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in action系列的书写得都不错,在douban上看了一下 ...
代码生成器技术及其前景 -
code generation in action这个书不错, ...
代码生成器技术及其前景 -
It is with pride that these words are added to the ForeWord of this book.The release of this introduction to ITIL marks a significant event in the ITSMF world-wide community.
The International ITSMF organization through its International Publications Executive Sub-Committee(IPESC),comprised of a concil of members from global ITSMF chapters has given its formal ITSMF International endorsement to this book,which was based on a previously endorsed ITSMF publication.
Through the efforts and dedication of its committee members,the objective of ITSMF International's Publications ESC is to crete added value to the community of ITSM professionals,by enabling the development of a common global library that supports a uniform standard of ITSM knowledge and best practices.
The review process itself is a rigorous one,with stringent endorsement criteria that and ITSM-related publication must meet before it can be endorsed by the IPESC.
The Acknowledgements on the following pages indentify many ITSMF chapter representativs who were involved in the review and endorsement of this book.On behalf of the ITMF global community I wish to thank the IPESC for their dedication,effort and commitment to participating in the review and endorsement of this book.I hope you find this book enjoyable,informative and a useful introduction to ITSM.
The International ITSMF organization through its International Publications Executive Sub-Committee(IPESC),comprised of a concil of members from global ITSMF chapters has given its formal ITSMF International endorsement to this book,which was based on a previously endorsed ITSMF publication.
Through the efforts and dedication of its committee members,the objective of ITSMF International's Publications ESC is to crete added value to the community of ITSM professionals,by enabling the development of a common global library that supports a uniform standard of ITSM knowledge and best practices.
The review process itself is a rigorous one,with stringent endorsement criteria that and ITSM-related publication must meet before it can be endorsed by the IPESC.
The Acknowledgements on the following pages indentify many ITSMF chapter representativs who were involved in the review and endorsement of this book.On behalf of the ITMF global community I wish to thank the IPESC for their dedication,effort and commitment to participating in the review and endorsement of this book.I hope you find this book enjoyable,informative and a useful introduction to ITSM.
2008-07-08 周二 雷雨 英语单词
2008-07-08 08:53 897console hobble labourer corn co ... -
2008-06-30 周一 阴有雨 英语单词
2008-06-30 08:37 1024plank delay exert classify magi ... -
2008-06-28 周六 阴有雨 英语单词
2008-06-28 09:23 1003**abuse **associate **despise * ... -
2008-06-24 周二 阴 英语单词
2008-06-24 18:44 955**aristocrat **imprison **gaole ... -
2008-06-16 周一 晴 英语单词
2008-06-16 09:04 840emotionally considerable orderl ... -
2008-06-13 周五 雷阵雨 英语单词
2008-06-13 09:11 1184puma, faintly, gallery, exhibit ... -
20008-06-12 周四 晴 英语单词
2008-06-12 21:41 879忙,太忙了 suspension, agreeable, si ... -
2008-06-09 周一 多云转晴 英语单词
2008-06-09 18:41 1657端午过得不错,到北京北边转了一大圈,住了一晚上农家院. 京北大 ... -
2008-06-06 周五 晴 英语单词
2008-06-06 09:14 851genuinely costume storeroom pro ... -
2008-06-05 周四 晴 英语单词
2008-06-05 08:54 1033baggage unrealistic element opp ... -
2008-06-04 周三 晴
2008-06-04 08:25 911**faint **horror **hardened **o ... -
20080603 周二 阴有小雨 英语单词
2008-06-03 08:23 1675**squirrel **air-resistance **w ... -
2008-06-02 周一 晴 英语单词
2008-06-02 08:23 860**oven **monastery **rashly **e ... -
2008-05-30 周五 晴 英语单词
2008-05-30 08:47 903忙啊,但是还得抓紧学英语 smash smash-and-g ... -
2008-05-26 周一 晴 英语单词
2008-05-26 08:38 1228what sort of reports were recei ... -
2008-05-25 周日 晴 英语单词
2008-05-25 09:32 720spot **A place of relatively sm ... -
2008-05-21 09:08 850pardon sorry,but what is coul ... -
2008-05-21 08:50 1071转一篇学口语的文章,虽 ... -
2008-05-19 周一 阴 英语文章
2008-05-19 07:15 784BEIJING, China (CNN) -- China h ... -
2008-05-17 周六 阴有小雨 带状疱疹与臂丛神经痛
2008-05-17 21:18 820从上周一开始,我的左臂内侧就感到灼痛,我查了半天,判断是得了臂 ...
