ERROR OGG-01224 TCP/IP error 110 (Connection timed out); retries exceeded.
This is generally due due to basic issues like: * The remote manager process is not running or is running with incorrect port number * The RMTHOST parameter in the pump extract is not configured correctly.
In other cases, the issue could be due to firewalls that forbid the connection, blocking certain ports or processes. This is generally seen when there is a firewall between the source and target machine and
either the ports are not open or just the manager port is open .
The Extract, Replicat and Ggsci processes use ports normally starting at port 7840 and ascend sequentially. The ggsci command 'send manager getportinfo detail ' will retrieve the current list of ports that have been
allocated by Manager and their corresponding process IDs. If you have some port restrictions, then you could use the DYNAMICPORTLIST with some range so that the
collector process will allocate the ports from that range. In general to overcome this issue, we could do something like below
1. Change the target manager parameter file to use something like the following
port 7809 dynamicportlist 7810-7820 2. Stop and start the manager 3. Open ports 7809 through 7820 in the firewall
4. Re-start the source pump
The port range used in dynamicportlist(7810-7820) and the manager port 7809 is just an example.
You can define your own ports there and have them open .
$ telnet X.X.X.X 7809
Trying X.X.X.X ...
Connected to X.X.X.X (X.X.X.X).
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
在源端运行:tcpdump -v host <SOURCE> and <TARGET>
14:28:25.836419 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 24609, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: TCP (6), length: 60)
SOURCE.53922 > TARGET.7819: S, cksum 0x6026 (correct), 2731187048:2731187048(0) win 5840
<mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 293365436 0,nop,wscale 7>
15:05:07.276469 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 61, id 48226, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: TCP (6), length: 52)
SOURCE.57845 > TARGET.7810: ., cksum 0xb486 (correct), ack 400 win 46
<nop,nop,timestamp 295566806 1709213240>
PUMP进程访问的并不是7809端口!每次启动进程访问的端口是有变化的,7810、7819。。。,查看官方文档[Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide],在P20-P21的Maintaining ports for remote connections through firewalls一节中说明了
mount.nfs: Connection timed out
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Connection timed out(解决方案).md
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