A drawable defined in XML that changes the size of another drawable based on its current level.
The filename is used as the resource ID.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <scale xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:drawable="@drawable/drawable_resource" android:scaleGravity=["top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "center_vertical" | "fill_vertical" | "center_horizontal" | "fill_horizontal" | "center" | "fill" | "clip_vertical" | "clip_horizontal"] android:scaleHeight="percentage" android:scaleWidth="percentage" />
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values:
top |
Put the object at the top of its container, not changing its size. |
bottom |
Put the object at the bottom of its container, not changing its size. |
left |
Put the object at the left edge of its container, not changing its size. This is the default. |
right |
Put the object at the right edge of its container, not changing its size. |
center_vertical |
Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. |
fill_vertical |
Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. |
center_horizontal |
Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. |
fill_horizontal |
Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. |
center |
Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. |
fill |
Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. |
clip_vertical |
Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of the child clipped to its container's bounds. The clip is based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity clips the bottom edge, a bottom gravity clips the top edge, and neither clips both edges. |
clip_horizontal |
Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of the child clipped to its container's bounds. The clip is based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity clips the right edge, a right gravity clips the left edge, and neither clips both edges. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <scale xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:drawable="@drawable/logo" android:scaleGravity="center_vertical|center_horizontal" android:scaleHeight="80%" android:scaleWidth="80%" />
- ScaleDrawable:用于缩放其他Drawable资源的Drawable。 - StateListDrawable:可以包含多种状态(如选中、按下等),根据不同的状态显示不同的Drawable。 - TransitionDrawable:用于在两个Drawable资源之间创建...
本资源包“android安卓APP之13种Drawable位图片资源.zip”涵盖了Android开发中常见的13种Drawable类型,这些类型极大地丰富了Android应用的视觉表现和动态效果。下面将详细介绍每种Drawable的特性和用法。 1. **...
7. **`ScaleDrawable`**:用于创建可以按比例缩放的 `Drawable`。 8. **`RotateDrawable`**:用于创建可以旋转的 `Drawable`。 9. **`AnimationDrawable`**:这种 `Drawable` 类型用于实现帧动画效果,通过连续...
【玩转Android之Drawable的使用】 Drawable在Android开发中扮演着至关重要的角色,它是图形和图像的基础元素,广泛用于UI设计和自定义视图。在Android中,Drawable不仅仅局限于简单的图片,还包括各种复杂的图形和...
7. ScaleDrawable:缩放图,可以动态地改变`Drawable`的大小。 8. AnimationDrawable:动画图,可以播放一系列的`Drawable`来创建帧动画效果。 二、Drawable的使用 1. 在XML中定义:通过在res/drawable目录下创建...
如果需要更复杂的样式,可以创建一个Drawable资源,如Shape Drawable,它允许定义形状(如矩形、圆形)、边框、填充色等。通过在Drawable中定义多个层,我们可以实现填充星和空心星的切换。在RatingBar的XML布局中...
一种常见的做法是使用`android.graphics.drawable.ScaleDrawable`或自定义View。例如,可以创建一个自定义的View,监听触摸事件,然后在触摸位置画出半透明圆圈并逐渐扩大,模拟水波纹扩散的过程。 ```java public ...
Bitmap Drawables处理的是像素级别的图像,通常是从资源文件、网络或者内存中加载。Bitmap提供了丰富的操作方法,如裁剪、旋转、颜色转换等。在Android中,位图的使用需要注意内存管理和性能优化,因为大图可能会...