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REST 阅读 (1) - Software Architecture

  • REST
Representational State Transfer (REST)

REST Constraints

Null ->  Client-Server -> client-stateless-server ->
client-cache-stateless-server -> Uniform-client-cache-stateless-server ->
Uniform-Layered-client-cache-stateless-server ->
code-on-demand(optional) - Uniform-Layered-client-cache-stateless-server

REST Architectural Elements

Data Elements

resource ------------------ the intended conceptual target of a hypertext reference
resource identifier ----------------- URL, URN
representation ---------------------- HTML document, JPEG image
representation metadata media type -- last-modified time
resource metadata ------------------- source link, alternates, vary
control data ------------------------ if-modified-since, cache-control


Roy Thomas Fielding

摘 要





1. Software Architecture
1.1 Run-time Abstraction
A software architecture is an abstraction of the run-time elements of a software system during some phase of its operation. A system may be composed of many levels of abstraction and many phases of operation, each with its own software architecture.

Therefore, architectural design and source code structural design, though closely related, are separate design activities.
1.2 Elements
A software architecture is defined by a configuration of architectural elements—components, connectors, and data—constrained in their relationships in order to achieve a desired set of architectural properties.
1.2.1 Components
A component is an abstract unit of software instructions and internal state that provides a transformation of data via its interface.

Example transformations include loading into memory from secondary storage, performing some calculation, translating to a different format, encapsulation with other data, etc.

A component is defined by its interface and the services it provides to other components, rather than by its implementation behind the interface.
1.2.2 Connectors
A connector is an abstract mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation among components.
Examples include shared representations, remote procedure calls, message-passing protocols, and data streams.

Connectors enable communication between components by transferring data elements from one interface to another without changing the data.
1.2.3 Data
A datum is an element of information that is transferred from a component, or received by a component, via a connector.

Examples include byte-sequences, messages, marshaled parameters, and serialized objects, but do not include information that is permanently resident or hidden within a component.

The nature of the data elements within a network-based application architecture will often determine whether or not a given architectural style is appropriate.
1.3 Configurations
A configuration is the structure of architectural relationships among components, connectors, and data during a period of system run-time.
Strictly speaking, one might think of a configuration as being equivalent to a set of specific constraints on component interaction.
1.4 Properties
The set of architectural properties of a software architecture includes all properties that derive from the selection and arrangement of components, connectors, and data within the system. Examples include both the functional properties achieved by the system and non-functional properties, such as relative ease of evolution, reusability of components, efficiency, and dynamic extensibility, often referred to as quality attributes.
1.5 Styles
An architectural style is a coordinated set of architectural constraints that restricts the roles/features of architectural elements and the allowed relationships among those elements within any architecture that conforms to that style.
1.6 Patterns and Pattern Languages

An architectural viewpoint is often application-specific and varies widely based on the application domain. ... we have seen architectural viewpoints that address a variety of issues, including: temporal issues, state and control approaches, data representation, transaction life cycle, security safeguards, and peak demand and graceful degradation. No doubt there are many more possible viewpoints.
A process view emphasizes the data flow through the components and some aspects of the connections among the components with respect to the data. A data view emphasizes the processing flow, with less emphasis on the connectors. A connection view emphasizes the relationship between components and the state of communication.




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