VLAN 10 使用 的子网,VLAN 20 使用 的子网,而 VLAN 30 使用 的子网。每个设备需要被分配到相应的 IP 地址段中。 2. **VLAN 划分**:接入层交换机 Switch2 的端口被...
第六周 : 2021-07-20 (周二) 19:00 ~ 预计第 7 周后的周二 学习规则 每周,所有指定的部分都一起学习,演讲者准备演讲材料。 演讲者组织并呈现相应部分内容中最重要的部分。 演示者按周将演示材料上传到此存储库...
【六年级下册英语单词竞赛题精选】 在小学六年级的英语学习中,掌握核心词汇是至关重要的。这些单词竞赛题目旨在帮助学生巩固并扩大他们的词汇量,涵盖多个主题,如自然、人物、职业、地理位置等。以下是部分题目...
原版第二版)102020-11-10 (周二)1.1, 1.2102020-11-12 (周四)2.6, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, Flex112020-11-17 (周二)3.6, 3.7 (1, 3, 4, 5)112020-11-19 (周四)3.8 (1, 2, 3), 3.9 (6, 7)122020-11-24 (周二)4.1 (1, 2), 4.2...
这篇文档是针对新人教版五年级英语上册的期中词汇复习资料,涵盖了Unit1到Unit3的关键单词和短语。下面将详细列举并解释这些单元中的重要词汇: Unit 1 的重点词汇: 1. 老的,年纪大的 - old 2. 年轻的 - young 3....
【组播基础知识】 组播是一种网络通信方式,允许一台设备(组播源)发送数据到多个接收设备(组播组成员)而无需为每个接收者单独发送数据包。这种技术在视频流、在线会议和多玩家游戏等场景中非常有用,因为它能...
延迟提交将在2019-05-07 周二下午 03:30:01 - 11:55:00 PM之间接受,这将导致延迟一天的标准罚款。 未按时提交完整的团队申请的团队的提交将不被接受进行评分。 只有在情有可原的情况下才会例外,例如家庭或医
【实验一:链路层网络层综合实验】 本实验主要涉及了网络设备的配置、接口管理、报文捕获及分析、VLAN的原理与应用。以下是对实验内容的详细解释: 1. **路由器接口识别**: 使用`display current-configuration`...
【组播基础知识】 组播是一种网络通信技术,允许一台设备向多个目的地同时发送数据,提高了数据传输效率,尤其适用于视频会议、在线直播等场景。组播IP地址范围是224.0.0.0到239.255.255.255,它们映射到特定的组播...
实验8的研究生1实验报告主要涉及网络协议和网络工具的应用,包括生成树协议(STP)、链路聚合、路由配置、访问控制列表(ACL)以及SNMP陷阱(Trap)报文的分析。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明: ...
本文主要探讨了IPv6协议中的几个关键概念和交互过程,涉及组播监听、路由器请求和通告、IPv6报头扩展以及邻居发现协议等多个方面。 首先,我们关注主机如何加入到组播组。主机通过地址自动配置获取多播组地址,然后...
* 星期的英语单词和音标,例如 Monday 周一[ˈmʌndi]、Tuesday 周二[ˈtu:zdɪ]、Wednesday 周三[ˈwɛdnzdi]等。 14. 幼儿英语月份名称(months) * 月份的英语单词和音标,例如 January 一月[dʒænju:əri]、...
2022/12/20/周二 14:08 276,107,494 LLVM-14.0.4-win64.exe 2022/12/20/周二 16:00 1,554,195 nsis-3.08-setup.exe 2022/12/20/周二 10:57 10,077,696 rustup-init.exe 2023/10/17/周二 13:19 8,296,448 sciter.dll ...
【网络管理实验】 网络管理是IT领域中的关键组成部分,它涉及到监控、配置和维护网络设备以确保网络的高效运行。这个实验主要关注SNMP(简单网络管理协议),一种广泛用于管理网络设备的标准协议。...