1. why data compression
-- To save space when storing it.
-- To save time when transmitting it.
-- Most files have lots of redundancy.
2. Lossless compression and expansion
-- Message: Binary data B we want to compress.
-- Compress: Generates a "compressed" representation C (B).
-- Expand: Reconstructs original bitstream B.
-- Compression ratio. Bits in C (B) / bits in B.
3. Fixed-length code: k-bit code supports alphabet of size 2^k
4. Reading and writing binary data
public class BinaryStdIn { boolean readBoolean() {} //read 1 bit of data and return as a boolean value char readChar() {} //read 8 bits of data and return as a char value char readChar(int r) {} //read r bits of data and return as a char value [similar methods for byte (8 bits); short (16 bits); int (32 bits); long and double (64 bits)] boolean isEmpty() {} //is the bitstream empty? void close() {} //close the bitstream } public class BinaryStdOut { void write(boolean b) {} //write the specified bit void write(char c) {} //write the specified 8-bit char void write(char c, int r) {} //write the r least significant bits of the specified char [similar methods for byte (8 bits); short (16 bits); int (32 bits); long and double (64 bits)] void close() {} //close the bitstream }
5. examine the contents of a bitstream:
6. Proposition. No algorithm can compress every bitstream.
Pf 1. [by contradiction]
-- Suppose you have a universal data compression algorithm U that can compress every bitstream.
-- Given bitstream B0, compress it to get smaller bitstream B1.
-- Compress B1 to get a smaller bitstream B2.
-- Continue until reaching bitstream of size 0.
-- Implication: all bitstreams can be compressed to 0 bits!
Pf 2. [by counting]
-- Suppose your algorithm that can compress all 1,000-bit streams.
-- 2^1000 possible bitstreams with 1,000 bits.
-- Only 1 + 2 + 4 + … + 2^998 + 2^999 < 2^1000 can be encoded with ≤ 999 bits. Similarly, only 1 in 2^499 bitstreams can be encoded with ≤ 500 bits!
7. Run-length encoding:
-- Simple type of redundancy in a bitstream: Long runs of repeated bits.
-- Representation: k-bit counts to represent alternating runs of 0s and 1s. If repeats longer than 2^k-1, intersperse runs of length 0.
-- Java implementation
public class RunLength { private final static int R = 256; //maximum run-length count private final static int lgR = 8; //number of bits per count public static void compress() { char repeats = 0; boolean bit = false while (!BinaryStdIn.isEmpty()) { if ( BinaryStdIn.readBoolean() == bit ) { repeats ++; if ( repeats == R-1) { repeats = 0; bit = !bit; BinaryStdout.write(repeats); } } else { repeats = 1; bit = !bit; BinaryStdout.write(repeats); } } if ( repeats > 0 ) { BinaryStdout.write(repeats); } } public static void expand() { boolean bit = false; while (!BinaryStdIn.isEmpty()) { int run = BinaryStdIn.readInt(lgR); //read 8-bit count from standard input for (int i = 0; i < run; i++) BinaryStdOut.write(bit); //write 1 bit to standard output bit = !bit; } BinaryStdOut.close(); //pad 0s for byte alignment } }
8. Avoid ambiguity: Ensure that no codeword is a prefix of another.
-- Fixed-length code.
-- Append special stop char to each codeword.
-- General prefix-free code.
9. Prefix-free code:
-- Representation:
-- A binary trie.
-- Chars in leaves.
-- Codeword is path from root to leaf.
-- Compression:
-- Method 1: start at leaf; follow path up to the root; print bits in reverse.
-- Method 2: create ST of key-value pairs.
-- Expansion.
-- Start at root.
-- Go left if bit is 0; go right if 1.
-- If leaf node, print char and return to root.
