
JAVE manual

  • java

JAVE manual

Installation and requirements

In order to use JAVE in your Java application, you have to add the file jave-1.0.jar in your application CLASSPATH.

JAVE runs on a Java Runtime Environment J2SE v.1.4 or later.

JAVE includes and uses a ffmpeg executable built for Windows and Linux operating systems on i386/32 bit hardware platforms. In order to run JAVE on other platforms you have to replace the built-in ffmpeg executable with another one suitable for your needs. This is very simple, once you have built your own ffmpeg binaries. The operation is described in the "Using an alternative ffmpeg executable" section.

Audio/video encoding

The most important JAVE class is it.sauronsoftware.jave.Encoder. Encoder objects expose many methods for multimedia transcoding. In order to use JAVE, you always have to create an Encoder istance:

Encoder encoder = new Encoder();

Once the instance has been created, you can start transcoding calling the encode() method:

public void encode(java.io.File source,
                   java.io.File target,
                   it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncodingAttributes attributes)
            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,

The first parameter, source, represents the source file to decode.

The second parameter, target, is the target file that will be created and encoded.

The attributes parameter, whose type is it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncodingAttributes, is a data structure containing any information needed by the encoder.

Please note that a call to encode() is a blocking one: the method will return only once the transcoding operation has been completed (or failed). If you are interested in monitoring the transcoding operation take a look to the "Monitoring the transcoding operation" section.

Encoding attributes

To specify your preferences about the transcoding operation you have to supply an it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncodingAttributes instance to the encode() call. You can create your own EncodingAttributes instance, and you can populate it with the following methods:

  • public void setAudioAttributes(it.sauronsoftware.jave.AudioAttributes audioAttributes)
    It sets the audio encoding attributes. If never called on a new EncodingAttributes instance, or if the given parameter is null, no audio stream will be included in the encoded file. See also "Audio encoding attributes".
  • public void setVideoAttributes(it.sauronsoftware.jave.AudioAttributes videoAttributes)
    It sets the video encoding attributes. If never called on a new EncodingAttributes instance, or if the given parameter is null, no video stream will be included in the encoded file. See also "Video encoding attributes".
  • public void setFormat(java.lang.String format)
    It sets the format of the streams container that will be used for the new encoded file. The given parameter represents the format name. An encoding format name is valid and supported only if it appears in the list returned by the getSupportedEncodingFormats() method of the Encoder instance in use.
  • public void setOffset(java.lang.Float offset)
    It sets an offset for the transcoding operation. The source file will be re-encoded starting at offset seconds since its beginning. In example if you'd like to cut the first five seconds of the source file, you should call setOffset(5) on the EncodingAttributes object passed to the encoder.
  • public void setDuration(java.lang.Float duration)
    It sets a duration for the transcoding operation. Only duration seconds of the source will be re-encoded in the target file. In example if you'd like to extract and transcode a portion of thirty seconds from the source, you should call setDuration(30) on the EncodingAttributes object passed to the encoder.

Audio encoding attributes

Audio encoding attributes are represented by the instances of the it.sauronsoftware.jave.AudioAttributes class. The available methods on this kind of objects are:

  • public void setCodec(java.lang.String codec)
    It sets the name of the codec that will be used for the transcoding of the audio stream. You have to choose a value from the list returned by the getAudioEncoders() method of the current Encoder instance. Otherwise you can pass the AudioAttributes.DIRECT_STREAM_COPY special value, that requires the copy of the original audio stream from the source file.
  • public void setBitRate(java.lang.Integer bitRate)
    It sets the bitrate value for the new re-encoded audio stream. If no bitrate value is set, a default one will be picked by the encoder. The value should be expressed in bits per second. In example if you want a 128 kb/s bitrate you should call setBitRate(new Integer(128000)).
  • public void setSamplingRate(java.lang.Integer bitRate)
    It sets the sampling rate for the new re-encoded audio stream. If no sampling-rate value is set, a default one will be picked by the encoder. The value should be expressed in hertz. In example if you want a CD-like 44100 Hz sampling-rate, you should call setSamplingRate(new Integer(44100)).
  • public void setChannels(java.lang.Integer channels)
    It sets the number of the audio channels that will be used in the re-encoded audio stream (1 = mono, 2 = stereo). If no channels value is set, a default one will be picked by the encoder.
  • public void setVolume(java.lang.Integer volume)
    This method can be called to alter the volume of the audio stream. A value of 256 means no volume change. So a value less than 256 is a volume decrease, while a value greater than 256 will increase the volume of the audio stream.

