

一步步教你使用Proguard混淆Java源代码 http://java-server.iteye.com/blog/1166114

直接使用mvn package可能直接出错,所以先用jar:jar命令得到jar文件,在使用proguard:proguard混淆。
命令在idea的Maven Projects查看。


# ----------------------------------
#  通过指定数量的优化能执行
#  -optimizationpasses n
# ----------------------------------
-optimizationpasses 3

# ----------------------------------
#   混淆时不会产生形形色色的类名
#   -dontusemixedcaseclassnames
# ----------------------------------
# ----------------------------------
#      指定不去忽略非公共的库类
#  -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses
# ----------------------------------

# ----------------------------------
#       不预校验
#    -dontpreverify
# ----------------------------------
# -dontpreverify

# ----------------------------------
#      输出生成信息
#       -verbose
# ----------------------------------



-dontwarn javax.crypto.**
-keep class javax.crypto.**
-keep  class com.rh.hasp.util.** {*;}
#-keep  class com.zsoftware.common.constant.** {*;}

-keep public class * extends  javax.servlet.Servlet

-keepdirectories  **
-keepattributes **

#-keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable
# ---------保护所有实体中的字段名称----------
-keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {

# --------- 保护类中的所有方法名 ------------
-keepclassmembers class * {
public <methods>;

执行:mvn package
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ rh-hasp ---
[INFO] Building jar: /mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar
[INFO] --- proguard-maven-plugin:2.0.6:proguard (default) @ rh-hasp ---
[INFO] execute ProGuard [-injars, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar'(!META-INF/maven/**), -outjars, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar', -include, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/proguard.conf', -libraryjars, '/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.9/commons-codec-1.9.jar', -libraryjars, '/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar', -libraryjars, '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/rt.jar', -printmapping, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_map.txt', -printseeds, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_seeds.txt']
[INFO] proguard jar: /home/pandy/m2/repository/net/sf/proguard/proguard-base/4.9/proguard-base-4.9.jar
[proguard] ProGuard, version 4.9
[proguard] Reading input...
[proguard] Reading program jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar] (filtered)
[proguard] Reading library jar [/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.9/commons-codec-1.9.jar]
[proguard] Reading library jar [/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar]
[proguard] Reading library jar [/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/rt.jar]
[proguard] Initializing...
[proguard] Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class 'javax.servlet.Servlet'
[proguard] Note: there were 1 references to unknown classes.
[proguard]       You should check your configuration for typos.
[proguard] Ignoring unused library classes...
[proguard]   Original number of library classes: 19278
[proguard]   Final number of library classes:    19278
[proguard] Printing kept classes, fields, and methods...
[proguard] Shrinking...
[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...
[proguard]   Original number of program classes: 8
[proguard]   Final number of program classes:    8
[proguard] Inlining subroutines...
[proguard] Optimizing...
[proguard]   Number of finalized classes:                 5
[proguard]   Number of vertically merged classes:         0
[proguard]   Number of horizontally merged classes:       0
[proguard]   Number of removed write-only fields:         3
[proguard]   Number of privatized fields:                 12
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant fields:           0
[proguard]   Number of privatized methods:                0
[proguard]   Number of staticized methods:                1
[proguard]   Number of finalized methods:                 45
[proguard]   Number of removed method parameters:         0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant parameters:       2
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant return values:    0
[proguard]   Number of inlined short method calls:        0
[proguard]   Number of inlined unique method calls:       13
[proguard]   Number of inlined tail recursion calls:      0
[proguard]   Number of merged code blocks:                2
[proguard]   Number of variable peephole optimizations:   72
[proguard]   Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0
[proguard]   Number of cast peephole optimizations:       0
[proguard]   Number of field peephole optimizations:      1
[proguard]   Number of branch peephole optimizations:     36
[proguard]   Number of string peephole optimizations:     11
[proguard]   Number of simplified instructions:           3
[proguard]   Number of removed instructions:              33
[proguard]   Number of removed local variables:           2
[proguard]   Number of removed exception blocks:          3
[proguard]   Number of optimized local variable frames:   25
[proguard] Shrinking...
[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...
[proguard]   Original number of program classes: 8
[proguard]   Final number of program classes:    8
[proguard] Optimizing...
[proguard]   Number of finalized classes:                 0
[proguard]   Number of vertically merged classes:         0
[proguard]   Number of horizontally merged classes:       0
[proguard]   Number of removed write-only fields:         0
[proguard]   Number of privatized fields:                 0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant fields:           0
[proguard]   Number of privatized methods:                0
[proguard]   Number of staticized methods:                0
[proguard]   Number of finalized methods:                 0
[proguard]   Number of removed method parameters:         1
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant parameters:       0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant return values:    0
[proguard]   Number of inlined short method calls:        0
[proguard]   Number of inlined unique method calls:       0
[proguard]   Number of inlined tail recursion calls:      0
[proguard]   Number of merged code blocks:                0
[proguard]   Number of variable peephole optimizations:   4
[proguard]   Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0
[proguard]   Number of cast peephole optimizations:       0
[proguard]   Number of field peephole optimizations:      0
[proguard]   Number of branch peephole optimizations:     1
[proguard]   Number of string peephole optimizations:     2
[proguard]   Number of simplified instructions:           0
[proguard]   Number of removed instructions:              50
[proguard]   Number of removed local variables:           1
[proguard]   Number of removed exception blocks:          0
[proguard]   Number of optimized local variable frames:   1
[proguard] Shrinking...
[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...
[proguard]   Original number of program classes: 8
[proguard]   Final number of program classes:    8
[proguard] Optimizing...
[proguard]   Number of finalized classes:                 0
[proguard]   Number of vertically merged classes:         0
[proguard]   Number of horizontally merged classes:       0
[proguard]   Number of removed write-only fields:         0
[proguard]   Number of privatized fields:                 0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant fields:           0
[proguard]   Number of privatized methods:                0
[proguard]   Number of staticized methods:                0
[proguard]   Number of finalized methods:                 0
[proguard]   Number of removed method parameters:         0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant parameters:       0
[proguard]   Number of inlined constant return values:    0
[proguard]   Number of inlined short method calls:        0
[proguard]   Number of inlined unique method calls:       0
[proguard]   Number of inlined tail recursion calls:      0
[proguard]   Number of merged code blocks:                0
[proguard]   Number of variable peephole optimizations:   0
[proguard]   Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0
[proguard]   Number of cast peephole optimizations:       0
[proguard]   Number of field peephole optimizations:      0
[proguard]   Number of branch peephole optimizations:     0
[proguard]   Number of string peephole optimizations:     2
[proguard]   Number of simplified instructions:           0
[proguard]   Number of removed instructions:              6
[proguard]   Number of removed local variables:           0
[proguard]   Number of removed exception blocks:          0
[proguard]   Number of optimized local variable frames:   0
[proguard] Shrinking...
[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...
[proguard]   Original number of program classes: 8
[proguard]   Final number of program classes:    8
[proguard] Obfuscating...
[proguard] Printing mapping to [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_map.txt]...
[proguard] Preverifying...
[proguard] Writing output...
[proguard] Preparing output jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar]
[proguard]   Copying resources from program jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar] (filtered)
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default) @ rh-hasp ---
[INFO] Building jar: /mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1-lib.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

