, run the next command in a terminal: sudo bumblebee-bugreport
If you're unsatisfied with Bumblebee, you can remove it via:
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:bumblebee/stable
If you want to keep some programs from the bumblebee repository, you can also suffice by removing Bumblebee only (including its dependencies):
sudo apt-get purge bumblebee
sudo apt-get --purge autoremove
Social Media
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
There is sometimes confusion about CUDA. You don't need Bumblebee to run CUDA. Follow the How-to to get CUDA working under Ubuntu.
There is however a new feature (--no-xorg option for optirun) in Bumblebee 3.2, which makes it possible to run CUDA / OpenCL applications that does not need the graphics rendering capabilities.
本文将详细指导你如何在Ubuntu 13.04上安装NVIDIA GT630M驱动并使用Bumblebee来管理双显卡。 首先,Bumblebee是一个开源项目,它的主要目标是在Linux系统中优化对于NVIDIA Optimus技术的支持,使得用户可以在需要高...
工具和修补程序的集合,可在Ubuntu 14.04上运行Bumblebee2。 安装 安装flycapture $sudo sh install_flycapture.sh 并确保为执行bumblebee2 (ros和/或flycap2)的用户添加了udev规则。 否则,您需要成为root用户...
ubuntu 14.04 64bit的bumblebee,nvidia GTX 640
3. 安装显卡驱动:安装Video-Hybrid-Inter-Nvidia-430xx-Bumblebee。 4. 运行独立显卡:使用Optirun命令运行独立显卡程序。 六、其他命令 作者提供了一些有用的命令,包括: 1. 测试独显性能:使用Optirun ...
为了确保bumblebee双目视觉系统的高效运行,推荐的硬件配置包括Windows® XP Service Pack 1操作系统、至少512MB RAM、Intel® Pentium4 2.0GHz或兼容处理器、配备64MB视频内存的AGP显卡、32位标准PCI插槽以支持IEEE...
- 包括相机驱动、软件API库、Demo程序及源代码。 - 用于基础的图像捕获和处理功能。 2. **Triclops SDK**: - 专门针对立体视觉产品设计,提供实时深度图像处理能力。 - 是Bumblebee软件中最核心的部分之一。 ...
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 2 (android-studio-2021.1.1.22-cros.deb)大黄蜂,适用于Chrome OS系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新版本...
- **显卡**:具备 64MB 显存的 AGP 视频卡。 - **PCI 插槽**:需要一个 32 位的标准 PCI 插槽来安装 IEEE-1394 卡。 - **开发工具**:Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 用于编译和运行示例代码。 #### 五、附件与配件 - *...
ubuntu下搭建android开发环境(四)核心篇安装AndroidStudio、sdk、jdk(by 星空武哥)-附件资源
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 2 (android-studio-2021.1.1.22-windows.zip)大黄蜂,适用于Windows x86_64系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新...
Bumblebee内核简明数据手册中提到的核心内容涵盖了该内核的技术细节、特性列表、指令集架构、接口信息、电源与时钟域介绍,以及低功耗机制等。以下是对手册内容的详细解读: 1. Bumblebee内核概述: Bumblebee内核...
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 2 (android-studio-2021.1.1.22-linux.tar.gz)大黄蜂,适用于Linux 系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新版本...
Android Studio Bumblebee 稳定版(android-studio-2021.1.1.20-windows.exe) 大黄蜂,适用于Windows x86_64系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新版本Android Studio ...
Android Studio Bumblebee 稳定版(android-studio-2021.1.1.20-linux.tar.gz) 大黄蜂,适用于Linux x86_64系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新版本Android Studio ...
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 2 (android-studio-2021.1.1.22-mac_arm.dmg)大黄蜂,适用于macOS Arm芯片系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新...
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 1 (android-studio-2021.1.1.21-windows.zip)大黄蜂,适用于Windows x86_64系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新...
Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 1 (android-studio-2021.1.1.21-windows.exe)大黄蜂,适用于Windows x86_64系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新...
Android Studio Bumblebee 稳定版(android-studio-2021.1.1.20-cros.deb) 大黄蜂,适用于Chrome OS系统,是Android Studio 4.3(Arctic Fox 2020.3.1.26新版本命名)版本之后的新版本Android Studio Bumblebee 。...