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IronRuby in Action一书进入EAP

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链接:The IronRuby in Action book went into EAP today
IronRuby in Action在Manning的EAP链接:http://manning.com/carrero

Ivan Porto Carrero的新书,IronRuby in Action,在Manning Early Access Program上已经可以读到一部分。刚才读了其中的第一章。
例如说,在1.2.1 Compiled and interpreted languages,
A compiled language in the context of this book is a language that requires a compiler before it can be executed. VB.NET, C# and Java all require a compilation step before they can be executed.
An interpreted language means that the code you feed it; gets executed by an interpreter, whose job it is to analyze each statement it encounters and consequently execute the desired action. There is no error checking at compile time because there is no compile time.




话说现在IronRuby在RubyForge上的SVN repository的版本是revision 110。先前的版本build都没遇到这个问题,这次build的时候发觉出现了好几个错误——主要问题都是出在project property的target设置到了.NET Framework 2.0;那把target设到3.5呢?System.Action跟Microsoft.Scripting.Util.Action就冲突了……好奇怪,IronRuby小组内部的人是怎么build的?
System.Action<T>是.NET Framework 2.0就开始有的,但是System.ActionSystem.Action<T1,T2>一直到4个参数的版本都是.NET Framework 3.5才出现的,在System.Core里。


我是想关注一下Tomas Matousek在ironruby-core里提到的一句:
Refactors Ruby blocks and procs:
-       The compiled block has now signature (BlockParam, self, formal-args) - self argument was added. Previously it was passed thru BlockParam.Proc in a very hacky way.
-       Removed hacks from dynamic actions on blocks and methods created by define_method. Improved rules generated for these actions.
-       RubyBlockInfo no longer inherits from RubyMemberInfo. There is no reason to do so, blocks are not directly stored in method tables and cannot be invoked via InvokeMemberAction.

Adds YieldAction - a custom Ruby action for yielding to a block that allows to pass BlockParam and self.
Implements module_eval/class_eval - both Proc and string versions.
Implements eval that takes Proc as a binding.
Adds module_eval and proc related unit tests.
Yes, they are 1st class. Some of the properties should be accessible, some not. There will be more cleanup later, after all operations are implemented. Some fields might move among classes (RubyBlockInfo, Proc, BlockParam) etc. The id is now 1:1 but might not be in future - some blocks could be compatible if they have the same signature shape.



[Ironruby-core] Code Review: zlib
John Lam 写道
non-nullable reference types (that's what the /*!*/ annotations mean).




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