
第四章 连接到ActiveMQ


Connecting to ActiveMQ

第四章 连接到ActiveMQ


The main role of a JMS broker such as ActiveMQ is to provide a communication

infrastructure for client applications. For that reason, ActiveMQ provides connectors,

a connectivity mechanism that provides client-to-broker communications (using

transport connectors) as well as broker-to-broker communications (using network

connectors). ActiveMQ allows client applications to connect using a variety of protocols,

but also allows other brokers to create communication channels and to

build complex networks of ActiveMQ brokers.


JMS代理(如ActiveMQ broker)的主要作用是为客户端程序提供一种通信机制.为此,ActiveMQ提供一种连接机制,

这种连接机制使用传输连接器(transport connector)实现客户端与代理(client-to-broker)之间的通信;

使用网络连接器(network connector)实现代理与代理之间的通信.


We start this chapter by explaining connector URIs, which are used to address the

broker. After that, we’ll dig into transport connectors and explain what protocols clients

can use to connect to the ActiveMQ broker.


本章中,我们从解析用于定位代理(broker)的连接器的URI入手,然后深入介绍传输连接器(transport connector)



NOTE We use the terms connector and protocol interchangeably. Protocols

are general-purpose concepts and connectors are ActiveMQ-specific mechanisms,

but every ActiveMQ connector, as you’ll see, implements a specific

protocol and is named after it. It should be clear from the context whether

we’re talking about a protocol in general or a specific ActiveMQ connector.







This chapter covers

? A description and demonstration of ActiveMQ connector URIs

? How to connect your clients to ActiveMQ using transport


? How to create a cluster of ActiveMQ message brokers using




(1) ActiveMQ 连接器(connector)的URI介绍和解析

(2) 客户端如何使用传输连接器(ActiveMQ connector)连接到ActiveMQ

(3) 如何创建ActiveMQ 消息代理(broker)集群


We’ll first explain how to configure transport connectors and demonstrate it by adapting

the stock portfolio example for use over different connectors, so we can demonstrate

them later on. Then we’ll be ready to move on to specific connectors. The

various transport connectors that allow you to connect to ActiveMQ will be discussed

including TCP, SSL, and HTTP. Next, embedded brokers using the VM protocol will be



首先,我们将修改stock portfolio实例的代码,采用不同的连接器以便说明如何配置

传输连接器(transport connector),稍后会详解各种传输连接器(transport connector).


TCP连接器, SSL连接器, 和HTTP连接器.

接下来,我们还将讨论使用VM协议的嵌入式代理(embedded broker).


Finally some basic concepts of ActiveMQ clustering using network connectors will be

covered. We’ll demonstrate how you can create static networks of brokers using the

static protocol and how clients can reliably connect to the network of brokers using

the failover protocol. Dynamic networks using such protocols as multicast and discovery

will also be covered. This section will only introduce basic concepts and protocols

used for networks of brokers, whereas more information on them can be found in

chapter 10.


最后,本章还将讨论使用网络连接器(network connector)配置ActiveMQ集群的一些基本概念.

我们将讨论如何使用静态协议创建静态代理网络(network of brokers),以及客户端如何使用

容错协议(failover protocol)可靠地连接到代理网络(network of brokers).本章也会讨论

使用多点传送的动态网络.这部分主要介绍代理网络(network of brokers)的一些基本概念,

更多代理网络(network of brokers)相关的信息将在第十章介绍.




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