-- trie node data type
private static class Node implements Comparable<Node> { private final char ch; // used only for leaf nodes private final int freq; // used only for compress private final Node left, right; public Node(char ch, int freq, Node left, Node right) { this.ch = ch; this.freq = freq; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } public int compareTo(Node that) { return this.freq - that.freq; } }
-- expansion implementation: performance linear in input size
public void expand() { Node root = readTrie(); //read in encoding trie int N = BinaryStdIn.readInt(); //read in number of chars for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Node x = root; while (!x.isLeaf()) { if (!BinaryStdIn.readBoolean()) x = x.left; else x = x.right; } BinaryStdOut.write(x.ch, 8); } BinaryStdOut.close(); }
-- transmit the trie
-- write: write preorder traversal of trie; mark leaf and internal nodes with a bit.
private static void writeTrie(Node x) { if (x.isLeaf()) { BinaryStdOut.write(true); BinaryStdOut.write(x.ch, 8); return; } BinaryStdOut.write(false); writeTrie(x.left); writeTrie(x.right); }
-- read: reconstruct from preorder traversal of trie.
private static Node readTrie() { if (BinaryStdIn.readBoolean()) { char c = BinaryStdIn.readChar(8); return new Node(c, 0, null, null); } Node x = readTrie(); Node y = readTrie(); return new Node('\0', 0, x, y); }
10. Shannon-Fano algorithm ( top down ):
-- Partition symbols S into two subsets S0 and S1 of (roughly) equal freq.
-- Codewords for symbols in S0 start with 0; for symbols in S1 start with 1.
-- Recur in S0 and S1.
-- not optimal
11. Huffman algorithm ( bottom up ):
-- Count frequency freq[i] for each char i in input.
-- Start with one node corresponding to each char i (with weight freq[i]).
-- Repeat until single trie formed:
-- select two tries with min weight freq[i] and freq[j]
-- merge into single trie with weight freq[i] + freq[j]
-- Java Implementaton:
private static Node buildTrie(int[] freq) { MinPQ<Node> pq = new MinPQ<Node>(); for (char i = 0; i < R; i++) if (freq[i] > 0) pq.insert(new Node(i, freq[i], null, null)); while (pq.size() > 1) { Node x = pq.delMin(); Node y = pq.delMin(); Node parent = new Node('\0', x.freq + y.freq, x, y); pq.insert(parent); } return pq.delMin(); }
-- Encoding:
-- Pass 1: tabulate char frequencies and build trie.
-- Pass 2: encode file by traversing trie or lookup table.
-- Running time: N + R log R .
12. Different compression modules:
-- Static model. Same model for all texts.
- Fast.( no pre-scan, no model transmit )
- Not optimal: different texts have different statistical properties.
- Ex: ASCII, Morse code.
-- Dynamic model. Generate model based on text.
- Preliminary pass needed to generate model.
- Must transmit the model.
- Ex: Huffman code.
-- Adaptive model. Progressively learn and update model as you read text.
- More accurate modeling produces better compression.
- Decoding must start from beginning.
- Ex: LZW.
13. Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression:
-- Create ST associating W-bit codewords with string keys.
-- Initialize ST with codewords for single-char keys.
-- Find longest string s in ST that is a prefix of unscanned part of input.
-- Write the W-bit codeword associated with s.
-- Add s + c to ST, where c is next char in the input.
-- Representation of LZW compression code table: A trie to support longest prefix match.
-- Java Implementatin of compression:
public static void compress() { String input = BinaryStdIn.readString(); TST<Integer> st = new TST<Integer>(); //codewords for singlechar, radix R keys for (int i = 0; i < R; i++) st.put("" + (char) i, i); int code = R+1; while (input.length() > 0) { //find longest prefix match s String s = st.longestPrefixOf(input); //write W-bit codeword for s BinaryStdOut.write(st.get(s), W); int t = s.length(); //L = 2^W - 1, the max codes if (t < input.length() && code < L) st.put(input.substring(0, t+1), code++); input = input.substring(t); } //write "stop" codeword and close output stream BinaryStdOut.write(R, W); BinaryStdOut.close(); }
-- LZW expansion
-- Create ST associating string values with W-bit keys.
-- Initialize ST to contain single-char values.
-- Read a W-bit key.
-- Find associated string value in ST and write it out.
-- Update ST.
-- Representation of expansion code table : An array of size 2^W.
-- tricky case:
14. Data compression summary
-- Lossless compression.
- Represent fixed-length symbols with variable-length codes. [Huffman]
- Represent variable-length symbols with fixed-length codes. [LZW]
-- Theoretical limits on compression. Shannon entropy: H(X) = - Sum ( i ) { p(xi) lg p(xi) }
《Variable-length Codes for Data Compression》是一本关于数据压缩领域中变长编码技术的专业书籍。本书由David Salomon教授撰写,详细介绍了各种变长编码算法及其在实际数据压缩场景中的应用。 #### 什么是变长...
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