Exception in thread "main" com.ibatis.dao.client.DaoException: There is no DAO implementation found for class com.ccutsesms.mis.dao.impl.BDM in any context. If you've registered multiple implementations of this DAO, you must specify the Context ID for the DAO implementationyou're looking for using the getDao(Class iface, String contextId) method.
at com.ibatis.dao.engine.impl.StandardDaoManager.getDao(StandardDaoManager.java:64)
at com.ccutsesms.mis.service.BDMService.getBDM(BDMService.java:20)
at com.ccutsesms.mis.util.BDMTag.getTags(BDMTag.java:21)
at test.com.ccutsesms.mis.util.TestTags.main(TestTags.java:19)
DAO Interface:
DAO implement:
DAO configure file:
<transactionManager type="SQLMAP">
<property name="SqlMapConfigResource"
... ...
<dao interface="com.ccutsesms.mis.dao.IBDM"
... ...
DAO service:
public class BDMService {
static DaoManager daoManager = DaoConfig.getDaoManager();
public List<BDMDto> getBDM(String bdm_type) {
IBDM bdm = (IBDM) daoManager.getDao(BDM.class);
... ...
IBDM bdm = (IBDM) daoManager.getDao(BDM.class);
IBDM bdm = (IBDM) daoManager.getDao(IBDM.class);
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Convert string to numeric value of type _Tp and store results. NB: This is specialized for all required types, there is no generic definition.