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1.  A simple model of computation: DFAs

    --  Tape:

        -  Stores input.

        -  One arbitrarily long strip, divided into cells.

        -  Finite alphabet of symbols.

    --  Tape head:

        -  Points to one cell of tape.

        -  Reads a symbol from active cell.

        -  Moves one cell at a time.

    --  Machine:

        -  After finishing reading the input, output yes or no



2.  A universal model of computation: Turing machines

    --  Tape:

        -  Stores input, output, and intermediate results.

        -  One arbitrarily long strip, divided into cells.

        -  Finite alphabet of symbols.

    --  Tape head:

        -  Points to one cell of tape.

        -  Reads a symbol from active cell.

        -  Writes a symbol to active cell.

        -  Moves one cell at a time.

    --  Machine:

        -  controls move back/forward, read/write

        -  After finishing reading the input, output yes or no


3.  Church-Turing thesis:

    --  Proposition. Turing machines can compute any function that can be computed by a physically harnessable process of the natural world.

    --  "Thesis" and not a mathematical theorem because it's a statement about the physical world and not subject to proof.

    --  Implications

        -  No need to seek more powerful machines or languages.

        -  Enables rigorous study of computation (in this universe).

    --  Bottom line. Turing machine is a simple and universal model of computation.

    --  Many models of computation that turned out to be equivalent(Use simulation to prove models equivalent):


3.  A problem is intractable if it can't be solved in polynomial time.


4.  Two problems that provably require exponential time.

    --  Given a constant-size program, does it halt in at most K steps? (input size = c + lg K)

    --  Given N-by-N checkers board position, can the first player force a win?


5.  Four fundamental problems:

    --  LSOLVE: Given a system of linear equations, find a solution. Gaussian elimination solves N-by-N system in N^3 time.

     --  LP: Given a system of linear inequalities, find a solution. Ellipsoid algorithm is poly-time, but was open problem for decades.

     --  ILP: Given a system of linear inequalities, find a 0-1 solution. No poly-time algorithm known

     --  SAT: Given a system of boolean equations, find a binary solution. No poly-time algorithm known.

6.  Search problems:

    --  Given an instance I of a problem, find a solution S(or reportnone exists). Must be able to efficiently(poly-time in size of instance I) check that S is a solution.

    --  Factor problem is search problem: Given an n-bit integer I(input size = number of bits), find a nontrivial factor. To check solution S, long divide I by S.


7.  P VS NP

    --  NP: NP is the class of all search problems.

    --  P: P is the class of search problems solvable in poly-time.

    --  P = NP ? 


8.  Classifying problems:

    --  Problem X poly-time reduces to problem Y if X can be solved with:

        --  Polynomial number of standard computational steps.

        --  Polynomial number of calls to Y.

    --  If SAT poly-time reduces to Y, then we conclude that Y is (probably) intractable.

    --  SAT poly-time reduces to ILP:

     --  More poly-time reductions from SAT:

9.  NP-completeness

    --  An NP problem is NP-complete if every problem in NP poly-time reduce to it.

    --  Cook-Levin theorem: SAT is NP-complete. (every NP problem is a SAT problem in disguise.)

    --  Extremely brief proof sketch :

        -  Nondeterministic machine can guess the desired solution. (NFA)

        -  Nondeterministic: more than one possible next state.

        -  NP: Search problems solvable in poly time on a nondeterministic TM.

        -  Convert non-deterministic TM notation to SAT notation.

        -  If you can solve SAT, you can solve any problem in NP.

    --  Corollary:

        -  Poly-time algorithm for SAT iff P = NP.

        -  No poly-time algorithm for some NP problem ⇒ none for SAT.

    --  Extended Church-Turing thesis : P = search problems solvable in poly-time in the natural world.


10.  Implications of Cook-Levin theorem:


11.  Implications of Karp + Cook-Levin

12. Use theory as a guide:

    --  A poly-time algorithm for an NP-complete problem would be a stunning breakthrough (a proof that P = NP).

    --  You will confront NP-complete problems in your career.

    --  Safe to assume that P ≠ NP and that such problems are intractable.

    --  Identify these situations and proceed accordingly.


13.  Coping with intractability: Relax one of desired features.

    --  Solve arbitrary instances of the problem: Special cases may be tractable.

        --  Linear time algorithm for 2-SAT.(at most two variables per equation)

        --  Linear time algorithm for Horn-SAT.(at most one un-negated variable per equation)

    --  Solve the problem to optimality: Develop a heuristic, and hope it produces a good solution.

        --  No guarantees on quality of solution.

        --  TSP assignment heuristics.

        --  Metropolis algorithm, simulating annealing, genetic algorithms.

        --  MAX-3SAT: provably satisfy 87.5% as many clauses as possible.

    --  Solve the problem in poly-time.

        --  Complexity theory deals with worst case behavior.

        --  Instance(s) you want to solve may be "easy."


14.  Hamilton path

    --  Goal: Find a simple path that visits every vertex exactly once. 

    --  Euler path(visit every edge exactly once) is easy, but Hamilton path is NP-complete.

    --  Java Implementation:

public class HamiltonPath
    private boolean[] marked; // vertices on current path
    private int count = 0; // number of Hamiltonian paths

    public HamiltonPath(Graph G)
        marked = new boolean[G.V()];
        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
            dfs(G, v, 1);

    //depth is the length of current path (depth of recursion)
    private void dfs(Graph G, int v, int depth)
        marked[v] = true;
        if (depth == G.V()) count++;
        for (int w : G.adj(v))
            if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w, depth+1); //backtrack if w is already part of path
        marked[v] = false; // clean up


15.  Summary

    --  P. Class of search problems solvable in poly-time.

    --  NP. Class of all search problems, some of which seem wickedly hard.

    --  NP-complete. Hardest problems in NP.

    --  Intractable. Problem with no poly-time algorithm.


16.  Princeton CS Building, West Wall, Circa 2001:


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