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  • 来自: 上海

1. Hashing

    --  Save items in a key-indexed table (index is a function of the key).

    --  Hash function: Method for computing array index from key.

    --  Classic space-time tradeoff.

        --  No space limitation: trivial hash function with key as index.

        --  No time limitation: trivial collision resolution with sequential search.

        --  Space and time limitations: hashing (the real world).


2.  Computing the hash function

    --  Idealistic goal: scramble the keys uniformly to produce a table index.

        --  Efficiently computable.

        --  Each table index equally likely for each key.

    --  Practical challenge. Need different approach for each key type.


3.  Java hashCode implementation :

    --  Integer :

public final class Integer
    private final int value;
    public int hashCode() { 
        return value; //using value of the Integer itself

     --  Boolean :


public final class Boolean
    private final boolean value;
    public int hashCode() {
        if (value) return 1231;
        else return 1237;

     -- Double :



public final class Double
    private final double value;
    public int hashCode() {
        long bits = doubleToLongBits(value); //convert to IEEE 64-bit representation;
        return (int) (bits ^ (bits >>> 32)); //xor most significant 32-bits with least significant 32-bits

     --  String :


public final class String
    private final char[] s;
    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 0;
        // Horner's method to hash string of length L: L multiplies/adds.
        // Equivalent to h = s[0] · 31^(L–1) + … + s[L – 3] · 31^2 + s[L – 2] · 31^1 + s[L – 1] · 31^0.
        for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
            hash = s[i] + (31 * hash);
        return hash;

     --  user-defined types

public final class Transaction implements Comparable<Transaction>
    private final String who;
    private final Date when;
    private final double amount;
    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 17;
        hash = 31*hash + who.hashCode();
        hash = 31*hash + when.hashCode();
        hash = 31*hash + ((Double) amount).hashCode();
        return hash;

     --  "Standard" recipe for user-defined types:

        --  Combine each significant field using the 31x + y rule.

        --  If field is a primitive type, use wrapper type hashCode().

        --  If field is null, return 0.

        --  If field is a reference type, use hashCode().

        --  If field is an array, apply to each entry.

    --  Modular hashing:

        --  Hash code: An int between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1.

        --  Hash function: An int between 0 and M - 1 (for use as array index).

        --  Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % M  --> 1-in-a-billion bug: hashCode() of "polygenelubricants" is -2^31

        --  correct implementation:

private int hash(Key key) { 
    return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % M; 


4.  Uniform hashing assumption:

    --  Uniform hashing assumption: Each key is equally likely to hash to an integer between 0 and M - 1.

    --  Birthday problem: Expect two balls in the same bin after ~ sqrt( π M / 2 ) tosses.

    --  Coupon collector: Expect every bin has ≥ 1 ball after ~ M ln M tosses.

    --  Load balancing: After M tosses, expect most loaded bin has Θ ( log M / log log M ) balls.


5.  Separate chaining hash table

    --  Use an array of M < N linked lists.

    --  Hash: map key to integer i between 0 and M - 1.

    --  Insert: put at front of ith chain (if not already there).

    --  Search: need to search only ith chain.

    --  Java Implementation

public class SeparateChainingHashST<Key, Value>
    private int M = 97; // number of chains
    private Node[] st = new Node[M]; // array of chains , array doubling and halving code omitted
    private static class Node
        private Object key;
        private Object val;
        private Node next;
    private int hash(Key key) { 
        return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % M; 
    public Value get(Key key) {
        int i = hash(key);
        for (Node x = st[i]; x != null; x = x.next)
            if (key.equals(x.key)) return (Value) x.val;
        return null;
    public void put(Key key, Value val) {
        int i = hash(key);
        for (Node x = st[i]; x != null; x = x.next)
        if (key.equals(x.key)) { 
            x.val = val; return; 
        st[i] = new Node(key, val, st[i]);


6.  Analysis of separate chaining :

    --  Proposition: Under uniform hashing assumption, prob. that the number of keys in a list is within a constant factor of N / M is extremely close to 1.

    --  Consequence: Number of probes for search/insert is proportional to N / M.

        --  M too large ⇒ too many empty chains.

        --  M too small ⇒ chains too long.

        --  Typical choice: M ~ N / 5 ⇒ constant-time ops.


7.  Open addressing

    --  When a new key collides, find next empty slot, and put it there.

    --  Hash: Map key to integer i between 0 and M-1.

    --  Insert: Put at table index i if free; if not try i+1, i+2, etc.

    --  Search. Search table index i; if occupied but no match, try i+1, i+2, etc.

    --  Array size M must be greater than number of key-value pairs N.

    --  Java Implementation

public class LinearProbingHashST<Key, Value>
    private int M = 30001;
    private Value[] vals = (Value[]) new Object[M]; // array doubling and halving code omitted
    private Key[] keys = (Key[]) new Object[M];
    private int hash(Key key) { /* as before */ }
    public void put(Key key, Value val) {
        int i;
        for (i = hash(key); keys[i] != null; i = (i+1) % M)
            if (keys[i].equals(key))
        keys[i] = key;
        vals[i] = val;
    public Value get(Key key){
        for (int i = hash(key); keys[i] != null; i = (i+1) % M)
            if (key.equals(keys[i]))
                return vals[i];
        return null;


8.  Knuth's parking problem

    --  Model. Cars arrive at one-way street with M parking spaces. Each desires a random space i : if space i is taken, try i + 1, i + 2, etc. What is mean displacement of a car?

    --  Half-full: With M / 2 cars, mean displacement is ~ 3 / 2.

    --  Full: With M cars, mean displacement is ~ sqrt( π M / 8 ).

    --  Proposition. Under uniform hashing assumption, the average # of probes in a linear probing hash table of size M that contains N = α M keys is: ~1/2(1+1/(1-α ) ) for search hit and ~1/2(1+1/(1-α )^2) for search miss or insert.

    --  Parameter choice

        --  M too large ⇒ too many empty array entries.

        --  M too small ⇒ search time blows up.

        --  Typical choice: α = N / M ~ ½.


9.  ST implementations summary:


10.  Hashing Variations:

    --  Two-probe hashing. (separate-chaining variant)

        --  Hash to two positions, insert key in shorter of the two chains.

        --  Reduces expected length of the longest chain to log log N.

    --  Double hashing. (linear-probing variant)

        --  Use linear probing, but skip a variable amount, not just 1 each time.

        --  Effectively eliminates clustering.

        --  Can allow table to become nearly full.

        --  More difficult to implement delete.

    --  Cuckoo hashing. (linear-probing variant)

        --  Hash key to two positions; insert key into either position; if occupied, reinsert displaced key into its alternative position (and recur).

        --  Constant worst case time for search.


  • 大小: 59.3 KB


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