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修改cloudera manager管理主机名(转)


I installed the Cloudera Manager 4 on a 1GbE default setup on eth0/bond0 and now I need to use 10GbE or Infiniband IB or 40GbE without the reinstall. How I did it!!

 The assumptions here are that you already have a CM 4.x already installed with the default embedded postgres DB on a linux server
. If you want to learn how-to just ask...

Let's start here where I have a 3 cluster setup with yosemite001 - yosemite003
 hostname = yosemite00[1-3].somedomain.com = CM Installed on 1GbE


  1. Shutdown all services
  2. service cloudera-scm-agent stop on all nodes 
  3. service cloudera-scm-server stop on CM server


From here if you have a paid or supported version, You are about to lose it or maybe they say "Cool good job!!"  proceed at your own risk...

from the CM Server
as root su – postgres (If you have installed on a different database then login using that credentials)




psql -h localhost -p 7432 -U scm


à When asked for the password open another terminal and run


[root@yosemite001 ~]# grep password /etc/cloudera-scm-server/db.properties




paste the password & you should see the scm prompt


scm=>  select host_id,host_identifier,name,ip_address from hosts;  --> Check the current config and save the values in a file/notepad you will need this if you need to flip back.


host_id |    host_identifier    |         name          |   ip_address




       2 | yosemite001.somedomain.com | yosemite001.somedomain.com |


       3 | yosemite002.somedomain.com | yosemite002.somedomain.com |


       4 | yosemite003.somedomain.com | yosemite003.somedomain.com |


(3 rows)




scm=> update hosts set (host_identifier,name,ip_address) = ('yosemite001-10g.somedomain.com','yosemite001-10g.somedomain.com','') where host_id=2;






Update all the other rows.




Check if the updates went through




scm=>  select host_id,host_identifier,name,ip_address from hosts;


host_id |     host_identifier                       |           name                                   |   ip_address




       3 | yosemite002.somedomain.com    | yosemite002.somedomain.com    |


       4 | yosemite003.somedomain.com    | yosemite003.somedomain.com    |
       2 | yosemite001-somedomain.com | yosemite001-ib.somedomain.com |
(3 rows)




Exit the tool  “\q;”




edit the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini and update the server and the listen ip & hostname section on all nodes to the new interface ip & address




edit /etc/sysconfig/network with the new hostname for the interface


run hostname yosemite001-10g (Update all hostnames on the servers)


run “exec bash” and verify the hostname change is done




Run on the CM Server


chkconfig cloudera-scm-server on


service cloudera-scm-server start




Run the following on all the nodes




chkconfig cloudera-scm-agent on


service cloudera-scm-agent start on all the nodes




Login to the GUI verify the host changes and “Good health”




Force CM to rerun the configuration to register the changes (mimic changes and revert to force CM a rerun of config )




Go to the hdfs->system-wide config edit/changes and make any minimal changes and save and revert back to original and save


Do the same for mapreduce as well


Restart the services




Verify the client functionality by running Terasort.

转自: http://bigdata-helpline.blogspot.com/2013/03/change-ip-or-hostname-for-already.html









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    首先,需要设置主机名和 hosts 文件。然后,需要配置 Java 环境,包括下载 jdk 1.8.0_144、解压到 /usr/java 目录、配置环境变量等。 三、SSH 无密码登录 SSH 无密码登录是非常有用的功能,它可以让我们在不同的...


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    4. 在管理界面中添加集群,指定主机名或IP地址,Cloudera Manager会自动发现并配置集群中的服务和组件。 5. 安装并配置所需的服务,如HDFS、YARN、MapReduce、HBase等。 6. 设置监控和报警规则,以便在发生异常时...

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    - **HOSTNAME**: 所在主机名。 - **LAST_ACTIVE_TIMESTAMPE**: 最后一次活跃的时间戳。 **备注**: 记录 Cloudera Manager 的版本信息。 ##### 12. COMMAND_SCHEDULES 表 **表名**: COMMAND_SCHEDULES **字段映射...


    首先,它有一个名为Cloudera Manager Server的中心服务器,负责管理整个集群的状态信息,以及集群内所有主机的配置信息。其次,每个集群节点上会运行Cloudera Manager Agent,负责与Cloudera Manager Server通信,...

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    2. 配置主机名:在Cloudera Manager界面中,添加主机名并验证。 3. 创建集群:选择合适的Hadoop发行版(例如,CDH5),然后按照向导创建一个新的集群。 4. 分发和启动服务:在配置完成后,Cloudera Manager会自动...

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    2. 根据实际网络环境,编辑`/etc/sysconfig/network`文件,设置主机名,如`hostname=elephant`。不同节点应配置不同的主机名。 3. 在每个节点上编辑`/etc/hosts`文件,配置主机名和IP地址的映射关系。可以在一个...

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    - **配置网络**:此步骤包括设置主机名、网络接口等基本信息,以确保Cloudera Manager能够正确地识别和连接到集群中的所有节点。 - **选择操作系统版本**:根据用户的操作系统版本选择合适的Cloudera Manager版本。 ...

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    Cloudera Manager 是一款功能强大的集群管理工具,能够帮助用户轻松地部署、管理 Hadoop 集群及其相关服务。为了提高系统的可靠性和稳定性,Cloudera Manager 支持高可用性(HA)配置,即双机部署方案。本文档旨在详细...

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    1. 添加主机:在Web界面中,按照向导添加集群的其他节点,输入主机名或IP地址。 2. 验证主机:Cloudera Manager会自动进行主机验证,包括SSH连接、操作系统检查等。 **五、安装CDH** 1. 创建集群:在Cloudera ...


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    - **配置hosts文件**:确保每台服务器上的`/etc/hosts`文件正确地包含了所有节点的IP地址和主机名映射关系,这对于集群内的通信至关重要。 以上配置完成后,应重启所有节点以确保配置生效。 #### 2. 安装Cloudera ...

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