Video encoding attributes

Video encoding attributes are represented by the instances of the it.sauronsoftware.jave.VideoAttributes class. The available methods on this kind of objects are:

  • public void setCodec(java.lang.String codec)
    It sets the name of the codec that will be used for the transcoding of the video stream. You have to choose a value from the list returned by the getVideoEncoders() method of the current Encoder instance. Otherwise you can pass the VideoAttributes.DIRECT_STREAM_COPY special value, that requires the copy of the original video stream from the source file.
  • public void setTag(java.lang.String tag)
    It sets the tag/fourcc value associated to the re-encoded video stream. If no value is set a default one will be picked by the encoder. The tag value is often used by multimedia players to choose which video decoder run on the stream. In example a MPEG 4 video stream with a "DIVX" tag value will be decoded with the default DivX decoder used by the player. And, by the way, this is exactly what a DivX is: a MPEG 4 video stream with an attached "DIVX" tag/fourcc value!
  • public void setBitRate(java.lang.Integer bitRate)
    It sets the bitrate value for the new re-encoded video stream. If no bitrate value is set, a default one will be picked by the encoder. The value should be expressed in bits per second. In example if you want a 360 kb/s bitrate you should call setBitRate(new Integer(360000)).
  • public void setFrameRate(java.lang.Integer bitRate)
    It sets the frame rate value for the new re-encoded audio stream. If no bitrate frame-rate is set, a default one will be picked by the encoder. The value should be expressed in frames per second. In example if you want a 30 f/s frame-rate you should call setFrameRate(new Integer(30)).
  • public void setSize(it.sauronsoftware.jave.VideoSize size)
    It sets the size and the proportion of the images in the video stream. If no value is set, the encoder will preserve the original size and proportion. Otherwise you can pass a it.sauronsoftware.java.VideoSize instance, with your preferred size. You can set the width and the height of the new encoded video, with pixel values, scaling the original one. In example if you want to scale the video to 512 px in width and 384px in height you should call setSize(new VideoSize(512, 384)).

Monitoring the transcoding operation

You can monitor a transcoding operation with a listener. JAVE defines the it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncoderProgressListener interface. This interface could be implemented by your application, and concrete EncoderProgressListener instances can be passed to the encoder. The encoder will call your listener methods every time a significant event occurs. To pass an EncoderProgressListener to the encoder you should use this definition of the encode() method:

public void encode(java.io.File source,
                   java.io.File target,
                   it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncodingAttributes attributes,
                   it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncoderProgressListener listener)
            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,

To implemen the EncoderProgressListener interface you have to define all of the following methods:

  • public void sourceInfo(it.sauronsoftware.jave.MultimediaInfo info)
    The encoder calls this method after the source file has been analized. The info parameter is an instance of the it.sauronsoftware.jave.MultimediaInfo class and it represents informations about the source audio and video streams and their container.
  • public void progress(int permil)
    This method is called by the encoder every time a progress in the encoding operation has been done. The permil parameter is a value representing the point reached by the current operation and its range is from 0 (operation just started) to 1000 (operation completed).
  • public void message(java.lang.String message)
    This method is called by the encoder to notify a message regarding the transcoding operation (usually the message is a warning).

Transcoding failures

Of course, a transcoding operation could fail. Then the encode() method will propagate an exception. Depending on what is happened, the exception will be one of the following:

  • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    The transcoding operation has never started since the encoding attributes passed to the encoder has been recognized as invalid. Usualy this occurs when the EncodingAttributes instance given to the encoder asks the encoding of a container with no audio and no video streams (both AudioAttributes and VideoAttribues attributes are null or not set).
  • it.sauronsoftware.jave.InputFormatException
    The source file can't be decoded. It occurs when the source file container, the video stream format or the audio stream format are not supported by the decoder. You can check for supported containers and plugged decoders calling the encoder methods getSupportedDecodingFormats(), getAudioDecoders() and getVideoDecoders().
  • it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncoderExpection
    The operation has failed during the trancoding due to an internal error. You should check the exception message, and you can also use an EncoderProgressListener instance to check any message issued by the encoder.

