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HSBC sql小总结


 SELECT id_typ, id_no FROM tbl_tmmp1
 SELECT id_typ, id_no FROM tbl_tmmp2;



Alter table EMP modify emp_id not null;.

Create table emp(
Emp_id number(10),
Emp_name varchar2(15),
City varchar2(50),
Territory number(10)
Constrain pri_emp primary key(emp_id) ,  //主键约束
Constrain for_emp foreign key(city , territory)
Reference on province(city , territory) //waijian
Alter table emp
Add Constrain for_emp foreign key(city , territory)
Reference on province(city , t

update tablename set x =2 where y=5 ;

any/some 比较其中的任意值
select * from employees where salary<=any(select avg(salary) from employees)
and rownum<8 ;   //查询7行

all 比较所列出的每一值
select * from employees where salary<=all(2500,6000,10000);

[not]between  [not]exists  [not]like  is[not]null

not结果取反 select * from table where not(fname='Alyssa');

abs(-210) 绝对值 acos 反余弦值 asin反正弦值 atan 反正切值 ceil(n)大于或等于n的最小整数值
exp(n)e的n次幂 floor(n)小于或等于n的最大整数值 

round(21.36125,2)=21.36 <正数向右,负数向左> round(21.36125,-1)=20
trunc 和round 一样的 |
select to_date('2012/12/20', 'yyyy/MM/dd') A,
trunc(to_date('2012/12/20', 'yyyy/MM/dd'),'YYYY') B,
add_months(trunc(to_date('2012/12/20', 'yyyy/MM/dd'),'YYYY'), -2) C
from dual;

stddev 标准偏差?

union 返回多表之间不重复的记录
union all  返回所有结果值 (忽略是否重复)
intersect 用来返回前后两个查询相同的部分
minus 用来返回前面查询减去后面查询的部分
create table emp as
select * from employee;
alter tbale emp add hire_date date default sysdate;
alter table emp add (hire_date date,
       phone   number(8));
---查看表 desc emp;
--删除列 alter table emp drop column hire_date (cascade constraints);//忽略索引或约束
--表的重命名 rename table emp to emp_new;

drop view v_emp;

create or update view
select * from aa where ~~

------------------------full outer joiner ----------------------
select * from a full outer join b where a.no=b.no;
就会先检索出a的所有值,再去检索b的值 。


----------grant -- 授权--------
grant  select on  VIEW_MAPRB_HCC_XACT_WP_sid  to BSIDTMC; --select
GRANT ALL ON TABLE tbl_dwh_cus_ext_7m TO bcrehlk  ; --all


---------------------- to_date ---------------
TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
drop Partition :

alter table tbl_maprg_cd_stck13_cd2013bk
DROP partition TP_MAPRG_CDTCK13_CD13BK_121128 ; ---tp_maprg_cdtck13_cd13bk_121128
from tbl_maprg_comcd13_w28412_tmp0b
group by HCC_REF_NUM
having count(*) >1
-----case when -----
--几个case when 就几个end

select case when status='A' then 'a'
       else case when status='R' then 'r'
       else 'c'
       end end as status
from tbl_maprg_com_cd13_appl_w
where cd_no_1='43487658367';

select * from tbl_1  FULL OUTER JOIN tbl_2
on a.xx=b.xx ;

select * from tbl_tmp1 where field1=1 and (field2=8 or field3=5 ) ;
select * from tbl_tmp1 where field1=1 and field2=8 or field3=5  ;
--这个相当于(field1=1 and field2=8) or field3=5

select LPad(BR_NO,11,' ') as "branch code" from tbl_maprg_cd_stck13_ssd_dtl ; ---293-->293
select LPad(BR_NO,6,'*') as "branch code" from tbl_maprg_cd_stck13_ssd_dtl ; ---293-->***293
select LPad(BR_NO,2,' ') as "branch code" from tbl_maprg_cd_stck13_ssd_dtl ; ---293-->29
select LPad(BR_NO,11,'') as "branch code" from tbl_maprg_cd_stck13_ssd_dtl ; ---293-->null


select ascii('&') from dual ; -- 38

select chr(38) from dual ; --&



comcd12 13 maprg_comcd12  control-m  old-schedule

6.3在onhold   filewait 

map team check

sql语句中  ' := '为赋值   ,'='是判断是否相等 。


-------excellent select sql -----
create table test_tmp(
 fid  varchar(1),
 val varchar(2))
 tablespace TBS_MAPG_TEMP_PARTS ;
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 insert into  test_tmp(fid,val)
 select * from test_tmp ;
 select distinct fid,val from test_tmp
 where fid in (
 select fid
 from test_tmp
 group by fid
 having count(distinct(val))>1)
 order by fid;

------------select the count(*)>1 values -----------
select * from test_tmp tmp,(select fid from test_tmp group by fid having count(val)>1) tmp2
where tmp.fid=tmp2.fid ;


select floor(2.8) from dual ;  = 2
select round(2.5) from dual ;  = 3





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