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Mac OS X 10.9 中 app store下载应用出现use the purchases page to try again

  • Mac
open terminal and type
open $TMPDIR../C/
then delete the com.apple.appstore folder


    App Store 多APP 收入分析程序

    App Store的多应用收入分析程序是一个关键工具,用于开发者和发行商跟踪并理解他们的iOS应用程序的收益状况。这个程序能够整合来自多个应用的收入数据,提供深入的洞察,帮助优化商业策略并提升整体盈利。以下是一些...

    如何将应用上传到 App Store 的详细流程介绍

    In App Purchases 是苹果提供的一个服务,允许开发者在应用程序中销售数字商品。开发者可以管理自己的 In App Purchases,包括添加和删除商品、设置价格等。 四、 应用程序的管理 在应用程序发布后,开发者需要...

    mas-purchases.sh:获取Mac App Store“已购买”页面HTML并将其转换为按字母顺序排列的列表(HTML页面和MultiMarkdown)

    您必须在App Store应用中启用“调试”菜单。 这可以非常简单地完成: 退出App Store应用(如果正在运行) 将此行粘贴到Terminal.app中: defaults write com.apple.appstore ShowDebugMenu -bool true 您还将...


    Know how to use scripts to automate repetitive tasks like the creation of in- app purchase packages or icons for your application. Understand how you can create images that are better compressed and ...

    In-app payment is one of the ways to earn money from the applica

    标题中的“In-app payment”指的是在应用程序内购买或支付功能,是移动应用开发者常见的盈利模式之一。这种模式允许用户在不离开应用的情况下购买虚拟商品、服务或者解锁额外功能,为开发者创造了收入来源。 **1. ...


    Use your Macintosh computer to publish your game to the App Store Who This Book Is For This book is for iOS developers who want to learn how to build games with Unity for the iOS platform. Some prior ...


    Know how to use scripts to automate repetitive tasks like the creation of in- app purchase packages or icons for your application. Understand how you can create images that are better compressed and ...

    iOS 10 App Development Essentials

    iOS 10 App Development Essentials: Learn to Develop iOS 10 Apps with Xcode 8 and Swift 3 Author: Neil Smyth Length: 816 pages ...111. Preparing and Submitting an iOS 10 Application to the App Store

    iOS 7 App Development Essential

    谢绝转发,仅供个人学习使用 ... Assuming you are ready to download the iOS 7 SDK and Xcode, have an Intel-based Mac and some ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.


    Title: iOS 8 App Development Essentials Author: Neil Smyth Length: 824 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: CreateSpace ... Preparing and Submitting an iOS 8 Application to the App Store


    `InAppPurchase.zip`文件很可能包含了一个iOS应用内购买的封装库,方便开发者集成到自己的应用中。内购功能在许多类型的应用中都有应用,如游戏中的虚拟商品、订阅服务、去除广告等。 一、iOS内购基础知识 1. **内...


    iOS 9 App Development Essentials is latest edition of this popular book series and has now been fully updated for the iOS 9 SDK, Xcode 7 and the Swift 2 programming language. Beginning with the ...

    Create Mobile Games with Corona: Build with Lua on iOS and Android

    You'll also find out how to make money with games: enabling in-app purchases and in-game ads as well as how to get apps into the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Android Marketplace. ...


    关于应用的价格和下载量,报告透露,苹果App Store中的免费应用下载量远超付费应用,免费应用的下载次数是付费应用的近10倍。在前300名免费应用中,平均每天下载量达到300万次,而付费应用的平均下载量仅为35万次。...

    Learning Windows 8 Game Development

    Learn about graphics, multiplayer options, how to use the Proximity + Socket APIs to add local multiplayer, how to sell the game outright, and In-App Purchases. Learning Windows 8 Game Development ...

    Making Use of Python (2002).pdf

    Write the Code to Store Course Details to the File 154 Execute the Code 155 Verify the Solution 155 Summary 156 Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Programming 157 Getting Started 158 Introducing OOP 158 ...

    Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development(PACKT,2016)

    In addition to the core technology, there is a large and vibrant community that creates third-party plugins that can take your app to the next level. This book will guide you through the process of ...

    iOS_IAPTool:ruby脚本,用于批量上传和修改 iOS 内购商品(iOS in-app-purchase tool, you can use it to upload iap or edit it through ruby scripts.)

    iOS_IAPTooliOS in-app-purchase tool, you can use it to upload iap or edit it through ruby scripts.由于我现在公司产品的特殊性(主要是手游 app),经常性的要加巨大数量的 ipa(in-app-purchases),真的是数量...


    在iOS应用开发的世界里,发布应用程序到App Store是至关重要的步骤。这涉及到一系列流程,包括申请iOS开发账号、创建和签署证书、配置App IDs、构建应用程序、提交审核以及最终上线。下面将详细介绍这些过程。 首先...

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