Getting informations about a multimedia file

You can get informations about an existing multimedia file before transcoding it, calling the encoder getInfo() method. The getInfo() method gives you informations about the container used by the file and about its wrapped audio and video streams:

public it.sauronsoftware.jave.MultimediaInfo getInfo(java.io.File source)
                                             throws it.sauronsoftware.jave.InputFormatException,

An it.sauronsoftware.jave.MultimediaInfo object encapsulates information on the whole multimedia content and its streams, using instances of it.sauronsoftware.jave.AudioInfo and it.sauronsoftware.jave.VideoInfo to describe the wrapped audio and video. These objects are similar to the EncodingAttributes, AudioAttributes and VideoAttributes ones, but they works in a read-only mode. Check the JAVE API javadoc documentation, bundled with the JAVE distribution, to gain more details about them.

Using an alternative ffmpeg executable

JAVE is not pure Java: it acts as a wrapper around an ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/) executable. ffmpeg is an open source and free software project entirely written in C, so its executables cannot be easily ported from a machine to another. You need a pre-compiled version of ffmpeg in order to run JAVE on your target machine. The JAVE distribution includes two pre-compiled executables of ffmpeg: a Windows one and a Linux one, both compiled for i386/32 bit hardware achitectures. This should be enough in most cases. If it is not enough for your specific situation, you can still run JAVE, but you need to obtain a platform specific ffmpeg executable. Check the Internet for it. You can even build it by yourself getting the code (and the documentation to build it) on the official ffmpeg site. Once you have obtained a ffmpeg executable suitable for your needs, you have to hook it in the JAVE library. That's a plain operation. JAVE gives you an abstract class called it.sauronsoftware.jave.FFMPEGLocator. Extend it. All you have to do is to define the following method:

public java.lang.String getFFMPEGExecutablePath()

This method should return a file system based path to your custom ffmpeg executable.

Once your class is ready, suppose you have called it MyFFMPEGExecutableLocator, you have to create an alternate encoder that uses it instead of the default locator:

Encoder encoder = new Encoder(new MyFFMPEGExecutableLocator())

You can use the same procedure also to switch to other versions of ffmpeg, even if you are on a platform covered by the executables bundled in the JAVE distribution.

Anyway be careful and test ever your application: JAVE it's not guaranteed to work properly with custom ffmpeg executables different from the bundled ones.

Supported container formats

The JAVE built-in ffmpeg executable gives support for the following multimedia container formats:


Formato Descrizione
4xm 4X Technologies format
MTV MTV format
RoQ Id RoQ format
ac3 raw ac3
aiff Audio IFF
alaw pcm A law format
amr 3gpp amr file format
apc CRYO APC format
ape Monkey's Audio
asf asf format
au SUN AU Format
avi avi format
avs AVISynth
bethsoftvid Bethesda Softworks 'Daggerfall' VID format
c93 Interplay C93
daud D-Cinema audio format
dsicin Delphine Software International CIN format
dts raw dts
dv DV video format
dxa dxa
ea Electronic Arts Multimedia Format
ea_cdata Electronic Arts cdata
ffm ffm format
film_cpk Sega FILM/CPK format
flac raw flac
flic FLI/FLC/FLX animation format
flv flv format
gif GIF Animation
gxf GXF format
h261 raw h261
h263 raw h263
h264 raw H264 video format
idcin Id CIN format
image2 image2 sequence
image2pipe piped image2 sequence
ingenient Ingenient MJPEG
ipmovie Interplay MVE format
libnut nut format
m4v raw MPEG4 video format
matroska Matroska File Format
mjpeg MJPEG video
mm American Laser Games MM format
mmf mmf format
mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 QuickTime/MPEG4/Motion JPEG 2000 format
mp3 MPEG audio layer 3
mpc musepack
mpc8 musepack8
mpeg MPEG1 System format
mpegts MPEG2 transport stream format
mpegtsraw MPEG2 raw transport stream format
mpegvideo MPEG video
mulaw pcm mu law format
mxf MXF format
nsv NullSoft Video format
nut nut format
nuv NuppelVideo format
ogg Ogg format
psxstr Sony Playstation STR format
rawvideo raw video format
redir Redirector format
rm rm format
rtsp RTSP input format
s16be pcm signed 16 bit big endian format
s16le pcm signed 16 bit little endian format
s8 pcm signed 8 bit format
sdp SDP
shn raw shorten
siff Beam Software SIFF
smk Smacker Video
sol Sierra SOL Format
swf Flash format
thp THP
tiertexseq Tiertex Limited SEQ format
tta true-audio
txd txd format
u16be pcm unsigned 16 bit big endian format
u16le pcm unsigned 16 bit little endian format
u8 pcm unsigned 8 bit format
vc1 raw vc1
vmd Sierra VMD format
voc Creative Voice File format
wav wav format
wc3movie Wing Commander III movie format
wsaud Westwood Studios audio format
wsvqa Westwood Studios VQA format
wv WavPack
yuv4mpegpipe YUV4MPEG pipe format


