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以下copy自as3 cookbook 第20章
var example:XML = <abc><a>eh</a><b>bee</b><c>see</c></abc>;
// Assume two variables exist, username and score
var username:String = "Darron";
var score:int = 1000;
// Use curly braces around the variable name to use its value when
// assigning XML via an XML literal
var example:XML = <gamescore>
// Create the XML structure with a string so use the value of both
// username and score inside of the XML packet.
var str:String = "<gamescore><username>" + username + "</username>"
+ "<score>" + score + "</score></gamescore>";
// Pass the string to the constructor to create an XML object
var example:XML = new XML( str );
// Create an XML instance to add elements to
var example:XML = <example />;
// Create a new XML node named newElement and add it to the
// example instance
example.newElement = <newElement />;
/* Displays:
trace( example );
// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example />;
var id:int = 10;
// Create a string to incorporate the value of id in the node name
example[ "user" + id ] = "";
/* Displays:
trace( example );
“-” 会引起编译器错误,用数组操作符避免这个
example.some-element = ""; // Generates a compiler error
example[ "some-element" ] = "";
insertChildBefore 和 insertChildAfter 作用
// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example/>;
// Create an empty two element node
example.two = "";
// Before the two element node, add a one element node
example = example.insertChildBefore( example.two, <one /> );
// After the two element node, add a three element node
example = example.insertChildAfter( example.two, <three /> );
/* Displays:
trace( example );
填加 文本节点 到xmlobject:
// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example/>;
// Create a text node from a string
example.firstname = "Darron";
// Create a text node from a number
example.number = 24.9;
// Create a text node from a boolean
example.boolean = true;
// Create a text node from an array
example.abc = ["a", undefined, "b", "c", null, 7, false];
/* Displays:
trace( example );
appendChild( ), prependChild( ), insertChildBefore( ), or insertChildAfter( ). 方法:
// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example/>;
// Append a two element node containing a text node child
// with value 2
example.appendChild( <two>2</two> );
// Prepend a one element node containing a text node child
// with value "number 1"
example.prependChild( <one>"number 1"</one> );
// After the one element node, insert a text node with
// value 1.5
example.insertChildAfter( example.one[0], 1.5 );
// Before the two element node, insert a part element node
// containing a text node child with value 1.75
example.insertChildBefore( example.two[0], <part>1.75</part> );
/* Displays:
<one>"number 1"</one>
trace( example );
// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example><someElement/></example>;
// Add some attributes to the someElement element node
example.someElement.@number = 12.1;
example.someElement.@string = "example";
example.someElement.@boolean = true;
example.someElement.@array = ["a", null, 7, undefined, "c"];
/* Displays:
<someElement number="12.1" string="example" boolean="true"
trace( example );
当然属性值不能有“-”否则必须用 []
example.someElement.@["bad-variable-name"] = "yes";
example.someElement.@["color" + num] = "red";
读xml :
遍历xml :
var menu:XML = <menu>
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="New"/>
<menuitem label="Help">
<menuitem label="About"/>
This is a text node
for each ( var element:XML in menu.elements( ) ) {
/* Displays:
trace( element.@label );
这个方法只能遍历直接childrens类型元素(不包括其他节点,例如text). ,如果全都遍历,可以递归:
var menu:XML = <menu>
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="New"/>
<menuitem label="Help">
<menuitem label="About"/>
This is a text node
/* Displays:
walk( menu );
// A recursive function that reaches every element in an XML tree
function walk( node:XML ):void {
// Loop over all of the child elements of the node
for each ( var element:XML in node.elements( ) ) {
// Output the label attribute
trace( element.@label );
// Recursively walk the child element to reach its children
walk( element );
查找xml元素by name:
var fruit:XML = <fruit><name>Apple</name></fruit>;
// Displays: Apple
trace( fruit.name );
var author:XML = <author><name><firstName>Darron</firstName></name></author>;
// Displays: Darron
trace( author.name.firstName );
双点语法省略.name :
var author:XML = <author><name><firstName>Darron</firstName></name></author>;
// Displays: Darron
trace( author..firstName );
trace( fruit..[nodeName] ); //error
var items:XML = <items>
// Displays: Apple
trace( items.item[0].name );
// Displays: Orange
trace( items.item[1].name );
// Displays: 2
trace( items.item.length( ) );
var example:XML = <example>
// Convert a text node of "true" to boolean true
var bool:Boolean = Boolean( example.bool );
// Convert a text node of "12" to an integer
var integer:int = int( example.integer );
// Convert a text node of ".9" to a number
var number:Number = example.number;
/* Displays:
trace( bool );
trace( integer );
trace( number );
var bool:Boolean = example.bool.toLowerCase( ) == "true";
var fruit:XML = <fruit>
An apple a day...
