Cygwin is a Unix-like environment for windows.
It can be obtained from:
Below are notes on how to install and setup cygwin for access to group computers.
Installation Notes:
- Download setup.exe from
- Run application from your local harddrive.
- Chose next on first screen.
- Select "Install from Internet" and click next.
- Enter preferred installation (Root) directory and click next.
- Enter a temporary installation directory and click next.
- Select "Direct Connection" and click next.
- Select a download site and click next.
(Any site that you can connect to is fine. Some sites are more stable and/or faster than others. Try to pick one that works for you.)
- Select the packages you want to install and click next.
Packages you may want to install include:- opennssh
- bc
- python
- keychain (for ssh key pairs)
- gv
- ghostscript
- emacs
- vi
- grace
- tcsh
- gnu compilers
- tetex
- aspell
- xfig
- transfig
- ImageMagic
- gnuplot
- rsync
- xinit (important for installing X-server)
- Please note sometimes you may get a download incomplete and the setup application will return to step 8. Simply select another server and continue the installation process.
- Once the installation is complete, click Finish and continue with the Setup section.
Setup Notes:
- Setup Windows Environment Variables:
- Open your System Control Panel: Select [start]->Control Panel->System
- Click on "Advanced System Settings", then select "Environmental Variables" under the "Advanced" tab of the "System Properties" Control Panel.
- In the Environmental variables window select new under "Variables for User" window.
Edit "User Variable" as follows:
Variable name: HOME
Variable value: Path to where you want your home directory
e.g. C:\user\username\Documents
- In the Environmental variables window select Path under "System Variables" window.
Edit "System variable" as follows:
Append "; C:\cygwin\bin" to Variable value: (semicolon is very important)
- Select "Ok" to close both "Environmental Variables" and "System Properties" windows.
- Creating link for starting X-windows:
- Create a shortcut to C:\cygwin\bin\Run.exe (on your desktop is probably a good place to do this).
- Right click on the shortcut and select properties.
- Under Target in the Shortcut tab enter:
C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe - You may want to change the icon:
- Select "Change Icon" and chose a preferred icon.
- Select "Ok" to close the Properties dialog box.
- To allow X-windows to start upon boot, place the your new shortcut in [Start]->[All Programs]->[Startup]<\ul>
- Now is a good time to restart...
- Setup and configuring cygwin files.
- (Only necessary if your admin account differs from your user account) Create a new user and set a default user home directory other /home/username:
Using the terminal started by X-windows:
type: mkpasswd -c -p /cygdrive/c/Users/username/Documents >> /etc/passwd - edit /etc/passwd using your favorite editor. You will need to remove the extra username after Documents in the home path.
- For easy use of the terminal create a startxterm.bat file in C:cygwin/bin. A reasonable xterm file looks like:
@echo off
REM Startup an xterm, using bash as the shell.
%RUN% xterm -geometry 120x40 -sb -rightbar -e /bin/bash -l
- Save the file and you are done!
- Start X-windows using the shortcut (it may already be started if you placed the file in your startup directory and rebooted).
- Use the startxterm.bat file to start a terminal. (You may want to create a shortcut to this for easy use.)
**Cygwin安装详解** Cygwin是一款强大的软件,它为Windows操作系统提供了类UNIX环境,让用户可以在Windows上运行许多原本只能在Linux或Unix系统中执行的命令行工具、应用程序和开发环境。Cygwin通过模拟POSIX接口,...
"cygwin install"指的是在Windows系统上安装Cygwin的过程。下面将详细介绍Cygwin的安装步骤和相关知识点。 首先,Cygwin的安装始于下载最新版本的安装程序。在你提供的信息中,安装文件版本是1.7-11-1,这可能是指...
### Cygwin获取Root权限详解 #### 背景与需求 Cygwin是一个在Windows平台上模拟类Unix环境的强大工具,它提供了大量的GNU和开源工具,使得开发人员可以在Windows上像在Linux环境下那样进行开发工作。然而,在某些...
在`Stack Overflow`的讨论(`python - How do you compile wxPython under cygwin - Stack Overflow.mht`)中,通常会找到解决这类问题的社区智慧。通常,建议遵循以下步骤: 1. 安装必要的Cygwin包,包括Python开发...
exe程序,可直接运行下载组件进行安装,安装过程中最好选择网易源 自己添加后选择
### Cygwin与DLL编译 #### 一、Cygwin简介 Cygwin是一个在Windows平台上运行的类UNIX环境,它提供了一个强大的工具集,包括shell解释器、开发工具等,使得用户可以在Windows上使用类Unix命令行工具进行开发工作。...
Cygwin 的安装和简单配置 Cygwin 是一个在 Windows 平台上运行的 Unix 模拟环境,由 Cygnus Solutions 公司开发的自由软件。它可以让用户在 Windows 下拥有 Linux 开发环境,并且不需要切换系统。Cygwin 对于学习 ...
- **安装lame**:如果编译lame遇到问题,可能需要手动解决automake的问题,如将config.guess文件复制到相应目录,并注释掉与Cygwin相关的代码,然后执行`make`和`make install`。 7. **编译FFmpeg**: - 进入...
### Cygwin用户指南 #### Cygwin概述 **什么是Cygwin?** Cygwin是一种能在Windows系统上运行的工具集,它提供了一个类似Linux的环境,允许用户执行类Unix命令并运行原本只能在Linux或类Unix系统上运行的应用程序...
Cygwin是一个在windows平台上运行的类UNIX模拟环境,是cygnus solutions公司开发的自由软件(该公司开发的著名工具还有eCos,不过现已被Redhat收购)。它对于学习UNIX/Linux操作环境,或者从UNIX到Windows的应用程序...
**Cygwin详解** Cygwin是一款强大的开源软件工具,它为Windows操作系统提供了一个类Unix的环境,使得用户能够在Windows平台上模拟Linux或Unix的操作环境。这个名称来源于“Cyg”代表Windows下的“Cygwin32”库,而...
官网【】 Cygwin离线安装包,64位v2.918双击【setup-x86_64.exe】开始安装,选择从目录安装 已经包含 gcc-core gcc-g++ gdb binutils