package com.web.base;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.hibernate.Session;
* Generic Manager that talks to GenericDao to CRUD POJOs.
* <p>Extend this interface if you want typesafe (no casting necessary) managers
* for your domain objects.
* @author <a href="">Matt Raible</a>
* @param <T> a type variable
* @param <PK> the primary key for that type
public interface BaseService<T, PK extends Serializable> {
* Generic method used to get all objects of a particular type. This
* is the same as lookup up all rows in a table.
* @return List of populated objects
List<T> getAll();
* Generic method to get an object based on class and identifier. An
* ObjectRetrievalFailureException Runtime Exception is thrown if
* nothing is found.
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to get
* @return a populated object
* @see org.springframework.orm.ObjectRetrievalFailureException
T get(PK id);
* Checks for existence of an object of type T using the id arg.
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to get
* @return - true if it exists, false if it doesn't
boolean exists(PK id);
* Generic method to save an object - handles both update and insert.
* @param object the object to save
* @return the updated object
T save(T object);
* Generic method to delete an object based on class and id
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to remove
void remove(PK id);
public void removes(PK[] ids);
void remove1(PK id);
public void removes1(PK[] ids);
public List<T> getByHql(String hql,Object[] objs);
public List getAllByHql(String hql,Object[] objs);
public void updateQuery(final String hql,final Map map);
public List<T> getPageData(String hql, Map map, int pageIndex, int pageSize);
public List<T> getPageData(String hql, Map map);
public int getPageSize(String hql, Map map);
public BigDecimal getTotalCount(String hql, Map map);
public String getCellValue(Cell cell);
public void removes2(PK[] ids, Map session);
package com.web.base;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
public class BaseServiceImpl<T, PK extends Serializable> implements BaseService<T, PK> {
* Log variable for all child classes. Uses LogFactory.getLog(getClass()) from Commons Logging
protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
* GenericDao instance, set by constructor of this class
protected BaseDao<T, PK> baseDao;
* Public constructor for creating a new GenericManagerImpl.
* @param genericDao the GenericDao to use for persistence
public BaseServiceImpl(final BaseDao<T, PK> baseDao) {
this.baseDao = baseDao;
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<T> getAll() {
return baseDao.getAll();
* {@inheritDoc}
public T get(PK id) {
return baseDao.get(id);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean exists(PK id) {
return baseDao.exists(id);
* {@inheritDoc}
public T save(T object) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void remove(PK id) {
public void removes(PK[] ids){
public void remove1(PK id) {
public void removes1(PK[] ids){
public List<T> getPageData(String hql, Map map, int pageIndex, int pageSize) {
return baseDao.getPageData(hql, map, pageIndex, pageSize);
public List<T> getPageData(String hql, Map map) {
return baseDao.getPageData(hql, map);
public int getPageSize(String hql, Map map) {
return baseDao.getPageSize(hql,map);
public BigDecimal getTotalCount(String hql, Map map){
return baseDao.getTotalCount(hql,map);
public List<T> getByHql(String hql, Object[] objs) {
return baseDao.getByHql(hql, objs);
public void updateQuery(String hql, Map map) {
baseDao.updateQuery(hql, map);
public List getAllByHql(String hql, Object[] objs) {
return baseDao.getAllByHql(hql, objs);
public String getCellValue(Cell cell){
return String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
else return cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString().trim();
}else return null;
public void removes2(PK[] ids,Map session) {
在标签中,请指定 name 为baseMapper,baseService,baseServiceImpl,baseController 的value属性(超类位置). 2.本项目中的basic包下可见超类的具体在实现代码.复制粘贴即可. 本应用鼓励使用超类,由JVM实现类型判断,...
public class BaseServiceImpl implements BaseService { @Resource private BaseDao baseDao; @Autowired private UserDao userDao; public void service() { baseDao.add(); } public void test() { ...
青鸟速递管理系统详细设计文档.pdf 本文档详细介绍了青鸟速递管理系统的设计细节,包括员工管理、客户管理等模块的设计思路和实现细节。...BaseServiceImpl是BaseService的实现类,提供了具体的业务逻辑实现。
7. **Service与ServiceImpl**:MyBatisPlus提供了一套基于泛型的Service模板类,如`BaseService`和`BaseServiceImpl`,开发者可以通过继承这些类快速构建业务服务层。 8. **启动及运行指南**:压缩包可能还包含了一...
以一个名为`TestUserService`的业务接口为例,该接口继承自`BaseService`接口,并定义了一个`getUser`方法: ```java package com.gemship.common.service; import com.gfa4j.service.BaseService; public ...
BaseServiceImpl 实现了通用的 CRUD 操作,提供了一个通用的服务实现。 七、 使用 Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis 开发 JAVA 单体应用的优点 使用 Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis 开发 JAVA 单体应用有许多优点,例如: * ...
public class BaseServiceImpl implements BaseService { // ... } ``` 在Service实现类中,可以使用@Autowire注解来自动装配DAO Bean。例如: ```java @Service public class ItemServiceImpl implements ...
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Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis框架集成公共模块,包括公共配置、MybatisGenerator扩展插件、通用BaseService、工具类等。 > zheng-admin 基于bootstrap实现的响应式Material Design风格的通用后台管理系统,`zheng`...