TIBCO's products focus on fulfilling the company's vision for "Enterprise 3.0,"[4] in which technology delivers the right information in the right place at
the right time with the right context, giving businesses and organizations a significant advantage in serving their customers and managing their operations. Working together, TIBCO's technologies aim to accelerate business processes and decisions based on
real-time events and align technology to work in more natural, human, responsive ways that reflect how businesses really work. This helps address three critical requirements that TIBCO has identified for Enterprise 3.0 organizations:
- Manage events on a massive scale
- Develop and manage applications universally
- Connect people to technology naturally
TIBCO ActiveMatrix
TIBCO ActiveMatrix is a technology-neutral platform designed to simplify the development, deployment and management of composite
business process management (BPM) and
service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. The ActiveMatrix family includes products for service creation and integration, distributed service and data grids, packaged applications, BPM and governance.[5]
TIBCO BusinessEvents
TIBCO BusinessEvents is complex event processing (CEP) software that enables organizations to identify meaningful patterns across their business. It does so by correlating massive volumes of data about discrete events and applying predefined rules to identify
situations that require a response.
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager is
master data management (MDM) software that enables organizations to align enterprise master data across multiple business units, departments and partners and synchronize that information with downstream IT transactional systems[6].
TIBCO Silver
TIBCO Silver is an infrastructure platform designed specifically for building, deploying and managing cloud applications within enterprise IT environments. Silver includes BPM, composite application development and analytics products.
TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire is an analytics and
business intelligence platform that allows customers to perform in-depth analysis on their data through the use of predictive and complex statistics.[7]
TIBCO tibbr
TIBCO tibbr is a workplace communication tool designed to allow users to follow a range of granular subjects and machines, rather than just people. It is built using TIBCO Silver and is currently in beta.[8][9]
TIBCO FTL is an extreme-low-latency messaging technology that is is meant for electronic trading of high performance algorithms on massively multi-core machines[10]
tibco development including tibco esb introduce!
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Java编程是计算机科学领域中最广泛使用的编程语言之一,尤其在企业级应用开发中占据着核心地位。《Introduction to Java Programming》第8版是一本深入浅出的Java学习教材,为初学者提供了全面的Java编程知识。...