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Q: Why do I get a "CodeSign: no certificate found in keychain for code signing identity" error?
A: Why do I get a "CodeSign: no certificate found in keychain for code signing identity" error?
The "CodeSign: no certificate found in keychain for code signing identity" error generally means one of several things:
Your Keychain is missing the private key associated with your iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution certificate.
Your Keychain is missing the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate.
Your certificate was revoked or has expired.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) are turned on in Keychain Access preferences.
The first two situations might happen if you deleted your keychain or certificate, reinstalled your system, or moved to a new computer. Here's how to troubleshoot this error.
Launch Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access), select "My Certificates" on the left side under Category, and search for your "iPhone Developer" (or "iPhone Distribution") certificate. If you don't have such a certificate, or if there is not a grey disclosure triangle next to the certificate (see Figure Figure 1), you will need to either import your certificate and private key from another working system or retrieve them from your backup (these would have been exported as a .p12 file). Double-click the .p12 file to add the certificate and private key to your Keychain.
f you don't have a copy of your certificate and private key, you will need to revoke the certificate on the iPhone Portal, delete the certificate from your keychain, and generate a new certificate. To revoke your certificate, go to the iPhone Portal, find the certificate you want to revoke, and select the "Revoke" button. Then follow the "Obtaining your iPhone Development Certificate" or "Obtaining your iPhone Distribution Certificate" section in the iPhone Developer Program Portal User Guide to generate a new certificate.
A: Why do I get a "CodeSign: no certificate found in keychain for code signing identity" error?
The "CodeSign: no certificate found in keychain for code signing identity" error generally means one of several things:
Your Keychain is missing the private key associated with your iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution certificate.
Your Keychain is missing the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate.
Your certificate was revoked or has expired.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) are turned on in Keychain Access preferences.
The first two situations might happen if you deleted your keychain or certificate, reinstalled your system, or moved to a new computer. Here's how to troubleshoot this error.
Launch Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access), select "My Certificates" on the left side under Category, and search for your "iPhone Developer" (or "iPhone Distribution") certificate. If you don't have such a certificate, or if there is not a grey disclosure triangle next to the certificate (see Figure Figure 1), you will need to either import your certificate and private key from another working system or retrieve them from your backup (these would have been exported as a .p12 file). Double-click the .p12 file to add the certificate and private key to your Keychain.
f you don't have a copy of your certificate and private key, you will need to revoke the certificate on the iPhone Portal, delete the certificate from your keychain, and generate a new certificate. To revoke your certificate, go to the iPhone Portal, find the certificate you want to revoke, and select the "Revoke" button. Then follow the "Obtaining your iPhone Development Certificate" or "Obtaining your iPhone Distribution Certificate" section in the iPhone Developer Program Portal User Guide to generate a new certificate.
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