Formato Descrizione
3g2 3gp2 format
3gp 3gp format
RoQ Id RoQ format
ac3 raw ac3
aiff Audio IFF
alaw pcm A law format
amr 3gpp amr file format
asf asf format
asf_stream asf format
au SUN AU Format
avi avi format
crc crc testing format
dv DV video format
dvd MPEG2 PS format (DVD VOB)
ffm ffm format
flac raw flac
flv flv format
framecrc framecrc testing format
gif GIF Animation
gxf GXF format
h261 raw h261
h263 raw h263
h264 raw H264 video format
image2 image2 sequence
image2pipe piped image2 sequence
libnut nut format
m4v raw MPEG4 video format
matroska Matroska File Format
mjpeg MJPEG video
mmf mmf format
mov mov format
mp2 MPEG audio layer 2
mp3 MPEG audio layer 3
mp4 mp4 format
mpeg MPEG1 System format
mpeg1video MPEG video
mpeg2video MPEG2 video
mpegts MPEG2 transport stream format
mpjpeg Mime multipart JPEG format
mulaw pcm mu law format
null null video format
nut nut format
ogg Ogg format
psp psp mp4 format
rawvideo raw video format
rm rm format
rtp RTP output format
s16be pcm signed 16 bit big endian format
s16le pcm signed 16 bit little endian format
s8 pcm signed 8 bit format
svcd MPEG2 PS format (VOB)
swf Flash format
u16be pcm unsigned 16 bit big endian format
u16le pcm unsigned 16 bit little endian format
u8 pcm unsigned 8 bit format
vcd MPEG1 System format (VCD)
vob MPEG2 PS format (VOB)
voc Creative Voice File format
wav wav format
yuv4mpegpipe YUV4MPEG pipe format

Built-in decoders and encoders

The JAVE built-in ffmpeg executable contains the following decoders and encoders:

Audio decoders

adpcm_4xm adpcm_adx adpcm_ct adpcm_ea adpcm_ea_r1
adpcm_ea_r2 adpcm_ea_r3 adpcm_ea_xas adpcm_ima_amv adpcm_ima_dk3
adpcm_ima_dk4 adpcm_ima_ea_eacs adpcm_ima_ea_sead adpcm_ima_qt adpcm_ima_smjpeg
adpcm_ima_wav adpcm_ima_ws adpcm_ms adpcm_sbpro_2 adpcm_sbpro_3
adpcm_sbpro_4 adpcm_swf adpcm_thp adpcm_xa adpcm_yamaha
alac ape atrac 3 cook dca
dsicinaudio flac g726 imc interplay_dpcm
liba52 libamr_nb libamr_wb libfaad libgsm
libgsm_ms mace3 mace6 mp2 mp3
mp3adu mp3on4 mpc sv7 mpc sv8 mpeg4aac
nellymoser pcm_alaw pcm_mulaw pcm_s16be pcm_s16le
pcm_s16le_planar pcm_s24be pcm_s24daud pcm_s24le pcm_s32be
pcm_s32le pcm_s8 pcm_u16be pcm_u16le pcm_u24be
pcm_u24le pcm_u32be pcm_u32le pcm_u8 pcm_zork
qdm2 real_144 real_288 roq_dpcm shorten
smackaud sol_dpcm sonic truespeech tta
vmdaudio vorbis wavpack wmav1 wmav2
ws_snd1 xan_dpcm      

Audio encoders

ac3 adpcm_adx adpcm_ima_wav adpcm_ms adpcm_swf
adpcm_yamaha flac g726 libamr_nb libamr_wb
libfaac libgsm libgsm_ms libmp3lame libvorbis
mp2 pcm_alaw pcm_mulaw pcm_s16be pcm_s16le
pcm_s24be pcm_s24daud pcm_s24le pcm_s32be pcm_s32le
pcm_s8 pcm_u16be pcm_u16le pcm_u24be pcm_u24le
pcm_u32be pcm_u32le pcm_u8 pcm_zork roq_dpcm
sonic sonicls vorbis wmav1 wmav2

