Some common error codes for GET requests include:
301 Moved Permanently
- If the resource has been moved -
400 Bad Request
- If the client request is unaccaptable, i.e. if the client sends none-sense parameters in the request -
401 Unauthorized
- If the client did not provide any valid credentials -
403 Forbidden
- If the client is authorized but not allowed to perform the request (you can also return a 404 in this case to conceal that this resource exists at all) -
404 Not Found
- If the requested resource could not be found
Create a POJO to represent these error messages and then return it using a Jersey Response
For example the error object could look like this:
public class ApiError {
private String code;
private String message;
private String developerMessage;
// Getters and Setters here
To return it you can do the following (i.e. in your catch block or your custom ExceptionMapper):
ApiError error = new ApiError("409-1", message, developerMessage);
return Response.status(Response.Status.CONFLICT).entity(error).build();
This way you can provide nicely formatted JSON/XML error messages containing custom error codes and further information for the developer. The error entities will get serialized according to your @Produces
### Meaningful Use Stage1提纲解析 #### 一、引言 Meaningful Use Stage1是美国政府在2011年推出的电子健康记录(EHR)激励计划的一部分,旨在鼓励医疗保健提供者采用和有效利用EHR系统,以提高医疗质量和效率,...
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Organization of meaningful verbal material READING TESTS VERSUS INTELLIGENCE TESTS 365 REFERENCES GARRETT, HENRY E. Statistics in psychology and education. New York: Longmans, Green, 1961. ...
Visual Cryptography Scheme with Meaningful Shares Based on QR Codes
FM: Clinically meaningful rorschach index with minority children? Psjrhology in rht SchooLr 1981. / R . 429-433 FM: CLINICALLY MEANINGFUL RORSCHACH INDEX WITH MINORITY CHILDREN?' RALPH SCOTT ...
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> mix deps.getnewb |> iex -S mix "use it Padawan"newb |> AST quote do - discover code patternsnewb |> require Loggernewb |> Logger.debug("debug message: Make it meaningful")newb |> alias :dbg, as: Dbg...
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But all of that data is just raw information -- to make that information meaningful, it has to be organized, filtered, and analyzed. Anyone can apply data analysis tools and get results, but without ...