// Explicity using toString( ) here is required
var value:String = fruit.toString( );
/* Displays:
An apple a day...
trace( value );
var fruit:XML = <fruit>
An apple a day...
for each ( var textNode:XML in fruit.text( ) ) {
// Displays: An apple a day...
trace( textNode );
读取节点属性:attributes( ) 返回xmllist
var fruit:XML = <fruit name="Apple" color="red" />;
// Use the attributes( ) method and save the results as an XMLList
var attributes:XMLList = fruit.attributes( );
// Displays: Apple
trace( attributes[0] );
// Displays: red
trace( attributes[1] );
var fruit:XML = <fruit name="Apple" color="red" />;
// Displays: color
trace( fruit.attributes( )[1].name( ) );
var fruit:XML = <fruit name="Apple" color="red" />;
for each ( var attribute:XML in fruit.attributes( ) ) {
/* Displays:
name = Apple
color = red
trace( attribute.name( ) + " = " + attribute.toString( ) );
var fruit:XML = <fruit name="Apple" color="red" />;
// Displays: red
trace( fruit.@color );
trace( fruit.attribute("color") );
可以用*代替attributes( )
var fruit:XML = <fruit name="Apple" color="red" />;
// Displays: Apple
trace( fruit.@*[0] );
// Displays: red
trace( fruit.@*[1] );
// Displays: 2
trace( fruit.@*.length( ) );
//Because the attributes are always returned as an XMLList, the attributes are indexable, making them easy to access.
// Create a fictitious shopping cart
var cart:XML = <cart>
<item price=".98">crayons</item>
<item price="3.29">pencils</item>
<item price=".48">blue pen</item>
<item price=".48">black pen</item>
// Create a total variable to represent represent the cart total
var total:Number = 0;
// Find every price attribute, and add its value to the running total
for each ( var price:XML in cart..@price ) {
total += price;
// Displays: 5.23
trace( total );
删除: 节点,文本节点,属性
var example:XML = <example>
<fruit color="Red">Apple</fruit>
<vegetable color="Green">Broccoli</vegetable>
<dairy color="White">Milk</dairy>
// Remove the color attribute from the fruit element
delete example.fruit.@color;
// Remove the dairy element entirely
delete example.dairy;
// Remove the text node from the vegetable element node
delete example.vegetable.text( )[0];
/* Displays:
<vegetable color="Green"/>
trace( example );
//像 text( ) , elements( ) on an XML object, 或者 一些情况下的E4X 语法都可以得到xmllist
var example:XML = <example>
<fruit color="red" name="Apple" />
// Get an XMLList of the attributes for fruit
var attributes:XMLList = example.fruit.@*;
// Loop over the items backwards to delete every attribute.
// By removing items from the end of the array we avoid problems
// with the array indices changing while trying to loop over them.
for ( var i:int = attributes.length( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
delete attributes[i];
/* Displays:
trace( example );
loading xml
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.util.*;
public class LoadXMLExample extends Sprite {
public function LoadXMLExample( ) {
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( );
loader.dataFormat = DataFormat.TEXT;
loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete );
loader.load( new URLRequest( "example.xml" ) );
private function handleComplete( event:Event ):void {
try {
// Convert the downlaoded text into an XML instance
var example:XML = new XML( event.target.data );
// At this point, example is ready to be used with E4X
trace( example );
} catch ( e:TypeError ) {
// If we get here, that means the downloaded text could
// not be converted into an XML instance, probably because
// it is not formatted correctly.
trace( "Could not parse text into XML" );
trace( e.message );
sending xml
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
public class XMLSendLoadExample extends Sprite {
private var _message:TextField;
private var _username:TextField;
private var _save:SimpleButton;
public function XMLSendLoadExample( ) {
initializeDispaly( );
private function initializeDispaly( ):void {
_message = new TextField( );
_message.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_message.x = 10;
_message.y = 10;
_message.text = "Enter a user name";
_username = new TextField( );
_username.width = 100;
_username.height = 18;
_username.x = 10;
_username.y = 30;
_username.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
_username.border = true;
_username.background = true;
_save = new SimpleButton( );
_save.upState = createSaveButtonState( 0xFFCC33 );
_save.overState = createSaveButtonState( 0xFFFFFF );
_save.downState = createSaveButtonState( 0xCCCCCC );
_save.hitTestState = save.upState;
_save.x = 10;
_save.y = 50;
// When the save button is clicked, call the handleSave method
_save.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, handleSave );
addChild( _message );
addChild( _username );
addChild( _save );
// Creates a button state with a specific background color
private function createSaveButtonState( color:uint ):Sprite {
var state:Sprite = new Sprite( );
var label:TextField = new TextField( );
label.text = "Save";
label.x = 2;
label.height = 18;
label.width = 30;
var background:Shape = new Shape( );
background.graphics.beginFill( color );
background.graphics.lineStyle( 1, 0x000000 );
background.graphics.drawRoundRect( 0, 0, 32, 18, 9 );
background.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter( 1 ) ];
state.addChild( background );
state.addChild( label );
return state;
private function handleSave( event:MouseEvent ):void {
// Generate a random score to save with the username
var score:int = Math.floor( Math.random( ) * 10 );
// Create a new XML instance containing the data to be saved
var dataToSave:XML = <gamescore>
// Point the request to the script that will handle the XML
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "/gamescores.cfm" );
// Set the data property to the dataToSave XML instance to send the XML
// data to the server
request.data = dataToSave;
// Set the contentType to signal XML data being sent
request.contentType = "text/xml";
// Use the post method to send the data
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
// Create a URLLoader to handle sending and loading of the XML data
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( );
// When the server response is finished downloading, invoke handleResponse
loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, handleResponse );
// Finally, send off the XML data to the URL
loader.load( request );
private function handleResponse( event:Event ):void {
try {
// Attempt to convert the server's response into XML
var success:XML = new XML( event.target.data );
// Inspect the value of the success element node
if ( success.toString( ) == "1" ) {
_message.text = "Saved successfully.";
} else {
_message.text = "Error encountered while saving.";
} catch ( e:TypeError ) {
// Display an error message since the server response was not understood
_message.text = "Could not parse XML response from server.";
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3. **XML列表和集合**:E4X中的XML列表类似于数组,可以方便地遍历和操作XML节点集合。 4. **XML构造**:可以通过JavaScript表达式动态构造XML文档,如`new XML("<element>text</element>")`。 5. **查询和筛选**...
