It seems to me that the importance of garbage collection in Java (and other garbage collected languages) is disproportional to the explanations given about it. While there would be millions of articles when you look for JavaFX examples, there would be only a couple if you tried to search about the “Parallel Compacting Collector” mentioned in Sun‘s memory management whitepaper.
Since I wanted to understand better how the garbage collection is currently implemented in the Java VM and to see what’s ahead, I‘ve scourged the internet a bit and found many interesting articles and slides. With the searches, it became like the old saying: there is a lot of stuff you don’t know, but there‘s even more stuff you don’t even know you don‘t know. This post is my summary of what I’ve found, but this is just the way I understand the explained material in publications and whitepapers; if I‘m wrong somewhere, please do correct me.
The basics of garbage collection
The garbage collector first performs a task called marking. The garbage collector traverses the application graph, starting with the root objects; those are objects that are represented by all active stack frames and all the static variables loaded into the system. Each object the garbage collector meets is marked as being used, and will not be deleted in thesweeping stage.
The sweeping stage is where the deletion of objects take place. There are many ways to delete an object: The traditional C way was to mark the space as free, and let the allocator methods use complex data structures to search the memory for the required free space. This was later improved by providing a defragmenting system which compacted memory by moving objects closer to each other, removing any fragments of free space and therefore allowing allocation to be much faster:
For the last trick to be possible a new idea was introduced in garbage collected languages: even though objects are represented by references, much like in C, they don't really reference their real memory location. Instead, they refer to a location in a dictionary which keeps track of where the object is at any moment.
Fortunately for us – but unfortunately for these garbage collection algorithms – our servers and personal computers got faster (and multiple) processors and bigger memory capacities. Compacting memory areas this large often was very taxing on the application, especially considering that when doing that, the whole application had to freeze due to the changes in the virtual memory map. Fortunately for us though, some smart people improved those algorithms in three ways: concurrency, parallelization and generational collection.
Generational garbage collection
In any application, objects could be categorized according to their life-line. Some objects are short-lived, such as most local variables, and some are long-lived such as the backbone of the application. The thought about generational garbage collection was made possible with the understanding that in an application's lifetime, most instantiated objects are short-lived, and that there are few connections between long-lived objects to short-lived objects.
In order to take advantage of this information, the memory space is divided to two sections:young generation and old generation. In Java, the long-lived objects are further divided again to permanent objects and old generation objects. Permanent objects are usually objects the Java VM itself created for caching like code, reflection information etc. Old generation objects are objects that survived a few collections in the young generation area.
Since we know that objects in the young generation memory space become garbage early, we collect that area frequently while leaving the old generation's memory space to be collected in larger intervals. The young generation memory space is much smaller, thus having shorter collection times.
An additional advantage to the knowledge that objects die quickly in this area, we can also skip the compacting step and do something else called copying. This means that instead of seeking free areas (by seeking the areas marked as unused after the marking step), we copy the live objects from one young generation area to another young generation area. The originating area is called the From area, and the target area is called the To area, and after the copying is completed the roles switch: the From becomes the To, and the To becomes the From.
In addition, the Java VM splits the young generation to three areas, by adding an area called Eden which is where all objects are allocated into. To my understanding this is done to make allocation faster by always having the allocator reference to the beginning of Eden after a collection.
By using the copying method, garbage collection achieves defragmentation without seeking for dead memory blocks. However, this method proves itself to be more efficient in areas where most objects are garbage, so it is not a good approach to take on the old generation memory area. Indeed, that area is still collected using the compacting algorithm – but now, thanks to the separation of young and old generations, it is done in much larger intervals.
Next up
I didn’t expect the amount of information I‘ve found. I especially didn’t expect the amount of information I‘ve found regarding how the garbage collector makes use of the multiple processors platforms available today in almost all new computers. I’m not a big believer in extremely long, 3,000 words posts, so all the information regarding parallel and concurrent garbage collectors can be found on the next post, allowing me to upload this one now and have a couple of days to edit the next one before sending it online.
《垃圾收集手册》是关于自动内存管理的一本权威著作,主要探讨了计算机程序中的垃圾收集(Garbage Collection, GC)技术。垃圾收集是现代编程语言中一个至关重要的部分,它负责自动识别并释放不再使用的内存空间,...
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The Garbage Collection Cookbook 垃圾回收算法手册
The Garbage Collection Handbook The Art of Automatic Memory Management 英文epub
"03"这个压缩包文件,其标题暗示了我们将探讨的是垃圾收集(Garbage Collection, GC)这一核心概念,特别是在数据结构和算法的学习中,理解GC的工作原理对于优化程序性能至关重要。...
书名《The Garbage Collection Handbook The Art of Automatic Memory Management》揭示了本书的重点是垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)和自动内存管理(Automatic Memory Management)。垃圾回收是计算机科学中的一...
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WP-Understanding Java Garbage Collection
垃圾回收算法的经典之作。 本书围绕着动态内存自动回收的话题,介绍了垃圾收集机制,详细分析了各种算法和相关技术。 本书共12章。第1章首先介绍计算机存储器管理的演化和自动内存回收的需求,并引入了本书所使用...
垃圾收集(Garbage Collection, GC)是这一过程的核心,它负责识别并回收不再使用的内存空间。本篇文章将深入探讨几种常见的垃圾收集算法,以及它们在Java J2EE、C#、ASP.NET以及JVM中的应用。 1. **标记-清除...
在系统级编程中,垃圾收集(Garbage Collection, GC)是一项至关重要的任务,它自动管理程序的内存,释放不再使用的对象以防止内存泄漏。本文将深入探讨“slp-garbage collection”这一主题,它是系统级编程课程中的...
垃圾回收(Garbage Collection, GC)是自动动态内存管理的关键技术,它负责识别并回收不再使用的内存块,防止内存泄漏。GC的工作原理包括对象的可达性分析、标记-清除、复制、标记-压缩、分代收集等多种算法。这些...
12.6.5 “Garbage collecting the world” 12.6.6 网络对象 12.6.7 带权引用计数 12.6.8 世代引用计数 12.7 对actor进行垃圾收集 12.7.1 Halstead算法 12.7.2 标记算法 12.7.3 逻辑上集中式的收集器 12.8 引文注记
### Java垃圾回收经典手册知识点概览 #### 一、引言 《Plumbr Java垃圾回收手册》(2015年英文版)是一本详细介绍了Java虚拟机(JVM)中垃圾回收机制的经典指南。该手册由Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovski和Gleb Smirnov...
This paper presents a new garbage collection scheme for flash memory based storage systems that focuses on reducing garbage collection overhead, and improving the endurance of flash memory. The scheme...
在IT行业中,垃圾回收(Garbage Collection,简称GC)是一项重要的技术,特别是在使用像Java、Python、Ruby等高级编程语言时。垃圾回收是自动管理内存的一种机制,它负责监测和释放不再使用的内存空间,以防止内存...
本文档是一份详细探讨Java垃圾回收机制及其影响的白皮书,标题为《Understanding Java Garbage Collection v4.pdf》,旨在帮助Java开发者和架构师理解垃圾回收器的应用行为、特性和机制,并在Java平台上选择和调整...