How do I start, restart, or stop Apache 2.x web server on Ubuntu Linux operating systems using command line options?
You can use any one of the following method to restart / start / stop your Apache (httpd) sever on Ubuntu:
Difficulty | Easy (rss) |
Root privileges | Yes |
Requirements | Shell |
Estimated completion time | 1m |
- /etc/init.d/apache2 - A sys v init style script to start / stop / restart the Apache2 service under Debian or Ubuntu Linux.
- service command - This command work in most Linux distributions including Debian and Ubuntu.
- upstart command - Only works on latest version of Ubuntu.
- apache2ctl command - This method should work on all Linux and Unix like operating systems.
Method #1: /etc/init.d/apache2 command examples
You need to login as root user or use the sudo command to control Apache web-server.
Task: Start Apache 2 Server
# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
or$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Task: Restart Apache 2 Server
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
or$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Task: Stop Apache 2 Server
# /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
or$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
Method #2: service command examples
To restart Apache 2, enter:$ sudo service apache2 restart
To stop Apache 2, enter:$ sudo service apache2 stop
To start Apache 2, enter:$ sudo service apache2 start
To gracefully reload Apache 2, enter:$ sudo service apache2 reload
Method #3: upstart command examples
To start Apache 2 on Ubuntu, run:$ sudo start apache2
To stop Apache 2 on Ubuntu, run:$ sudo stop apache2
To restart Apache 2 on Ubuntu, run:$ sudo restart apache2
To gracefully reload Apache 2 on Ubuntu, run:$ sudo restart apache2
Method #4: apache2ctl command examples
apache2ctl is Apache HTTP server control interface command, which can be used to stop or start web server under any Linux distribution or UNIX.
To start Apache 2 on Ubuntu, type:$ sudo apache2ctl start
To stop Apache 2 on Ubuntu, type:$ sudo apache2ctl stop
To restart Apache 2 on Ubuntu, type:$ sudo apache2ctl restart
To gracefully reload Apache 2 on Ubuntu, type:$ sudo apache2ctl graceful
9. 停止 Apache:/opt/lampp/lampp stopapache 10. 启动 Apache 的 SSL 支持:/opt/lampp/lampp startssl 11. 停止 Apache 的 SSL 支持:/opt/lampp/lampp stopssl 12. 只启动 MySQL 数据库:/opt/lampp/lampp ...
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- 启动:`/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -k start` - 重启:`/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -k restart` - 停止:`/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -k stop` 8. **配置Apache**: - 使用文本编辑器打开...
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- **启动Apache Web服务器**: ```bash systemctl start apache2 ``` - **访问Dashboard**: - 在浏览器中访问`` ##### 实例操作 - **建立Keypairs**: - 创建SSH密钥对: ```bash ...
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7. **服务管理**:启动、停止和重启Apache服务的命令分别是:`sudo systemctl start apache2`(Ubuntu)或 `sudo service httpd start`(CentOS/RHEL);`sudo systemctl stop apache2`或 `sudo service httpd stop`...
你可以通过`systemctl status apache2`来检查服务状态,或者使用`systemctl start/stop/restart apache2`来控制服务的启动、停止和重启。 Apache的配置文件主要位于 `/etc/apache2` 目录下,其中`apache2.conf`是主...