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通过阅读《Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex》并研究提供的源代码,开发者不仅可以深化对XML和E4X的理解,还能获得在实际项目中运用这些技术的实践经验,从而提升开发Flash和Flex应用的专业技能。...
E4X(ECMAScript for XML)是JavaScript的一个扩展,旨在简化XML处理,使JavaScript可以更加方便地创建、操作和解析XML文档。E4X将XML直接集成到JavaScript语法中,使得XML数据可以直接作为JavaScript对象进行操作,...
4. **E4X(ECMAScript for XML)**: - E4X是ECMAScript的一个扩展,允许在JavaScript代码中直接处理XML。 - `var xml = <root><item id="1">Data</item></root>;`:在JavaScript中创建XML结构。 - `xml.item.@id...
- Flex支持E4X(ECMAScript for XML),它允许直接在JavaScript语法中处理XML。 - 例如,获取XML中的某个节点值: ```actionscript var nodeValue:String = yourXMLNode.@attributeName; ``` - 遍历XML节点: ...
在一些旧的浏览器环境中,如Firefox,支持E4X,这是一种将XML集成到JavaScript语法中的尝试。它允许直接在JavaScript代码中嵌入XML,但现代浏览器已经不再支持此特性。 7. jQuery和XML: jQuery库简化了...
在Flash中,我们可以使用XMLLoader类或者E4X(ECMAScript for XML)语法来加载XML文件。一旦XML数据加载完成,我们可以通过解析XML结构来实现自动播放等功能。例如,如果XML文件包含一个音视频资源列表,每个元素都...
- **E4X**:ECMAScript for XML,一种扩展的JavaScript版本。 - **简化XML处理**:内置对XML的支持。 #### DTD教程 - **DTD简介**:Document Type Definition,定义XML文档结构的规范。 - **DTD元素**:定义文档中...
E4X提供了许多直观的方法和操作符来操作XML数据: - **访问节点**:使用数组索引或`child`属性访问子节点。 - **访问属性**:使用`@`操作符访问属性。 - **遍历节点**:使用`for`循环或`XMLList`类型进行遍历。 ...
4. E4X(ECMAScript for XML)路径表达式进行XML操作 5. 遍历和访问XML节点及其属性 对于初学者,深入理解和实践这些概念将对掌握Flash与XML的交互大有裨益。同时,不断探索和优化代码,以提高效率和可读性,是成为...
- E4X(ECMAScript for XML):E4X是JavaScript的一种扩展,允许直接在JavaScript中处理XML。例如,`var doc = new XML(xmlString)`可以创建一个XML对象。但需要注意,E4X不是所有浏览器都支持,主要在Firefox中...
在IT行业中,Flash和XML是两个非常重要的...了解这些基础知识后,开发者可以进一步探索更复杂的Flash与XML集成,如使用E4X(ECMAScript for XML)语法,或者结合服务器端技术如PHP、ASP.NET等进行更高效的数据交换。
5. **E4X(ECMAScript for XML)**:在某些JavaScript环境中,如Flash或旧版的Firefox,支持E4X,它允许直接在JavaScript中嵌入XML,并提供类似于处理JSON的语法来操作XML。然而,E4X在现代浏览器中已不再被支持。 ...
E4X是JavaScript的一个扩展,使得在JavaScript中操作XML变得更为简洁和直观。CppE4X的目标就是将这种便利性引入到C++编程环境中。 **XML解析的基本概念** XML(eXtensible Markup Language)是一种用于标记数据的...
- **用于处理XML的E4X方法**:介绍了一些常用的E4X方法,如 `XML` 对象的 `toString()`、`children()` 等。 - **XML对象**:`XML` 类提供了丰富的接口来操作XML文档。 - **XMLList对象**:`XMLList` 类用来处理XML...
相比之前的版本,E4X极大地简化了对XML数据的操作过程,减少了代码量并提高了效率。 #### E4X操作示例 以下是一个简单的XML文档示例: ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <name>ZhangSan <age>...
加载XML后,可以使用E4X语法或传统的DOM方法来访问和操作XML节点。例如,获取XML文件中的特定元素值: ```actionscript var value:String = xml.child("element_name").toString(); ``` 5. **程序初始化**: ...