Explaining it in a simple way, in web design, we create rows and columns using HTML and CSS to achieve a grid. And columns contain the actual content.
Twitter Bootstrap offers two types of Grids.
The default Grid System is 940px wide and 12 column.
You can add the responsive stylesheet to it and then it will become adaptable to 724px and 1170px wide with respect to the viewport it is rendered on.
There is also a fluid grid system.
This is a percentage based one instead of pixel based.
And can be extended to the responsiveness same as the default fixed grid.
Following is a summary of what we have discussed in this tutorial:
- Twitter Bootstrap's default grid sytem is 940px wide and can hold 12 columns.
- 默认网格系统的配置:940px,网格分为12列
- In the Grid, rows are created with 'class="row"' and columns are created with 'class="spanx"', where x is a positive integer. Sum of x for all columns used must not exceed 12.
- 通过class="row"创建行,class="spanx"创建列,所有列的x之和不能超过12
- By adding responsive css of Bootstrap, you can add responsive features to the deafult grid.
- 可以添加响应式功能到默认网格系统中
- You can use offsets to create additional space to a column. For doing that 'class="offsetx"' is used, where x is a positive integer.if you are using offsets, then total number of columns, including number of offsets used, can not exceed 11.
- 通过class="offsetx"可以为一列额外空出区域,总的列数(包括偏移列)不超过11?
- Columns can be nested. If nested columns are used, while counting total number of columns in the grid (in a row directly under container), nested columns are also counted with columns up in the hierarchy.
- 列可以嵌套,在计算网格列总数时,被嵌套列也要一起计算,即遵守总列数<12的规定
- Offsetting can be performed on nested columns also.
- 偏移属性同样可以使用在嵌套网格中
一个强大的类似Bootstrap的响应式网格系统,用于React。 :warning_selector: 升级到v7 react-grid-system v7为超大屏幕添加了新的屏幕类xxl 。 这可能会对您的应用造成影响。 要退出此新屏幕类别,请使用以下命令...
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这个"bootstrap-grid-examples"项目提供了一系列示例,帮助开发者更好地理解和应用Bootstrap的网格系统。下面将详细阐述Bootstrap网格系统的核心概念、安装方法以及如何在本地环境中运行示例。 Bootstrap网格系统是...
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3. **Grid System**: - Bootstrap的响应式网格系统是其核心特性之一,允许开发者创建灵活的布局。它使用12列的网格,通过`.container`、`.row`和`.col-*-*`类,可以根据屏幕尺寸自适应地调整元素的宽度。 4. **...
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1. **Bootstrap Grid System**:Bootstrap 4 的网格系统是其核心特性之一,它基于 12 列布局,允许开发者灵活地创建响应式的网页布局。通过使用 `.container`、`.row` 和 `.col-*` 类,我们可以轻松地调整元素的宽度...
- **Bootstrap3 Grid System**:理解Bootstrap的12列网格布局,如何通过@media查询来定义不同屏幕尺寸下的布局。 - **jQuery选择器与事件处理**:学会使用jQuery选择特定DOM元素,并添加事件监听器以实现图片的点击...
1. **响应式布局(Responsive Grid System)**:Bootstrap 4 的网格系统允许开发者轻松创建响应式布局,适应不同屏幕尺寸。 2. **预设组件(Components)**:Bootstrap 提供了如导航条、模态框、按钮、卡片等预设...
开发者可以看到如何在实际项目中应用Bootstrap的类和方法,例如如何添加导航栏(Navbar)、按钮组(Button Group)、表单(Forms)、网格系统(Grid System)等,并且可以浏览和测试所有可用的Bootstrap图标。...