JMS Message Listeners
A message listener is an object that acts as an asynchronous event handler for messages. This object implements theMessageListener interface, which contains one method, onMessage. In the onMessage method, you define the actions to be taken when a message arrives.
You register the message listener with a specific MessageConsumer by using the setMessageListener method. For example, if you define a class named Listener that implements the MessageListener interface, you can register the message listener as follows:
Listener myListener = new Listener(); consumer.setMessageListener(myListener);
After you register the message listener, you call the start method on the Connection to begin message delivery. (If you call startbefore you register the message listener, you are likely to miss messages.)
When message delivery begins, the JMS provider automatically calls the message listener’s onMessage method whenever a message is delivered. The onMessage method takes one argument of type Message, which your implementation of the method can cast to any of the other message types (see Message Bodies).
A message listener is not specific to a particular destination type. The same listener can obtain messages from either a queue or a topic, depending on the type of destination for which the message consumer was created. A message listener does, however, usually expect a specific message type and format.
Your onMessage method should handle all exceptions. It must not throw checked exceptions, and throwing a RuntimeExceptionis considered a programming error.
The session used to create the message consumer serializes the execution of all message listeners registered with the session. At any time, only one of the session’s message listeners is running.
In the Java EE platform, a message-driven bean is a special kind of message listener. For details, see Using Message-Driven Beans to Receive Messages Asynchronously.
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内容概要:本文提供了一个完整的职工管理系统的C++源代码。通过面向对象的编程方法,实现了包括创建新职工、查询、增加、修改、删除、排序、统计以及存储和恢复职工数据在内的多个基本操作功能。该系统支持不同的用户角色(如管理员与老板),并通过菜单驱动方式让用户方便地进行相关操作。此外,还包括了错误检测机制,确保操作过程中的异常得到及时处理。 适合人群:有一定C++语言基础,特别是面向对象编程经验的程序员;企业管理人员和技术开发人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于中小型企业内部的人力资源管理部门或IT部门,用于维护员工基本信息数据库,提高工作效率。通过本项目的学习可以加深对链表、类和对象的理解。 阅读建议:建议先熟悉C++的基本语法和面向对象概念,再深入学习代码的具体实现细节。对于关键函数,比如exchange、creatilist等,应当重点关注并动手实践以加强理解。
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