Front-end and
back-end are terms used to characterize program interfaces and services relative to the initial user of these interfaces and services. (The "user" may be a human being or a program.) A "front-end" application is one that application users interact with directly. A "back-end" application or program serves indirectly in support of the front-end services, usually by being closer to the required resource or having the capability to communicate with the required resource. The back-end application may interact directly with the front-end or, perhaps more typically, is a program called from an intermediate program that mediates front-end and back-end activities.
For example, the Telephony Application Program Interface ( TAPI ) is sometimes referred to as a front-end interface for telephone services. A program's TAPI requests are mapped by Microsoft's TAPI Dynamic Link Library programs (an intermediate set of programs) to a "back-end" program or driver that makes the more detailed series of requests to the telephone hardware in the computer.
As another example, a front-end application might interface directly with users and forward requests to a remotely-located back-end program in another computer to get requested data or perform a requested service. Relative to the client/server computing model, a front-end is likely to be a client and a back-end to be a server.
Structures and Terms (结构与术语) - **FRONTEND (前端)** - 描述了 Joomla 网站的前端界面,即访客所见的部分。 - **BACKEND (后台)** - 解释了 Joomla 的后台管理界面,管理员可以在这里进行内容编辑和网站...
在电子和半导体行业中,了解各种专业术语至关重要。以下是一些基于提供的内容的详细解释: 1. **PIE (Process Integration Engineer)**: 工艺整合工程师是半导体制造中的关键角色,负责整合不同部门的技术和资源,...
SECS/GEM标准在半导体前道(Frontend)和后道(Backend)制造过程中都得到了广泛的应用,并扩展至表面贴装技术(Surface Mount Technology, SMT)、光伏(Photovoltaic)、高亮度LED(High-Brightness LEDs)、平板...
- Magento的元素和专业术语包括但不限于:前端(Frontend)、后台(Backend)、模块(Modules)、主题(Themes)、扩展(Extensions)和数据库(Database)。 2. **Magento入门** - Magento的系统需求包括服务器...
FEM(全称可能为Frontend/Backend Manager或类似的术语)路由器可能是自定义框架或库,它提供了结构化的方式来处理前端和后端的交互。 首先,我们要理解Node.js。Node.js是一个基于Chrome V8引擎的JavaScript运行...
13. **物联网 (Internet of Things, IoT)**:将日常物品与互联网连接,实现数据交换和自动化控制。 14. **区块链 (Blockchain)**:一种去中心化的、安全的分布式账本技术,常用于加密货币如比特币。 15. **编程...
25. **前端 (Frontend)**:用户与应用程序交互的部分,通常涉及HTML、CSS和JavaScript。 26. **后端 (Backend)**:处理逻辑和数据存储的部分,包括服务器、应用和数据库。 这些只是编程和使用英文编程软件时众多...
在IT行业中,"zenn-content"这一术语似乎与特定的项目或工具有关,但没有足够的信息来确定其确切含义。然而,我们可以从标题和描述中推测一些可能的知识点,并将其扩展到更广泛的IT领域。 标题"zenn-content"可能是...
26. **Frontend(前端)**:用户与之交互的部分,通常指的是网页的HTML、CSS和JavaScript。 27. **Backend(后端)**:处理服务器逻辑和数据库交互的部分,负责处理前端请求。 28. **Framework(框架)**:一套...
"标准职位中英互译"这份文档,就是这样一个宝贵的工具,它提供了丰富的行业术语和职位名称的对应翻译,对于从事人力资源、招聘或求职的人员来说,都是一份极具价值的参考资料。 首先,让我们关注一些常见的IT职位...