一. 地址
9.8.1. Overview
HBase includes several methods of loading data into tables. The most straightforward method is to either use the TableOutputFormat class from a MapReduce job, or use the normal client APIs; however, these are not always the most efficient methods.
The bulk load feature uses a MapReduce job to output table data in HBase's internal data format, and then directly loads the generated StoreFiles into a running cluster. Using bulk load will use less CPU and network resources than simply using the HBase API.
9.8.2. Bulk Load Limitations
As bulk loading bypasses the write path, the WAL doesn’t get written to as part of the process. Replication works by reading the WAL files so it won’t see the bulk loaded data – and the same goes for the edits that use Put.setWriteToWAL(true). One way to handle that is to ship the raw files or the HFiles to the other cluster and do the other processing there.
9.8.3. Bulk Load Architecture
The HBase bulk load process consists of two main steps. Preparing data via a MapReduce job
The first step of a bulk load is to generate HBase data files (StoreFiles) from a MapReduce job using HFileOutputFormat. This output format writes out data in HBase's internal storage format so that they can be later loaded very efficiently into the cluster.
In order to function efficiently, HFileOutputFormat must be configured such that each output HFile fits within a single region. In order to do this, jobs whose output will be bulk loaded into HBase use Hadoop's TotalOrderPartitioner class to partition the map output into disjoint ranges of the key space, corresponding to the key ranges of the regions in the table.
HFileOutputFormat includes a convenience function, configureIncrementalLoad(), which automatically sets up a TotalOrderPartitioner based on the current region boundaries of a table. Completing the data load
After the data has been prepared using HFileOutputFormat, it is loaded into the cluster using completebulkload. This command line tool iterates through the prepared data files, and for each one determines the region the file belongs to. It then contacts the appropriate Region Server which adopts the HFile, moving it into its storage directory and making the data available to clients.
If the region boundaries have changed during the course of bulk load preparation, or between the preparation and completion steps, the completebulkloads utility will automatically split the data files into pieces corresponding to the new boundaries. This process is not optimally efficient, so users should take care to minimize the delay between preparing a bulk load and importing it into the cluster, especially if other clients are simultaneously loading data through other means.
9.8.4. Importing the prepared data using the completebulkload tool
After a data import has been prepared, either by using the importtsv tool with the "importtsv.bulk.output" option or by some other MapReduce job using the HFileOutputFormat, the completebulkload tool is used to import the data into the running cluster.
The completebulkload tool simply takes the output path where importtsv or your MapReduce job put its results, and the table name to import into. For example:
$ hadoop jar hbase-VERSION.jar completebulkload [-c /path/to/hbase/config/hbase-site.xml] /user/todd/myoutput mytable
The -c config-file option can be used to specify a file containing the appropriate hbase parameters (e.g., hbase-site.xml) if not supplied already on the CLASSPATH (In addition, the CLASSPATH must contain the directory that has the zookeeper configuration file if zookeeper is NOT managed by HBase).
Note: If the target table does not already exist in HBase, this tool will create the table automatically.
This tool will run quickly, after which point the new data will be visible in the cluster.
9.8.5. See Also
For more information about the referenced utilities, see Section 15.1.11, “ImportTsv” and Section 15.1.12, “CompleteBulkLoad”.
See How-to: Use HBase Bulk Loading, and Why for a recent blog on current state of bulk loading.
9.8.6. Advanced Usage
Although the importtsv tool is useful in many cases, advanced users may want to generate data programatically, or import data from other formats. To get started doing so, dig into ImportTsv.java and check the JavaDoc for HFileOutputFormat.
The import step of the bulk load can also be done programatically. See the LoadIncrementalHFiles class for more information.
二. 翻译
9.8. Bluk Loading
9.8.1. 概述
Hbase有多种方式将数据导入到表中,最直接的方式就是通过MapReduce调用TableOutputFormat,或者使用普通HBase Client Apis。
Bluk Load将数据以HBase内部的组织格式输出成文件,然后将数据文件加载到已运行的集群中。
9.8.2. Bluk Load限制
因为Bulk Load绕过了传统的写入Memstore和WAL,再从Memstore刷新到HFile的过程。当需要从WAL恢复数据的时候,WAL看不到任何通过Bulk Load产生的数据。
9.8.3. Bluk Load工作方式
同时,HFileOutputFormat包含有一个非常方便的方法,configureIncrementalLoad(), 这个方法会基于表的当前区域边界自动设置一个TotalOrderPartitioner。
通过HFileOutputFormat准备好数据之后,使用命令行工具completebulkload将数据加载到集群中。这个命令行工具遍历准备好的数据文件,并确定每一个文件所属的region。然后,当连接到对应的Region Server,移动HFile到存储目录为用户提供数据。
completebulkload就是采用与importtsv 相同的输出路径和表的名称来执行。
例如:$ hadoop jar hbase-VERSION.jar completebulkload /user/todd/myoutput mytable
三. 总结
标题中的“MR程序Bulkload数据到hbase”指的是使用MapReduce(MR)程序批量加载(Bulkload)数据到HBase数据库的过程。MapReduce是Apache Hadoop框架中的一个关键组件,用于处理和生成大规模数据集。而HBase是一个...
