1.内部使用TreeMap<Long, List<Session>>实现session存储和定位,其中key为hash值,value为这个hash值对应的session存储集合。其中并不是有多少session就有几个键值,而是会有NUM_REPS(默认为160)*session.size个键值。还需要与session的权重相乘
*Copyright [2009-2010] [dennis zhuang(killme2008@gmail.com)]
*Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
*Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License
package net.rubyeye.xmemcached.impl;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.HashAlgorithm;
import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.networking.MemcachedSession;
import com.google.code.yanf4j.core.Session;
* ConnectionFactory instance that sets up a ketama compatible connection.
* <p>
* This implementation piggy-backs on the functionality of the
* <code>DefaultConnectionFactory</code> in terms of connections and queue
* handling. Where it differs is that it uses both the <code>
* KetamaNodeLocator</code>
* and the <code>HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH</code> to provide consistent node
* hashing.
* @see http://www.last.fm/user/RJ/journal/2007/04/10/392555/
* </p>
* Consistent Hash Algorithm implementation,based on TreeMap.tailMap(hash)
* method.
* @author dennis
public class KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator extends
AbstractMemcachedSessionLocator {
static final int NUM_REPS = 160;
private transient volatile TreeMap<Long, List<Session>> ketamaSessions = new TreeMap<Long, List<Session>>();
private final HashAlgorithm hashAlg;
private volatile int maxTries;
private final Random random = new Random();
* compatible with nginx-upstream-consistent,patched by wolfg1969
static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 11211;
private final boolean cwNginxUpstreamConsistent;
public KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator() {
this.hashAlg = HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH;
this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent = false;
public KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator(boolean cwNginxUpstreamConsistent) {
this.hashAlg = HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH;
this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent = cwNginxUpstreamConsistent;
public KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator(HashAlgorithm alg) {
this.hashAlg = alg;
this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent = false;
public KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator(HashAlgorithm alg,
boolean cwNginxUpstreamConsistent) {
this.hashAlg = alg;
this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent = cwNginxUpstreamConsistent;
public KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator(List<Session> list, HashAlgorithm alg) {
this.hashAlg = alg;
this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent = false;
this.buildMap(list, alg);
private final void buildMap(Collection<Session> list, HashAlgorithm alg) {
TreeMap<Long, List<Session>> sessionMap = new TreeMap<Long, List<Session>>();
for (Session session : list) {
String sockStr = null;
if (this.cwNginxUpstreamConsistent) {
InetSocketAddress serverAddress = session
sockStr = serverAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress();
if (serverAddress.getPort() != DEFAULT_PORT) {
sockStr = sockStr + ":" + serverAddress.getPort();
} else {
if (session instanceof MemcachedTCPSession) {
// Always use the first time resolved address.
sockStr = ((MemcachedTCPSession) session)
if (sockStr == null) {
sockStr = String.valueOf(session.getRemoteSocketAddress());
* Duplicate 160 X weight references
int numReps = NUM_REPS;
if (session instanceof MemcachedTCPSession) {
numReps *= ((MemcachedSession) session).getWeight();
if (alg == HashAlgorithm.KETAMA_HASH) {
for (int i = 0; i < numReps / 4; i++) {
byte[] digest = HashAlgorithm.computeMd5(sockStr + "-" + i);
for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
long k = (long) (digest[3 + h * 4] & 0xFF) << 24
| (long) (digest[2 + h * 4] & 0xFF) << 16
| (long) (digest[1 + h * 4] & 0xFF) << 8
| digest[h * 4] & 0xFF;
this.getSessionList(sessionMap, k).add(session);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < numReps; i++) {
long key = alg.hash(sockStr + "-" + i);
this.getSessionList(sessionMap, key).add(session);
this.ketamaSessions = sessionMap;
this.maxTries = list.size();
private List<Session> getSessionList(
TreeMap<Long, List<Session>> sessionMap, long k) {
List<Session> sessionList = sessionMap.get(k);
if (sessionList == null) {
sessionList = new ArrayList<Session>();
sessionMap.put(k, sessionList);
return sessionList;
public final Session getSessionByKey(final String key) {
if (this.ketamaSessions == null || this.ketamaSessions.size() == 0) {
return null;
long hash = this.hashAlg.hash(key);
Session rv = this.getSessionByHash(hash);
int tries = 0;
while (!this.failureMode && (rv == null || rv.isClosed())
&& tries++ < this.maxTries) {
hash = this.nextHash(hash, key, tries);
rv = this.getSessionByHash(hash);
return rv;
public final Session getSessionByHash(final long hash) {
TreeMap<Long, List<Session>> sessionMap = this.ketamaSessions;
if (sessionMap.size() == 0) {
return null;
Long resultHash = hash;
if (!sessionMap.containsKey(hash)) {
// Java 1.6 adds a ceilingKey method, but xmemcached is compatible
// with jdk5,So use tailMap method to do this.
SortedMap<Long, List<Session>> tailMap = sessionMap.tailMap(hash);
if (tailMap.isEmpty()) {
resultHash = sessionMap.firstKey();
} else {
resultHash = tailMap.firstKey();
// if (!sessionMap.containsKey(resultHash)) {
// resultHash = sessionMap.ceilingKey(resultHash);
// if (resultHash == null && sessionMap.size() > 0) {
// resultHash = sessionMap.firstKey();
// }
// }
List<Session> sessionList = sessionMap.get(resultHash);
if (sessionList == null || sessionList.size() == 0) {
return null;
int size = sessionList.size();
return sessionList.get(this.random.nextInt(size));
public final long nextHash(long hashVal, String key, int tries) {
long tmpKey = this.hashAlg.hash(tries + key);
hashVal += (int) (tmpKey ^ tmpKey >>> 32);
hashVal &= 0xffffffffL; /* truncate to 32-bits */
return hashVal;
public final void updateSessions(final Collection<Session> list) {
this.buildMap(list, this.hashAlg);
然而,普通一致性哈希算法有潜在的问题是节点 Hash 后会不均匀地分布在环上,解决方案是改善 Hash 算法,均匀分配各节点到环上,使用虚拟节点的思想,为每个物理服务器节点在圆上分配 100~200 个点。 Memcached 的...
- **一致性哈希**:解决上述问题,通过一致性哈希算法,Key均匀分布到服务器,减少服务器变动时的影响。为解决分布不均,通常采用虚拟节点策略,每个物理节点映射多个虚拟节点。 4. **Memcached的Java客户端实现**...
- `HashAlgorithm`:一致性哈希算法,如KetamaConsistentHash算法。 ### 6. 应用场景 Memcached广泛应用于Web应用的session共享、热门数据缓存、API请求缓存等领域。 通过上述知识点,开发者可以更好地理解和使用...
在Java中,我们可以使用各种客户端库来与memCache进行交互,本文将主要探讨Java客户端的实现细节。 ### 一、memCache客户端库 Java社区提供了多种memCache客户端,如spymemcached、xmemcached、memcached-client等...