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Simple XML介绍(以面向对象的方式解析和持久化XML,类似ORM)




Simple framework with powerful capabilities

The framework used to provide XML serialization is simple to use and revolves around several annotations an a single persister object used to read and write objects to and from XML.

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    Can handle cycles in the object graph

The persistence engine can handle cycles in the object graph, which enables complex objects with recursive references to be serialized. This ensures that the deserialization process can recover all object references.

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    It requires absolutely no configuration

Unlike many of the XML frameworks for Java there are no mappings or configuration required to serialize objects regardless of its complexity. The XML schema is represented using field annotations.

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    Extremely rapid development with XML

Developing XML configuration and communication systems can be done much quicker than through the use of XML frameworks such as DOM, SAX, and even other frameworks such as Digester and XStream.

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    Converts to and from human editable XML

A primary goal for the framework is that the XML data used to deserialize a serialize objects is human readable. All XML elements and attributes take a simple structure that can be easily created with a text editor.

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    Contains an XML templating system

As part of the deserialization process template markers within the XML elements and attributes can be replaced with variables. This allows the system to be easily adapted for use as a configuration system with dynamic value substitution.



I tried this framework and it's awesome on Android.

BTW your API is ten times better than the serialization framework in .NET and probably one of the best designed frameworks I’ve seen.

Just thought I should mention, my team is using Simple to deserialize our Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s configuration. ARISE AUV Team Captain.

I think Simple framework was an excelent idea. For some years now I have been trying to find such an easy way to work with XML in Java, and finally, here it is.

I just wanted to say thanks to the Simple team, you guys have done an awsome job with Simple, its very intuitive and very powerfull, the combination of which has saved me massive amounts of time on this project!

Simple is a great product. I’d been working with Java bean serialization and the XML it generates sucks really hard!! Not to mention needing to expose all kinds of private state with getter/setter pairs. Keep up the good work. Our dev team really appreciates your efforts.

Wonderful project you have got there.

I really like the annotation approach to doing this as it's quick and easy to understand. The tutorial was also excellent as I could actually start coding in <5 minutes, bit of a novelty after spending an hour poring over JAXB APIs.

Nice work! Simple has greatly helped my projects both at work and at home!

I just found Simple today. Excellent work on the project. Nice, simple, small. I usually work in C#, so Simple's syntax is very comfortable to me compared to .NET's attribute driven mark-up.

I've been looking for a fast lightweight java xml serializer for a few days, just came across Simple, it looks great. I especially like the compact xml it can produce, since I'm going to be using it for string message passing across a network.

First let me say that simple looks great - it's refreshing to find a java serialization tool that works without 5 megs of dependencies!

I discovered Simple XML and I think it's great. I like the concept of source-first much better than JAXB's schema-first.

First of all thanks ... it's so simple! so simple that when I hit something, I can't help myself from thinking I've misread the doc.

I love to use the Simple XML Framework, it makes things so much easier for me.

I found your Simple XML serialization framework. It's a great software. It saved me a lot of work.

I found SimpleXML library just recently and it is great. Saved me a lot of time.

I found your Simple XML serialization framework and it is great piece of software.




    XML文档结构清晰,易于解析,并且平台无关,因此在Java应用中广泛用于数据持久化和交换。 在Java中,我们可以使用DOM(Document Object Model)、SAX(Simple API for XML)或StAX(Streaming API for XML)等解析...

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    JPA(Java Persistence API)和Hibernate是常见的实体Bean管理框架,提供ORM(Object-Relational Mapping)功能,使得开发者可以以面向对象的方式操作数据库。 3. **动态Bean(Dynamic Bean)**: 动态Bean是指在...


    JPA是Java平台上的一个标准,用于管理关系数据库中的对象持久化。它提供了一种抽象层,使得开发者可以使用面向对象的方式来处理数据库操作,而无需直接编写SQL语句,实现了ORM(Object-Relational Mapping)。 7. ...


    4. 数据持久化:通过Java Persistence API (JPA) 或 Hibernate 等ORM框架,可以直接将对象序列化为XML,实现对象与数据库之间的映射。 三、XML在网络通信中的应用 1. Web服务:XML是构建Web服务(如RESTful API和...

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    通过Xerces提供的强大解析功能,Hibernate能够高效地读取和解析XML配置,实现对象的持久化。 标签中的"xerces hibernate SAXXML"暗示了这些技术之间的联系。Xerces作为Java平台上优秀的XML解析库,不仅在SAX解析...




    6. **Hibernate ORM**:虽然标题和描述中没有直接提及Hibernate,但标签中出现意味着Xerces的XML解析能力可能在配置Hibernate应用时有所涉及,例如解析Hibernate的XML配置文件或持久化映射文件(hbm.xml)。...


    Hibernate在处理持久化对象时,可能会涉及到XML配置文件的解析,这时Xerces-J就可能作为底层的XML解析工具来使用。 总结起来,Xerces-J-src.2.0.0.alpha.zip是深入学习XML解析和Xerces实现的宝贵资源。通过研究这个...


    通过结合Xerces-J,Hibernate可以处理XML配置文件,如持久化映射文件(hbm.xml),实现对象与数据库表之间的映射。 总结来说,Xerces-J-tools.1.3.0.zip是一个包含早期Xerces-J版本的压缩包,其核心是SAX解析器,...


    在处理XML文档时,解析器扮演了至关重要的角色,而Xerces-J正是Java平台上的一个开源XML解析器,它提供了SAX(Simple API for XML)和DOM(Document Object Model)两种解析方式。本文将重点介绍Xerces-J的2.6.2版本...

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