对于批量数据的导入导出,HBase提供了多种工具和技术,如Bulk Load、Export等,以便高效地进行大规模数据处理。 #### HBase的高可用 为了提高系统的可用性和容错能力,HBase采用了多方面的技术手段,包括: - 自动...
7. **Bulk Load**: - 通过HBase连接器可以实现批量加载数据,提高大数据导入的效率。 8. **数据模型**: - HBase是基于列族(Column Family)的数据库,连接器需要理解这一模型来正确操作数据。 - 表由行键...
- 使用Bulk Load等工具快速导入大量数据。 - **节点管理**: - 如何添加或删除集群中的节点,保证系统的稳定运行。 - **集群调节**: - 通过调整配置参数优化集群性能。 #### 七、案例研究 - **社交网络应用**: ...
- 技术栈涉及Spark Streaming、Kafka、HDFS、数据库、批量加载(Bulk Load)、Spark、HBase、MapReduce、服务缓存和HDFS。 5. 用户画像系统的关键技术: - 自动平衡输入格式(AutoBalance Input Format) - 快照...
HBase 的批量写入是指使用 bulkLoad 将大量数据写入到 HBase 中。这种方法可以减少写入时间,提高数据写入效率。HBase 的批量写入可以使用 Spark 实现。 ETL 过程 ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)是数据处理的...
- **Bulkload支持StoragePolicy配置**:HBASE-15172允许在2.0.0+版本的Bulkload过程中配置存储策略,如`hbase.hstore.block.storage.policy`设置为`ALL_SSD`。 3. **监控和问题排查** - **重要指标**:文档中可能...
这种方法适用于数据量大的情况(大于 4TB),通过 Hive 将数据转换为 HFile,然后使用 bulkload 将数据导入到 HBase 中。 首先,需要将 Hive 数据转换为 HFile: CREATE TABLE hbase_hfile_table(key int, name ...
8. **Bulk Load**:HBase 1.2.0版本提供了批量加载功能,允许高效地将大量数据导入到表中,这对于大数据初始化或更新非常有效。 9. **Region分裂与合并**:随着数据的增长,Region会自动分裂以保持负载均衡。当...
3. **Bulk Load**:使用HBase的`importtsv`工具或者自定义程序,将HFile批量导入到已创建的表中。这一步通常比单个Put操作快得多,因为它利用了HBase的RegionServer内部机制直接写入HFile,避免了网络传输的开销。 ...
在大数据处理领域,Apache HBase是一个分布式的、版本化的NoSQL数据库,它构建于Hadoop之上,特别适合处理海量结构化数据。这篇博客“Hbase调用Java API实现批量导入操作”聚焦于如何利用Java编程语言高效地向HBase...
3. HBase操作:掌握创建、删除、查询和更新表的方法,以及数据导入导出工具HBase Bulk Load的使用。 4. API与Shell命令:学习Java API和HBase Shell,进行基本的数据操作。 5. 性能优化:探讨HBase的性能瓶颈,学习...
4. **运行bulk load命令**:通过HBase的shell或者Java API执行`hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles`命令,指定待导入的HFile所在的目录和目标HBase表名。 5. **清理工作**:批量导入...
- **批量导入**: 通过HBase的批处理工具,如HFile或Bulk Load,可以高效地将大量数据导入HBase。 - **Java客户端**: 提供API供开发者在Java程序中直接与HBase交互,实现数据的读写操作。 **深化拓展** - **集群...
4. 数据导入导出工具,如Hadoop的DistCp和HBase的 bulk load 5. Hadoop的容错机制与数据恢复 6. HBase的查询优化和性能调优 7. 实战案例:使用Hadoop和HBase解决实际的大数据问题 通过这个清华大学的精品课程,学习...
7. **Bulk Load**:HBase支持批量加载大量数据,这可以通过MapReduce任务实现,从而高效地导入数据到表中。 8. **Secondary Index**:虽然HBase不直接支持二级索引,但可以通过实现自定义的Filter或者使用 ...
3. **批量加载(Bulk Load)**:将数据预先加载到HDFS,然后一次性导入HBase,提高效率。 ### 四、HBase优化 1. **行键设计**:合理设计行键,避免热点问题,例如使用反向时间戳+哈希值的方式。 2. **列族和列的...