// // ViewController.swift // AutolayoutScrollViewInCode // // Created by 张星宇 on 15/12/21. // Copyright © 2015年 张星宇. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import SnapKit let ScreenWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width let ScreenHeight = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height let topScrollHeight: CGFloat = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height / 3 let boxWidth: CGFloat = ScreenWidth * 2 / 3 let boxGap: CGFloat = 20 class ViewController: UIViewController { let scrollView = UIScrollView() let containerView = UIView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() /** 使用Container进行布局 Use container in scrollview to layout subviews */ /** 使用外部视图进行布局 Use views outside to locate subviews in scrollview */ layoutWithContainer() // layoutWithAbsoluteView() // layoutWithCustomePageSize() } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { // scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(1000, topScrollHeight) // scrollView.contentSize.width = 1000 print(scrollView.contentSize.width) } } // MARK: - 用Container实现自动布局 extension ViewController { func layoutWithContainer() { scrollView.bounces = false view.addSubview(scrollView) scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() scrollView.addSubview(containerView) containerView.backgroundColor = scrollView.backgroundColor /** * 对scrollView添加约束 * Add constraints to scrollView */ scrollView.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.centerY.equalTo(view.snp_centerY) make.left.right.equalTo(view) make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) } /** * 对containerView添加约束,接下来只要确定containerView的宽度即可 * Add constraints to containerView, the only thing we will do * is to define the width of containerView */ containerView.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(scrollView) make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) } for i in 0...5 { let box = UIView() box.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() containerView.addSubview(box) box.snp_makeConstraints(closure: { (make) -> Void in make.top.height.equalTo(containerView) // 确定top和height之后,box在竖直方向上完全确定 make.width.equalTo(boxWidth) if i == 0 { make.left.equalTo(containerView).offset(boxGap / 2) } else if let previousBox = containerView.subviews[i - 1] as? UIView{ make.left.equalTo(previousBox.snp_right).offset(boxGap) } if i == 5 { containerView.snp_makeConstraints(closure: { (make) -> Void in // 这一步是关键,它确定了container的宽度,也就确定了contentSize // This step is very important, it set the width of container, so the // contentSize is available now make.right.equalTo(box) }) } }) } } } extension ViewController { func layoutWithAbsoluteView() { scrollView.bounces = false view.addSubview(scrollView) scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() scrollView.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.centerY.equalTo(view.snp_centerY) make.left.right.equalTo(view) make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) } for i in 0...5 { let box = UIView() box.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() scrollView.addSubview(box) // box依赖于外部视图布局,不能依赖scrollView // The position of box rely on self.view instead of scrollView box.snp_makeConstraints(closure: { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(0) // This bottom can be incorret when device is rotated make.bottom.equalTo(view).offset(-(ScreenHeight - topScrollHeight) / 2) make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) make.width.equalTo(boxWidth) if i == 0 { make.left.equalTo(boxGap / 2) } else if let previousBox = scrollView.subviews[i - 1] as? UIView{ make.left.equalTo(previousBox.snp_right).offset(boxGap) } if i == 5 { // 这里设定最右侧的box,距离contentSize的右边界距离 // The the distance from the box on the right side // to the right side of contentSize make.right.equalTo(scrollView) } }) } } } // MARK: - 用Container实现自动布局 extension ViewController { /** The key is to set clipsToBounds to false and make the width of frame of scrollview less than the width of screen. Usually the width now is padding + subviewWidth 关键在于clipsToBounds设置为no,scrollview自身的width小于屏幕宽度,一般设置为padding + 子视图width */ func layoutWithCustomePageSize() { scrollView.bounces = false view.addSubview(scrollView) scrollView.pagingEnabled = true scrollView.clipsToBounds = false // *important!* // scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() scrollView.addSubview(containerView) containerView.backgroundColor = scrollView.backgroundColor /** * 对scrollView添加约束 * Add constraints to scrollView */ scrollView.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.center.equalTo(view.snp_center) make.width.equalTo(boxWidth + boxGap) // *important!* // make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) } /** * 对containerView添加约束,接下来只要确定containerView的宽度即可 * Add constraints to containerView, the only thing we will do * is to define the width of containerView */ containerView.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(scrollView) make.height.equalTo(topScrollHeight) } for i in 0...40 { let box = UIView() box.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() containerView.addSubview(box) box.snp_makeConstraints(closure: { (make) -> Void in make.top.height.equalTo(containerView) // 确定top和height之后,box在竖直方向上完全确定 make.width.equalTo(boxWidth) if i == 0 { make.left.equalTo(containerView).offset(boxGap / 2) } else if let previousBox = containerView.subviews[i - 1] as? UIView{ make.left.equalTo(previousBox.snp_right).offset(boxGap) } if i == 40 { containerView.snp_makeConstraints(closure: { (make) -> Void in // 这一步是关键,它确定了container的宽度,也就确定了contentSize // This step is very important, it set the width of container, so the // contentSize is available now make.right.equalTo(box).offset(boxGap / 2) }) } }) } } }
本项目“Unity嵌套滚动ScrollView.zip”着重探讨了如何在Unity中实现ScrollView的嵌套,即在一个ScrollView内嵌入另一个ScrollView,以创建横竖滑动的复杂布局。 首先,我们关注的核心文件是"CustomScrollRect.cs...
ScrollView是移动应用开发中的一个关键组件,特别是在 Titanium 框架中。Titanium 是一个开源的 JavaScript 框架,允许开发者使用 JavaScript 来构建原生的 iOS 和 Android 应用程序。ScrollView 是一个可滚动的视图...
当一个ScrollView内嵌套另一个ScrollView时,可能会遇到一些滑动事件处理的问题。这种情况下,我们需要理解Android事件分发机制以及如何解决嵌套滚动冲突。 首先,我们要明白Android的事件分发机制,它主要包括三个...
ScrollView是一个可滚动的视图,可以容纳比屏幕更大的内容,而PageControl则是一个小控件,通常显示为一系列圆点,用于指示用户当前在ScrollView中的位置以及总共有多少页面。 首先,让我们深入了解一下...
在本项目"SCrollView自动滚动视图"中,开发者旨在实现一个具备循环翻页效果的ScrollView,它能自动滚动并展示内容,这在很多应用的广告轮播或内容展示场景中非常实用。 首先,我们需要了解ScrollView的基本概念。...
总的来说,Unity的Super ScrollView 2.4.2是一个高效且功能强大的解决方案,它解决了原生ScrollView在处理大量数据和复杂布局时的局限性。通过熟练掌握和运用这个组件,开发者能够创建出更加流畅、响应快速且用户...
例如,你可以用它来创建一个动态的商品展示区,其中每个商品都是一个独立的单元,包含图片、价格和描述等信息。 此外,UGUI Super ScrollView还支持动态加载和异步更新数据。这意味着你可以从服务器获取数据并在...
在Android开发中,ScrollView是一个非常重要的布局组件,它允许用户在一个垂直方向上滚动查看超过屏幕大小的内容。在标题“scrollview的应用 定时切换”中,我们关注的是ScrollView的一个特定应用,即如何实现定时...