在伦敦闻名世界的威斯敏斯特大教堂地下室的墓碑林中,有一块名扬世界的墓碑。 其实这只是一块很普通的墓碑,粗糙的花岗石质地,造型也很一般,同周围那些质地上乘、做工优良的亨利三世到乔治二世等二十多位英国前国王墓碑,以及牛顿、达尔文、狄更斯等名人的墓碑比较起来,它显得微不足道,不值一提。并且它没有姓名,没有生卒年月,甚至上面连墓主的介绍文字也没有。 但是,就是这样一块无名氏墓碑,却成为名扬全球的著名墓碑。每一个到过威斯特敏斯特大教堂的人,他们可以不去拜谒那些曾经显赫一世的英国前国王们,可以不去拜谒那诸如狄更斯、达尔文等世界名人们,但他们却没有人不来拜谒这一块普通的墓碑,他们都被这块墓碑深深地震撼着,准确地说,他们被这块墓碑上的碑文深深地震撼着。 在这块墓碑上,刻着这样的一段话:
When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.
译文是: 当我年轻的时候,我的想象力从没有受到过限制,我梦想改变这个世界。 当我成熟以后,我发现我不能改变这个世界,我将目光缩短了些,决定只改变我的国家。 当我进入暮年后,我发现我不能改变我的国家,我的最后愿望仅仅是改变一下我的家庭。但是,这也不可能。当我躺在床上,行将就木时,我突然意识到:如果一开始我仅仅去改变我自己,然后作为一个榜样,我可能改变我的家庭; 在家人的帮助和鼓励下,我可能为国家做一些事情。然后谁知道呢?我甚至可能改变这个世界。
据说,许多世界政要和名人看到这块碑文时都感慨不已。有人说这是一篇人生的教义,有人说这是灵魂的一种自省。 当年轻的曼德拉看到这篇碑文时,顿然有醍醐灌顶之感,声称自己从中找到了改变南非甚至整个世界的金钥匙。回到南非后,这个志向远大、原本赞同以暴治暴填平种族歧视鸿沟的黑人青年,一下子改变的自己的思想和处世风格,他从改变自己、改变自己的家庭和亲朋好友着手,经历了几十年,终于改变了他的国家。 真的,要想撬起世界,它的最佳支点不是地球,不是一个国家、一个民族,也不是别人,而只能是自己的心灵。 要想改变世界,你必须从改变你自己开始; 要想撬起世界,你必须把支点选在自己的心灵上
I remember that only days after we stopped editing the first edition, I kept asking myself, "Why didn't I...?", or "What the heck was I thinking saying it like that?", and on and on. In fact, the ...
3. 自我介绍:在不熟悉的场合,演讲者应该在开场时简短地介绍自己,如“Let me introduce myself first. My name is...”,这样可以帮助听众建立对演讲者的认识。 4. 受邀致辞:如果是被邀请进行演讲,可以在开场...
myself by automating much of that job, I decided to return to school and study biol- ogy, which is when I took my first GIS course. I was instantly in love, and managed to convince someone to give me ...
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After searching in vain for such a book and spending a year learning MFC the old-fashioned way, I decided to write one myself. It's the book you hold in your hands. And it's the book I would like to ...
INSERT INTO first_tb VALUES (001, 'myself'); ``` 然后,在从服务器上查看是否也能看到相同的数据: ```sql SHOW DATABASES; ``` 如果能看到`first_db`数据库及其对应的数据表和数据,那么就可以确认MySQL主从...
6. **自我表达** - "myself"是反身代词,常用于强调自己做某事,如"I did it myself."(我自己做的。) 7. **虚拟语气和预测** - "predict"(预测)和"future"(未来)在讨论假设或可能性时常见,如"We predict ...
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