这时就已经好了,但是包结构都变了,成了a,b,c,d ....的了


    SpringBoot + proguard+maven多模块实现代码混淆

    基于SpringBoot+Maven多模块工程利用proguard组件实现代码混淆的代码demo,代码清晰完整,导入idea或eclipse即可运行。 使用 proguard 混淆代码只能增加阅读和理解的难度, 并不能百分百保证代码安全。常用的应用...


    基于springboot搭建一个简单案例,利用proguard插件实现代码混淆,增加源代码的阅读和理解的难度, 并不能百分百保证代码安全。常用的应用场景是项目需要部署到客户机器上,一定程度上防止代码泄露。 ProGuard 是一个...


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    springboot工程(单个maven工程)利用proguard实现代码混淆 java demo案例

    要在Spring Boot的Maven工程中使用ProGuard,我们需要添加`maven-proguard-plugin`插件到`pom.xml`文件中。配置大致如下: ```xml &lt;groupId&gt;com.github.wvengen&lt;/groupId&gt; &lt;artifactId&gt;proguard-maven-...


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    在`pom.xml`文件中,我们需要添加`maven-jar-plugin`插件来打包Java项目。以下是一个基本的配置示例: ```xml &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.maven.plugins &lt;artifactId&gt;maven-jar-plugin &lt;version&gt;3.2.0 ...

    WEB Maven 项目 ProGuard 混淆方案

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    ProGuard可以方便地与构建工具如Ant、Maven、Gradle集成,自动化混淆、优化和打包流程。在Android Studio中,ProGuard配置通常在`build.gradle`文件中完成,通过`minifyEnabled true`开启混淆,并指定配置文件路径...


    本教程将详细讲解如何在IntelliJ IDEA(IDEA)中利用Maven进行混淆打包,确保代码的安全性并提高可维护性。 首先,让我们了解一下涉及的工具和技术: 1. **Java**: 一种广泛使用的面向对象的编程语言,用于构建跨...



    maven 代码混淆.zip





    【标题】"idfc-proguard混淆优化demo2" 涉及的是Android应用开发中的一个关键环节,即使用ProGuard工具进行代码混淆和优化。ProGuard是一个强大的Java字节码混淆、优化、预校验和分析工具,它可以减小APK的大小,...

    proguard-maven-plugin:支持模块化ProGuard软件包的ProGuard Maven插件

    **ProGuard Maven插件**是Java开发者在Maven构建流程中使用的一个重要工具,它主要负责执行代码混淆、优化、压缩和预校验等任务。这个插件是针对ProGuard工具的集成,使得在Maven项目中应用ProGuard变得更加便捷。...

    IDFC Maven ProGuard Plug-in:一个通过ProGuard混淆Java代码的Maven插件-开源

    该插件使您可以使用ProGuard开源混淆器来混淆Maven工件,ProGuard开源混淆器是一种非常强大且完善的Java混淆器。 也可以在SourceForge的http://proguard.sourceforge.net/上找到ProGuard。 可以从您的POM使用此插件...


    2. **构建过程**:在构建过程中,将ProGuard集成到构建脚本中,如Ant或Maven,使得每次构建时都会自动执行混淆操作。 3. **测试混淆后代码**:混淆可能会影响程序的行为,因此混淆后需要进行全面测试,确保所有功能...


    - 执行混淆:在构建脚本中添加混淆步骤,如在Gradle中使用`minifyEnabled true`开启混淆,并指定混淆配置文件。 - 测试混淆结果:混淆可能影响代码运行,因此混淆后需进行充分测试,确保功能不受影响。 5. **混淆...



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