download sqlite sources and copy all files to apsw/src
find in finalize_options of apsw_build_ext class
comment ext.libraries.append('sqlite3')
find ext_modules=[Extension("apsw",
at the bottom
and add sqlite3.c like
["src/apsw.c", "src/sqlite3.c"],
save and build it.
3.0 (BUILD 3143) 13 September 2017 See also the Announcement Post Refreshed UI theme, including full high ... This can be manually controlled via the index_workers setting API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2i
Visual Assist X 10.9 Build 2366 INSTALLATION 0) Uninstall VA (if you have installed it before). 0.0) Manually check for alive _folders_ of pervious version of VA in extensions folders (paths are ...
Visual Assist X 10.9 Build 2341.2 INSTALLATION 0) Uninstall VA (if you have installed it before). 0.0) Manually check for alive _folders_ of pervious version of VA in extensions folders (paths are...
Visual-Assist-X-10.9-Build-2366, 替换VA_X.dll可用. INSTALLATION 0) Uninstall VA (if you have installed it before). 0.0) Manually check for alive _folders_ of pervious version of VA in extensions ...
"UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY" 是一个常见的错误消息,它出现在Linux操作系统中,尤其是在系统突然关机或非正常关闭后。这个错误表明文件系统(File System)存在一致性问题,需要进行检查和修复。...
Manually Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g or 11g RAC (Doc ID 760637.1)
标题 "Fix_Damaged_FAT_Manually.rar_Damaged" 暗示了这是一个关于手动修复损坏FAT(File Allocation Table)的教程。FAT是早期Windows操作系统中用于管理磁盘存储的一种文件系统。当FAT出现问题时,可能会导致数据...
标题 "Fix_Damaged_FAT_Manually.zip_Damaged" 暗示了这是一个关于手动修复损坏FAT(File Allocation Table)的教程。FAT是MS-DOS、Windows以及其他一些操作系统中用于管理磁盘上的文件存储的一种文件系统。描述 ...
本文讨论的数据集是“manually_labeled_faces_and_mask-weared_faces_dataset”,顾名思义,这是一个包含有人脸标注和佩戴口罩的人脸标注的数据集。 该数据集的重要特点在于包含了两种不同的人脸标注情况:一种是...
0.0) Manually check for alive _folders_ of pervious version of VA in extensions folders (paths are described below) and remove them by yourself, because of VA uninstaller's bug 1) Locate all places ...
多进程 zeppelin 解释器的 PoC 想法:通过在自己的进程中运行每个解释器并通过 RPC 与服务器通信,将 ZeppelinServer JVM 进程与解释器实例解耦。 状态:阿尔法 ...#manually start interpreter java -jar .
No need to manually invoke cmake. Aims to make Eclipse projects cross-platform compatible without the need to change platform-specifc project settings due to automatic platform detection. Takes ...
Start "Win XP Free Build Environment" from the DDK menu. Go to the Driver\DSDrvNT directory Build the driver using the command "build" You should then copy DSDrv4.sys manually from Release...
EhLib 9.3 Build 9.3.025 source included version. ------------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 9, Developer Studio 2006...
Xcode Treasures: Master the Tools to Design, Build, and Distribute Great Apps By 作者: Chris Adamson ISBN-10 书号: 1680505866 ISBN-13 书号: 9781680505863 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-11-01 pages ...
ARIS UPDATE COOKBOOK主要关注的是手动更新ARIS系统的过程,尤其针对有经验的ARIS管理员。这份文档详细阐述了如何在ARIS 9.8 SR4版本中进行手动更新,确保用户在进行升级时能遵循正确的步骤,避免数据丢失或系统故障...
0.0) Manually check for alive _folders_ of pervious version of VA in extensions folders (paths are described below) and remove them by yourself, because of VA uninstaller's bug 1) Locate all places ...
3、运行secureCRT.exe,点击菜单->Help->Enter License Data...,Enter Licence Manually输入刚才的姓名、公司和生成的注册码。 SecureFX 也配有独立注册机,注册方式与CRT一样。 SecureCRT 是高度可定制的终端仿真...
标题中的"for linux"指的是适用于Linux操作系统的PyV8库的版本0.7的压缩包。PyV8是Python的一个扩展模块,它封装了Google的V8 JavaScript引擎,允许Python程序与JavaScript代码进行交互。...