Video decoders

4xm 8bps VMware video aasc amv
asv1 asv2 avs bethsoftvid bmp
c93 camstudio camtasia cavs cinepak
cljr cyuv dnxhd dsicinvideo dvvideo
dxa ffv1 ffvhuff flashsv flic
flv fraps gif h261 h263
h263i h264 huffyuv idcinvideo indeo2
indeo3 interplayvideo jpegls kmvc loco
mdec mjpeg mjpegb mmvideo mpeg1video
mpeg2video mpeg4 mpegvideo msmpeg4 msmpeg4v1
msmpeg4v2 msrle msvideo1 mszh nuv
pam pbm pgm pgmyuv png
ppm ptx qdraw qpeg qtrle
rawvideo roqvideo rpza rv10 rv20
sgi smackvid smc snow sp5x
svq1 svq3 targa theora thp
tiertexseqvideo tiff truemotion1 truemotion2 txd
ultimotion vb vc1 vcr1 vmdvideo
vp3 vp5 vp6 vp6a vp6f
vqavideo wmv1 wmv2 wmv3 wnv1
xan_wc3 xl zlib zmbv  

Video encoders

asv1 asv2 bmp dnxhd dvvideo
ffv1 ffvhuff flashsv flv gif
h261 h263 h263p huffyuv jpegls
libtheora libx264 libxvid ljpeg mjpeg
mpeg1video mpeg2video mpeg4 msmpeg4 msmpeg4v1
msmpeg4v2 pam pbm pgm pgmyuv
png ppm qtrle rawvideo roqvideo
rv10 rv20 sgi snow svq1
targa tiff wmv1 wmv2 zlib


From a generic AVI to a youtube-like FLV movie, with an embedded MP3 audio stream:

File source = new File("source.avi");
File target = new File("target.flv");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
audio.setBitRate(new Integer(64000));
audio.setChannels(new Integer(1));
audio.setSamplingRate(new Integer(22050));
VideoAttributes video = new VideoAttributes();
video.setBitRate(new Integer(160000));
video.setFrameRate(new Integer(15));
video.setSize(new VideoSize(400, 300));
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);

Next lines extracts audio informations from an AVI and store them in a plain WAV file:

File source = new File("source.avi");
File target = new File("target.wav");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);

Next example takes an audio WAV file and generates a 128 kbit/s, stereo, 44100 Hz MP3 file:

File source = new File("source.wav");
File target = new File("target.mp3");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
audio.setBitRate(new Integer(128000));
audio.setChannels(new Integer(2));
audio.setSamplingRate(new Integer(44100));
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);

Next one decodes a generic AVI file and creates another one with the same video stream of the source and a re-encoded low quality MP3 audio stream:

File source = new File("source.avi");
File target = new File("target.avi");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
audio.setBitRate(new Integer(56000));
audio.setChannels(new Integer(1));
audio.setSamplingRate(new Integer(22050));
VideoAttributes video = new VideoAttributes();
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);

Next one generates an AVI with MPEG 4/DivX video and OGG Vorbis audio:

File source = new File("source.avi");
File target = new File("target.avi");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
VideoAttributes video = new VideoAttributes();
video.setBitRate(new Integer(160000));
video.setFrameRate(new Integer(30));
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);

A smartphone suitable video:

File source = new File("source.avi");
File target = new File("target.3gp");
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
audio.setBitRate(new Integer(128000));
audio.setSamplingRate(new Integer(44100));
audio.setChannels(new Integer(2));
VideoAttributes video = new VideoAttributes();
video.setBitRate(new Integer(160000));
video.setFrameRate(new Integer(15));
video.setSize(new VideoSize(176, 144));
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);




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    Java API接口是Java编程语言的核心组成部分,它提供了一系列预先定义好的类和方法,使得开发者能够构建功能丰富的应用程序。V63版本的Java API手册详细介绍了这些接口和类的使用方式,帮助开发者理解和利用Java的...


    压缩包中包含的"SR-2000+user's+manual_C (1).pdf"可能是一个设备手册或用户指南,这可能与JavaCV的某些应用有关,例如,如果SR-2000是一个摄像头或其他传感器设备,那么这个手册可能提供了如何使用该设备进行图像...

    MYSQL-5.1-Chinese-Reference-Manual.zip_java web mysql

    本文档“MYSQL-5.1-Chinese-Reference-Manual.zip”提供了MySQL 5.1版本的中文参考手册,对于Java Web开发者来说,这是一个宝贵的资源,可以帮助他们深入理解和有效地使用MySQL。 首先,让我们探讨MySQL 5.1的关键...

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